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Status Updates posted by McGroose

  1. I highly doubt it, but does anyone know where I can get the first Dark Forces mod demo for Jedi Outcast?

  2. I know I'm late to the party, but I finally got around to installing JKPlus. The game is a lot more stable and can handle much more than before.

  3. I love how I went from thinking that Kylo Ren's lightsaber design was the worst to thinking that he has the coolest lightsaber ever. Lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McGroose


      Nah, I doubt even my my favorite of the OT, A New Hope, could cure me. XD

    3. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      The Phantom Menace will cure you ! the staff of Darth Maul is the coolest saber ever (even you don't like the rest of the movie). I think that Kylo's saber can not beat Maul's staff when it's about to be cool.

    4. Bek


      I think Vader doesn't like it: http://imgur.com/gallery/KainxQZ

  4. I love the Stormtrooper armor in episode VII, but I think it's too good for the average Stormtrooper. I feel like it should be reserved for some kind of special class or elite ST.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sentra


      Apple hate again, jez.

    3. z3filus


      <- allergic to apple


    4. RebelChum


      Of course we can't be sure but it looks like Ep 7 is actually going to try and depict the stormies as an elite fighting force.

  5. I really do hope Snoke has some connection to Plagueis. It would connect the new trilogy to the ominous reference Palpatine made to Skywalker about his former master. In other words, the circle would now be complete...!

    1. NumberWan


      It would drastically minimize the significance of the OT events. Thus all that happened there wouldn't matter at all. So Snoke is most likely a very different person. I do believe, that he came to the Galaxy right after Episode VI and took over of what was left of the Empire, as this form of dictatorship served well his nature of a Force parasite.

  6. I really wish Battlefront had choosable hero skins, like Jango Fett for Boba, White Vader, different colors for aliens, etc.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. z3filus


      Who on earth would want to play as white Vader?? @_@

    3. McGroose
    4. z3filus


      Huh, I thought that was just some weird re-skin. Well I liked the battle worn Vader a lot, y'know? Torso and cape torn from places, dusty and bloody.




  7. I reinstalled JK2 again, but I can't find the config.cfg files for MP or SP anywhere. Anyone have any suggestions?

    1. Boothand


      If you mean jk2mpconfig.cfg etc, it gets generated when starting the game.

      Do not enter MP without JK2MV by the way. There's an attacker on the loose, doing serious stuff. But the latest Jk2mv version keeps you protected, if you were gonna play MP.

    2. McGroose


      attacker doing what?

    3. Boothand
  8. I still hope that, in the future, the Yuuzhan Vong and their war on the galaxy becomes canon again, or at least similar to what it once was in legends

    1. minilogoguy18


      Unlikely, SW is overseen by people who aren't fans of SW so the story will continue to suck.

    2. Teancum


      Nah, leave Star Trek villains in Star Trek :P

  9. I still think Harambe was the best meme ever created. But alas, all good things must soon come to an end... just like Harambe himself. D:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bek


      Tranquilize the sniper.

    3. Smoo


      @minilogoguy18 lol the gorilla was protecting it, wouldnt harm it

    4. minilogoguy18


      That's a wild animal, people tend to forget that, any wrong move can upset the animal and shit can go bad real fast.

  10. I think the coolest thing about JK3 Modeling is that I've seen so many custom models for this game ported for mods in other games, especially models by NeoMarz1 and Hapslash

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      Battlefront 2 (classic) is a clear example.

    2. Wasa


      I think the valve games are much better as an example

    3. minilogoguy18


      Valve HAD JA beat in moddability UNTIL the source code for JA was released. JA is much easier to mod. The drag and drop PK3 system is hard to beat as far as modularity of the game.

  11. I took the advice you guys gave me and made a topic about upgrading my PC. Thanks, everyone!

  12. I wish Battlefront had Leia's New Hope outfit for some maps. Her Hoth outfit is really dull.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McGroose


      While I assume we can all understand why that wasn't included (unfortunately) what excuse was there for no Tantive IV Leia?

    3. GPChannel


      Maybe someone will do a mod for it :)

      Love ea bf mods so much :D

      In my game Luke is Kyle,Han is in his rotj outfit,leia wears a brown badass jacket, and she has ponytail hair, krennic is thrawn, lando has a new outfit too,soo its much better now :D

    4. GPChannel


      Oh and boba is jango of course xd

  13. I wish you could minimize JK2 sometimes

    1. minilogoguy18


      There are many ways to do this since alt+tab doesn't work in Q3 games. A quick google search brings up some options.

    2. MagSul


      http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Outcast/Utilities/Miscellaneous Tools/19369/


      I remembered there being on one old JKFiles. Never tried it though! There're two others on Mr Wonko's site as well.

    3. Circa


      or if you are just playing MP, just use JK2MV

  14. I wouldn't mind getting into JKA's MP, but it just seems like there's so much more to adjust compared to JK2, what with all of the server mods and clientsides, maps and controls.

    1. Noodle


      It's much more populated though, so it seems like a good investment.

  15. I'm convinced Rogue One was based on Dark Forces. There are so many similarities... Maybe they just realized that making Dark Forces cannon would make the rest of the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games cannon by default and heavily modified the original idea. Maybe, Maybe not. Eitherway, I'm sure it'll be a good movie. :)

    1. Ping


      df1 or df2`?

    2. Numfast


      Original DF, ofcourse.

    3. Ping


      Original DF best DF

  16. I'm still surprised that Greedo got a spot in Battlefront. I would have preferred IG-88. I always thought he was just cannon fodder.

    1. Barricade24


      Battlefront really brought a lot of appreciation to the lesser characters like Nein Nunb and Dengar.

    2. Bek
  17. I'm surprised we haven't had an Admiral Thrawn skin that uses Hapslash's imperial model as a base.

    1. DrXann


      Well there's always the HS Dooku reskin which is on gamefront but that one doesn't include the the golden shoulder pads

  18. I've had this problem with JA for several years in SP. Whenever I have several mods installed, Rosh and some friendly NPC's will keep saying "stop that" as if I were attacking them, but I'm not. It can get a bit funny in certain cutscenes

  19. IDK if this is just a bug in the latest OpenJK build or a glitch I discovered in JK3. You know how Hazardtroopers will "slap" you away when you get to close? If you fight one, save your game and reload it, they will not punch you anymore. Kind of annoying, removes a lot of the challenge.

  20. In Mysteries of the Sith, was Kyle's lightsaber red, yellow or orange? I'm asking because whatever color it was in MOTS is the color I'll give his lightsaber in JK2, along with a modded MOTS Kyle skin.

    1. DrXann


      Orange after he claimed it when Yun was killed by Sariss.Later on he chnaged the color.

    2. Ramikad


      It's a bit of a mystery itself. Technically, Yun's lightsaber was yellow, though in MOTS his lightsaber seems to be orange.

    3. Daedra
  21. Is it not possible to replace default JK3 weapons with JKG weapon models?

    1. DT.


      The JKG weapons I've converted for Warzone had their flash tags rotated

    2. Stoiss


      and they work as they should, but i have not all the weapons for JKG, i only have does i like most from the mod :)

  22. Is it possible to rig a model to the Rockettrooper skeleton with fully working animations and jetpack? I'm having a lot of difficulty with this.

    1. Langerd


      What is your problem exactly?


      What program you use? I can help with blender.

    2. McGroose


      Yep I'm using blender.

      In trying to make the dark trooper phase 2 from the old dark forces mod build on jkhub onto the rocket trooper skeleton. Problem is that this skeleton is waaaaay to simplified and it barely resembles any other humanoid skeleton. I really dont know where too start

    3. Langerd


      You made characters in blender before?


      The idea is simple - You need to weight the character to the rockettrooper skeleton - bones to be more specific. Their names are different than basic _humanoid.gla

      Check in the modview how bones are called by opening rockettrooper. You can PM if you need more help!

  23. JK2MV 1.1 now has support for JK3 models. Pretty cool.

  24. JK2MV is amazing! There are so many useful features on here all compiled into one. Everyone who enjoys JK2 should check it out.

  25. Just bought the ps4 port of jk2, my 5th copy of my favorite game ever (got the original CD release, gamecube port, best of PC port, steam and now ps4. Looking forward to seeing how they did this port.

    1. McGroose


      All in all, port is pretty good. It is literally the PC version, menu and all, just missing some options. My biggest gripe is the FOV, it sucks. It's got 16:9 like the PC hack you can setup, which is great, but the FOV is still stuck at 75, so you can see so little of your model or character and it makes it annoying. Rolling is also assigned to the crouch button, I don't like that. Good overall tho, even has a cheat menu!

    2. LukeJM28


      JK2 on PS4 did dreams came true? xD

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