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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. the_raven

    Over The Bridge

    fun map, but it's missing something
  2. the_raven


    I like this map but it has holes in the floor
  3. the_raven


    I like this map, pretty nice for an epic-style RP stand or whatnot but something's missing...
  4. meh, it's too dark I think
  5. the_raven

    The Bath House

    no it's not, the site sometimes glitches
  6. I like this map, but some parts of it are over-sized
  7. R.I.P., Commandant Lassard :'( http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Models/Celebrities/121097/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bek


      It looks like he has his own wiki too lol http://banthapedia.wikia.com/wiki/Moff_Lassard

    3. the_raven


      What the sh*t?!? o_O

      The guy - Commandant Eric Lassard - is from the Police Academy movie series.

      The link I posted is off because there's a space between "Jedi" and "Academy".

    4. Bek


      Haha I know I was just joking. I've actually seen the show before.

  8. thanks a bill'! I just hope it's not infected with that same virus
  9. Nice map, has a Unreal Tournament feel to it (IMO at least). Rated 4 because it's a bit empty for my tastes.
  10. the_raven


    how come this has 1 star? o_O
  11. does anyone have the Falleen Female mod? I found this link, but it's dead
  12. so this is a pack of stuff for mappers?
  13. Honestly, I don't even know. Nowadays people complain whenever they see rigged content, say it's piracy or whatnot. Personally, I was making a joke because I'm fine with rigging. Anyway, how's progress, any updates?
  14. so...anyone up to making this dude? the whole post was kind of a hint
  15. maybe you guys should release both versions? you know, just for variety sake? looking forward either way!
  16. you sure he's no supposed to have flaps or something?
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