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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Onysfx

    This Christmas

    On the 17th, I'll be submitting my present.
  2. A combination of form III and form V would be a very powerful form to use as a duelist. (not requesting it, just saying)
  3. http://www.thedailysheeple.com/the-tpp-for-dummies_122013 If this passes...then god help us all.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lamented



    3. Onysfx


      ^ Anakin, help me, HALP ME!

    4. Lamented


      The impression of the Internet will never return! YOU have LOST!

  4. @@MoonDog I'm not much of an RPer myself, I've only been to RP servers and well..."watched" them play ;(. But from what I've seen, they tend to not interact with lots of entities, but rather allow the diverse environment to take over and use their imaginations. Several different large diverse environments on the same map would be an RP heaven for them...
  5. You just inspired my Revian. We should make a poll on the JKHub news for a vote on the best RP map for JKA. Even if you're not an RPer, the maps certainly are cool! @@Circa @@therfiles @@AshuraDX Read above.
  6. They must. It's BELL, they constantly throttle me for no reason...and I rarely consume large amounts of bandwidth!
  7. Already tried some of the star gate ones, I lag like hell on them...plus my internet hasn't been the greatest today .
  8. Oh wow! Let me just read the list and see which ones I haven't tried... Oh, most of them are stargate maps...but thanks for mentioning RPG_wayland. If anyone here is a fan of Zelda games, or just really like a village that has tons of enter able houses, give this one a try.
  9. Is it possible to get the max entity limit in JKA up to 2000? And allow more than 255 entities to be seen at once on the screen?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Merek


      why must everything be more trouble than its worth?

    3. Onysfx


      It's not really, it would just mean every makermod player would have to download an updated client to play. And those who don't won't be able to join the server...

    4. Merek
  10. I agree, the chest plate doesn't look so good, but I'm totally looking forward to the shaders you're going to add on it xD. But dat face....wow....
  11. You have brought peace, and justice, to the republic with this map.
  12. When you can't hold it, the only solution is to pull up.

    1. Barricade24


      Or else you crash.

  13. @@Pande True, but 12 FPS isn't very playable, on this map I'll probably drop down to 7...
  14. My FPS in MBII drops to around 20 in firefights (on DOTF). My specs: ATI radeon x1200 AMD Turion x2 @1.90GHz I can tell I'm going to get a huge FPS drop on this map. People complain saying 30-40FPS is low in MBII...that annoys the crap out of me. I drop down to 12FPS consistently, and still play. Not to mention the constantly throttling of my internet speed by BELL down to 1KB/s during gameplay... Also, I would suggest making some of the doors swung open in the titanic (since you can't make them seperate entities in a sinking ship), ya know, so people can still enter some rooms, that would be cool .
  15. I feel like a whole page was just deleted in this thread...
  16. Onysfx

    This Christmas

    No point book marking it. In 10 years, the world will be ALOT different.
  17. Nice nice! Still needs more polish obviously, as he looks a little "too clean", (it could be just me though) AND THAT DETAIL ON THE FACE. WOW. This model understands the true meaning of UNLIMITED POWAH!!!! detail!
  18. I've got a problem here...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx



    3. Jango40




    4. Jango40



  19. WOW THIS LOOK AMAZING! Great job!
  20. I've been wanting this for awhile myself xD. Problem is, the turbolifts wouldn't work so well with JKA.... No floor select....although I do believe it is possible in some way...
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