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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. um, the green/ olive skin is a bit um...revealing...
  2. the_raven

    Twilight Reborn

    still a better love stor-...oh right...
  3. really cool skin! and that smile - priceless! by the way, was anyone else kind of outraged that Chewie's bowcaster shot red bolts?
  4. nice! could you make a few more? namely the first sith inquisitor saber and the standard jedi saber? open console, type "helpusobi 1", type "saber (name of saber)"
  5. really nice! a little offtopic: the design doesn't look comfortable, doesn't it?
  6. I like this, but I'd change the blue stance to something less samurai'ee
  7. I like bot chats actually, it's entertaining too bad there's only like two lines to each, and they don't chat more often
  8. I actually like this design, but sadly, I can't model
  9. I'm probably not gonna get it, but at least I'll try... So, while the original blaster pistol stance is supposed to be 'classic', copying Han Solo's, I kinda think it's really crappy. Thing is, over the years, I only found like one mod to alter it, but it was both crappy, and (I think) unfinished. So, any takers?
  10. these are good, but I like the singlesaber version better. these are too polished somehow :\
  11. the 'classic' look is great! highly detailed! not sure what to make of the fourth image (the brown\ khaki jumpsuit) though
  12. Moldova, Republic of! speaking of Russia, it's considered a east-European country, despite the fact that its bigger part is in Asia
  13. very nice! a 5 stars indeed! I didn't understand where Fin got his outfit from though...wasn't he supposed to wear a body-glove under the armor? how come he was wearing cotton clothes and some kind of sneakers? :\
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