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Everything posted by Bek

  1. I've been rendering a animation for 14 hours straight now. New record!

    1. Daedra


      I've been rendering an animation too. I still haven't moved yet. :)

    2. Bek


      Haha In the time this has been rendering I've gone to school and have gone to sleep twice. I'm seriously worried that when I come back to my computer It's cpu will be burnt out. However I wouldn't be surprised at all though lol.

  2. It's hard to believe this thread was made back in 2013, things have almost gone full circle.
  3. I have to say thank you @@redsaurus, for all the hard work you put into improving this game. Sometimes I still question why I still mod this game, but the work you deliver reminds me as to what you can achieve when you do mod it.
  4. Pretty crazy video to go along with the song.
  5. Are we doing the Secret Santa thing this year, or are we waiting until Jkhub has reached it's full donation goal?

    1. MagSul


      I was wondering about Secret Santa and things, too!

  6. Just saw this a little while ago, it was super well done!
  7. What's the future of Jkhub?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Syko


      Actually by that point nuclear war may destroy everything. I believe that at some point total nuclear war is inevitable. In that case all Jedi Academy disks will be long destroyed, the game will cease to exist and JKHub by extension.

    3. Bek


      Looks like Syko has been hanging out with the devs from Fallout too much lol.

      @Merek I hope so lol.

    4. Ping


      Agreed, Fallout strains detected in his thought processes.

  8. Leftovers. Leftovers for weeks.

  9. Bek


    Hey, dude. What kind of game are you planning on making in your game studio venture?
  10. Why doesn't Jkhub implement a live chat system?

    1. Wasa


      Because it's a forum killer.

    2. Syko


      Pretty sure Circa made a long post about how this wouldn't be a good idea.

    3. Bek


      Ah ok, and the explanation he gave made sense too.

  11. I don't like high school.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Psyk0Sith


      Exactly and i didn't even mention the holidays and random days off! Best job ever.

    3. Syko


      Also, in all seriousness, college is a lot better. Just hang in there.

    4. Bek


      (late response because of lack of internet), Thanks guys, for at least putting into perspective. Though as Syko said college seems to be the time when everything is going to get better. I hope.

  12. This is already being worked on, I forget who worked on it though.
  13. What do you need mapped? I mostly use Blender, I'm not sure that program would work.
  14. Bek

    Donation Time!

    Theoretically, someone proficient in live-streaming could raise money for the site. Just a suggestion.
  15. I'm scared for this mod. Edit: If needed, I have no problem modeling things for this mod.
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