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Everything posted by Circa

  1. @@NAB622 any plans on getting https on your end? I'd prefer to use https on my site but since you don't have it on yours, the tracker won't show up on mine.
  2. You could just set the wait to 99999 or some other high number. Not the best solution but it should work.
  3. Yeah, but this is fan-made project. Much more impressive when you watch it with that in mind.
  4. Credit to @@GPChannel for finding and sharing this as a status update, but I figured it deserves to have it's own thread. This guy raptor5120 is doing some incredible work in Blender (which many of us are familiar with). Check out episode 1 of his Lego Jedi Outcast series! Really impressive work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_-XEY6m4qs
  5. Looks cool. Not really something I'd ever really use, to be honest. But I'm sure other people like tracking that stuff.
  6. Oh. My mistake. Its a third party tool. But still. The article I linked covers the topic of what the devs think of mods in their game.
  7. This is kind of an important topic around here, especially when SWBF launched. There was no hope for the game to be moddable, which would have been quite appealing to many people around here. Looks like it's officially moddable: http://www.swgameoutpost.com/2017/07/02/jango-fett-501st-battlefront-mods/ Anyone going to go take a stab at it?
  8. Circa


    Your npc file isn't in the right folder, so that's not going to work, fyi.
  9. That's awesome. Didn't realize they were doing an alpha testing period. Probably for the best. More testing the better.
  10. Why not just fix the shader error for the one you're referring to? This is probably the best one we have so far: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2977-kylo-ren-tfa-amp-tlj/
  11. There was exactly what you're describing, a mobile app called Star Wars: Uprising. It was an RPG with an aerial view and everything. It actually wasn't bad at all either, for a mobile game. It would have done well on desktop, but I don't think they ever brought it to desktop.
  12. I could have sworn that was on jk3files... Huh. Here it is: https://circa.im/files/jka/asteroids.zip
  13. The body was made by Raven Software. Cape made by Toshi.
  14. Welcome. You may as well help out with the KOTF 2.1 project, since yours sounds pretty much the same.
  15. Somewhere it was stated that Moraband is the modern era name for Korriban. The name Korriban is still canon, or rather, all but canon. Korriban is the name from the KOTOR/SWTOR era, thousands of years before the films, and Moraband is the current name, most likely due to the Republic having peace in the galaxy for thousands of years leading up to the movies. I'm sure it was renamed when it became part of the Republic. (all this is speculation on my part, but makes a lot of sense) The people that made those Hammerhead ships for Rebels and Rogue One fully admitted they took the design from KOTOR. They didn't reveal that it was part of the history of the ship design, but as an art direction they definitely took it from the game. Which is definitely good, that means people at Lucasfilm know KOTOR and know it has great stuff they could be using in the official canon. A couple things to keep in mind, even though I would *love* to see KOTOR I & II be part of official canon, these are important: Nothing in the current Star Wars Franchise is even coming close to touching the timeline of the KOTOR games, so not getting the immediate canon stamp is understandable.They probably won't just stamp the whole games as canon. They've been picking some of the things from Legends that are both relevant to their current stories they are telling and also not incredibly bad story pieces. Not so much the KOTOR games, but think about how much ridiculous crap is in the SWTOR stories. I personally prefer them to pick and choose what they want to be canon rather than just say it's all good.Anything in the KOTOR era of Legends *could* be possible, because its so far away from anything that is official canon. So that definitely increases the chance of things becoming canon further down the road, but not all at once or in the near future, for reasons explained in the above 2 points.
  16. Your link didn't work when I posted that. Otherwise, yes, that would have been really nice. My post was directed at you or anyone else that could do what you did.
  17. The artists won't see it that way. I'm sure you're stuck though, because copyrights are in place for a reason. Tell the artists you want their songs on YouTube or Spotify. Then you can legally make a public playlist you can share.
  18. Why are you uploading other people's music? Wait so let me confirm this. You are wanting to upload songs to Youtube that aren't yours just so you can listen to a playlist? Why not just download them and use a media player?
  19. I can put together stuff for you guys and even put together a small and simple website to show some cool stuff you've done and hope to do. That alone will set you aside as at least being a legit development team that cares to share their progress. Nobody will know about this if you don't show them or at least tell them you're doing stuff. I just need the stuff in order to do that. Not really sure where to start since I don't know what you guys deem ready to be public and what isn't. Also, just want to point out that ModDB is always going to have more traffic than JKHub because it covers a ton of other popular games in addition to JKA and JK2. That fact alone is the reason they will have millions of more people visiting it. More on your point though, definitely worth setting up a page there for this, though not sure how the JKA section is doing these days over there. I was never a fan of ModDB but I know a lot of people are/were.
  20. Whats wrong with YouTube or Soundcloud?
  21. Weird. Not really sure. You may want to copy and paste this thread onto the official MB2 forum: http://moviebattles.org
  22. They gave him a tailbone. xD Would look cooler without the bones, tbh.
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