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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Circa

    New Hazardtroopers

    Looks cool, but taking a look at your PK3, the models folder is empty, the real one is named models-1. Won't work that way.
  2. @@NAB622 not sure if this is a temporary thing or what, but the tracker currently is not working in Firefox. All other browsers are fine though.
  3. Right but on Mac it would be: ~/Library/Appilcation Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy
  4. I'd be up for that if you guys think you are ready for it.
  5. Yes, the only thing that is different is the actual directory of the base folder. After that it's the exact same.
  6. Indeed, it is possible. I do it on my Mac perfectly fine.
  7. Aren't the videos posted here from someone on this team? https://jkhub.org/topic/9589-any-possibility-ja-can-look-like-a-modern-game/
  8. It's just a feature of the mod. Are you requesting help with implementing this feature in your own mod or what? You posted in General Discussion, not Coding or requests.
  9. Yes? The JKJALaunch app is for all versions. Not sure where you got the 1.3 number from, that's not even an existing OSX version. Where did you purchase your game? Steam or the Mac App Store?
  10. Maybe upload your map file for one of us to take a look at? Not really sure what's going on here.
  11. BSP -meta will not compile any lighting at all. It will be bright because it has no light info at all. If it's dark when you use a different compile option, then you probably didn't implement lights correctly. That means it's compiling the lighting but there aren't any to compile. I always use this one:
  12. You either aren't placing the lights properly or not using the right compile option. Use this as a guide to placing lights properly: https://jkhub.org/mapping/richdiesal/GeneralConcepts101_Lesson_6_Lighting_files/gc101lsn6.htm
  13. Search in our tutorial section for tutorials. And welcome.
  14. Cool, went ahead and used yours. And I'm fine with the link on the logo, makes sense to me.
  15. I wasn't aware of any reply to our email to you, and since this is the first response we get since March, it definitely could be classified as disappearing. No offense meant of course, just seemed odd. Also, answering questions about the game code isn't especially sound proof, because there are tons of people out there that know these game's code inside and out, maybe even more-so than a developer that created it, because you created it so long ago. And don't get me wrong, I don't think you'd be an imposter because I think that would be a very silly and pointless thing for someone to do. However, the JKA community has a track record of doing silly and pointless things to spite others in the community, especially JKHub. We have to be sure when approaching things like this.
  16. It's a shame that he never confirmed his identity to us, otherwise we would have had a nice interview. He disappeared from here right when we had asked him.
  17. Its possible, has been done, but there's only so much you can do without a code modification to unlock the restriction of the torso/lower sections of the animation. Right now it forces you to use the lower half of the STAND1 animation for nearly all of the other animations like that. So most of them end up looking even more derpy than they did before. I recommend trying out the Clone Wars Stances mod, they have some good gun animations. https://jkhub.org/files/file/753-clone-wars-stances-and-effects-mod/
  18. You may as well just remove grip from all of the NPCs if you don't want them to use it.
  19. Circa


    Oh nice. We know good ol' @@RAILBACK. He still visits often.
  20. Circa


    Welcome to JKHub! Do you mean your dad was a developer at Raven or that he did some modding work?
  21. Circa

    Reborn Pack

    Fixed. That was my bad.
  22. [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:193]
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