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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Onysfx


    Bout time we finally had a minecraft map . 5/5
  2. Onysfx

    Yavin Dusk

    Reminds me of my first map. 10/10.
  3. What version of openGL is Palpatine? it's OpenGL 6.6
  4. Could you possibly upload more pics for the map? It looks familiar but I'm not sure if it's the one I'm thinking of...
  5. Amazing this level wasn't included in the original game.
  6. Glad you're still including a standard option, there is no way my computer could support Rend2.
  7. Nice for a first release, but still needs work.
  8. I'll list a few: -Moviebattles II (one of the best conversion mods there is) -Ingame Server List (very useful so you don't have to leave your current game to see the list of servers) -Jedi & Sith Customization (A well known customization pack for customizing your own jedi/sith. -Atlantica (one of the biggest and best maps to ever be made for JKA) More to come, busy for a few hours.
  9. Nice map, looks like a nice place to chill with friends.
  10. I myself would like to see some kind of humanoid avian race in star wars.
  11. Welcome to jkhub! Aaaah.... I also recommend Atlantica, it's a beautiful and unique map, perhaps earth could have a city just like it one day.
  12. I know this is a double post, but felt it was necessary for another post without editing my last one: You forgot: -Trandoshan -Weequay -Nute Gunrays species -Pau'an (the inquisitor from rebels) -Geonosins -Kaminoan -Gand (Zuckuss bounty hunter from ESB) -Palpatine (who deserves his own species) -Other which I'm too lazy to list.
  13. I love the rodians, been playing a jedi Rodian Playermodel. I don't like the look of greedo, but a rodian can look quite nice. Still, this is just what I said now out of instinct, to be honest I'm not sure what species I want to be. EDIT: I changed my vote to other, I need some more time to think about this... Voting for rodian for now .
  14. This would be cool. What about the warzone mod being made, it had improved ai. I don't see how this would be hard to make, just have the npcs/bots run towards the windows, break em, and enter and kill you.
  15. @@Asik Vaysel Although the JKA community has always been like this, after "The Force Awakens" and the Humble Bundle sale, a whole lot of new players came in. You just came at the wrong time (in my opinion).
  16. Sven Coop has finally been released on steam, free to play! (lags on my laptop a bit though :( )

    1. Ping


      Sven coop best coop

    2. Ramikad


      Played it a long time ago, the first version for Half-Life. That weird alien thingy in that rocky canyon map scared me!

    3. Bek


      All my friends seem to be playing it, I'm a bit left out the loop. I need to start playing it soon.

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