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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Small chance of getting sued, sure. Chance of getting a C&D is almost guaranteed.
  2. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Jedi Knight Discussion forum. This is something that is brought up on this forum monthly. Search around. I personally am getting a bit tired of seeing it brought up over and over but there's nothing I can do about that. Yes, everyone here wants a new JK game or remaster. No, nothing has been successfully done yet. Yes, there are projects in the works in this modding community doing really great things. Check out OpenJK/Rend2 and the Warzone project. Some good stuff will be coming from the DR2 mod team as well. No, making a new Star Wars game without permission from Lucasfilm or Disney is not possible (even though many groups think it is, they will get a C&D eventually)
  3. If you insist on uploading it, I'm going to go ahead and edit everything on that file page, and will be switching the author to @@katanamaru.
  4. So hosting it over LAN still doesn't work? And you forwarded port 29070?
  5. Could just be your ISP blocking the port on their end.
  6. Revenge of the Sith, by far. Back when the movie came out in 2005, I wasn't really into much music at the time, but I was obsessed with Star Wars, and that soundtrack was in my portable CD player 24/7. I carried that CD like it was my own child. The prequels in general had the better soundtracks. My next 2 favorites would be AOTC and TPM. The original films had good ones, but definitely not as good. They improved as the films went on I think, though TFA's soundtrack isn't quite as good as the prequels, I like it more than the originals. And yes, KOTOR2 has my favorite video game soundtrack, definitely. So great.
  7. Try Xycaleth's updated version: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3051-%7B%3F%7D/
  8. Like we've posted multiple times in this thread now, use this instead: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files
  9. Very cool idea. Will be great for video making and solo RP stuff.
  10. Could just create little scripts that play the animation, which could be bound to a key to run.
  11. Its not something you can just add to the .skin file, you have to re-pose the model onto the JKA skeleton to work 100% properly. It's a lot easier to do that nowadays with Blender. But also, any JK2 model works mostly fine in JKA. Only thing you may need to fix is the .surf files, if they have any. Maybe that's what you're thinking of? .surf files are needed in JK2 to turn off model parts, but in JKA those parts are turned off in the .skin files themselves. So to ensure the model works properly, you have to take the things turned off in the .surf and turn the off in the .skin files instead. If its JKA models to JK2, same as my first statement: they need to be re-posed the JK2 skeleton. And like Smoo said, the JK2MV project allows JKA models to work properly in JK2 MP.
  12. No, that's a thing JA+ does, because there are a lot of models/skins that do not show in the menu due to not having an icon. This is because they weren't meant to be chosen in MP, however they are still usable. JA+ removes the icon restriction, and for those models/skins that do not have icons, it shows that icon for them. Not sure why that symbol was chosen for it, since it means "do not" - they should have used a question mark or just a blank icon.
  13. I don't see a bug. Looks normal.
  14. Could someone get a recent Windows build out manually? The bot is still broken. Even though there hasn't been much since the last build, I feel like 10 months is quite a long time to go without updating.
  15. I agree its weird to see Clones vs Droids on Theed instead of Naboo security. I really wish and hope they do it that way for release but I highly doubt it at this point. The free DLC bit is good, because that means they will be able to keep adding heroes from the prequels, since there are so many. I'm sure they will have a few at launch and continue to add more throughout the year. Think about how many heroes there could be from the prequels alone. All the main Jedi characters, background Jedi characters, Dooku, Grievous, Sidious, Padme, Jango. Maybe even some Rogue One characters. Probably can't do too many, or it would feel oversaturated with that mean heroes, buuuut I still think it would be awesome.
  16. Try running as admin and set compatibility to Windows XP SP3.
  17. Yep, they showed a tiny clip: https://www.instagram.com/p/BVHqar8BIbs/
  18. I'm sure a reskin of an existing model would work. Post some screenshots to help sell your idea to potential modders.
  19. How did CS come up? xD Going back to SW, did anyone play that Yoda game in the 90's? Yoda Stories. It was...interesting. Check out this link: http://kotaku.com/5841946/this-star-wars-game-was-so-bad-they-should-have-made-more-of-them I remember trying it out but it was a couple years after it came out.
  20. Strange. If you didn't do anything to your base folder, not sure what the issue could be. Did you spell it right?
  21. Post the pk3 and we can take a look. Probably something really simple to fix.
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