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Cloud Senatu

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Profile Information

  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Alabama, USA
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Gaming, Music, Singing, Martial Arts, Graphic Design, Web Design.
  • Modding Interests
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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About Me


Well, let's see what all I can add on this for all of you that want to know something about me.. I am currently an Insurance Agent for Liberty National, and that's probably the hardest job I've had when it comes to how I make my money. I've done a few years of Lawn Maintenance, and then just under a year of being the Cart Attendant at Target, so I know hard manual labor work better then most people my age.

Well, to begin with yes I am currently job-less, but that doesn't make me lazy! I've held mostly physical work and, with my bad leg, its finally gotten to the point I can hardly stand for more than thirty minutes without having some really harsh pain. I've had arthritis in my left ankle since I was about five years old, so that makes things hard for me at times, but I manage!

For any female that is viewing this page, yes I am with someone! Yes I do plan on being with her for the rest of my life. I already have plans set in motion to move up to Wisconsin and be with her. We are going to spend the rest of our lives in each others arms, so I don't want anyone coming around here thinking they can change the plans I have with my lovely Lufia. If that's why you're here...then kindly fuck off.

I went to ITT Technical Institute in 2009, graduating in 2011 with my Associates Degree in Visual Communications. I gratuated as Valedictorian, yet I still haven't been able to find myself a job in my field...go figure. Spend about 60K for my degree and I can't fricken use it. Oh well..

Over the past 8 months I've really stopped working with my graphic designing, just haven't had the initiative to make anything new, but I'm sure I'll get around to it again someday, just don't know when.

I'm a hard core Star Wars fan, if that hasn't already become obvious. I consider myself a true Jedi Knight within the Order, as I have been ordained as one within the Jedi Religion. I will stand by my beliefs in it very strongly, so don't try to shove your opinions on me and I won't force mine on you.

I'm also a very strong gamer, I love FPS and Strategy games. I have to say that currently my top games are

  • Modern Warfare 3 (Xbox)
  • Halo: Reach (Xbox)
  • Assassin's Creed (Xbox)
  • Jedi Academy (PC)
  • Fable (Xbox)

That's it for my all-time favorite games. I love a lot of other games, don't get me wrong! But I think it would take too long to try and tell you all about every single one, that just won't do...oh well.

Well, if there's anything else you possibly want to know about me simply leave a comment on my profile or send me a note, depending on what it is I'll answer it.

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