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Cloud Senatu

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  • Location
    Alabama, USA
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Gaming, Music, Singing, Martial Arts, Graphic Design, Web Design.
  • Modding Interests
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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Collaborator (3/10)

  1. I've gotta say.. the neck area could really use some work. Either make the neck less wide, or the neck area of the torso more wide, so that it looks natural as the clothes go around his neck. That's really my biggest complaint with this skin. Other than that it's not too bad. But yeah.. that is a pretty big issue, for me anyways.
  2. Always noticed this issue, and always saw it exploited because of the range it would grant. Really glad this is done! Now people can't exploit the saber hilts for their range..
  3. omg.. when are we going to see this released? This is looking absolutely amazing!
  4. Neither do I.. it's not loading. :/
  5. Just now saw this, and I must say.. this is the best Ahsoka saber I've seen to-date. Wonderfully done!
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