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Everything posted by Circa

  1. REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME YOU SNUCK INTO ONE OF MY LOBBIES?? And you thought I wouldn't notice...
  3. What have you done @@ChalklYne
  4. Welcome. Make sure to take a look at our tutorial section.
  5. I just wanted to post these to show a better look at this thing, because I feel it deserves a better look.
  6. Play JKA on lowest settings and you're halfway there.
  7. You probably need to install this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 It's linked to that on the GTK download page.
  8. RGB = Red Green Blue The higher the first number is, the more red it will contain, 2nd number will be how much green, etc. I'm not sure how the EFX file works, but I'm fairly certain the first 3 decimel numbers correspond with those colors. Not sure what the other numbers are. Been awhile since I've messed with that. @@JAWSFreelao you could also try to find a mod or file in the game that has a similar color you want. For example, the E-11 effects are red already. The bowcaster effects are green. For blue you could look at @@AshuraDX's clone blaster. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2893-ashuras-dc-15s-blaster-carbine/
  9. Did you change the RGB value of the effect in the .efx files?
  10. Oh I think I misunderstood your question. Sorry. You want the feature of JA+ that simply makes other players disappear when you are dueling someone, correct?
  11. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3243-%7B%3F%7D/ That is my main complaint with basejka as well, so I added it.
  12. Open up Modview and search for it yourself. That’s what anyone that would help you is gonna do anyway. Make sure you don’t have Shift also bound to autorun toggle. Also, don’t expect immediate answers on a forum. It was 3am here in the US when you posted this. Give people time to see your post before begging in a double post.
  13. Outlast is free on Humble Bundle right now. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/outlast-deluxe
  14. Why not just make it the proper size of 128x128 px? You are never going to see it larger than that, afaik
  15. The parts for my new PC build came in. Time to learn how to build a PC. :D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Circa
    3. AshuraDX



      Allthough you might want to invest in new HDDs depending on how old they are.

      here's what I run currently https://i.imgur.com/ia85uNP.png I use the exact same Memory config you use - but speccy does not recognise it properly.


    4. Circa


      Nice. The HDDs aren't too old, probably 4-5 years old. Only things I'm putting on them are games from Steam, nothing important. If they crash I can get new ones and reinstall no problem. The OS is installed on the new SSD so that one should be good.

  16. I mean, you made a public thread about it. I'm sure that means you were wanting people to know about the situation. It's understandable, not a bad thing at all. He replied and said he will fix it.
  17. I can try messaging him on Twitter to see if he can fix the typo at least.
  18. He never once claims ownership of the mod, and in fact says "major props to the author of this mod," etc. He puts a link to the mod in the description. I mean, he could have put your name in the description or the video itself, but other than that, he gives you a free promotional video for your mod basically. He doesn't show all the gameplay, just hits the highlights of his own playthrough, so not everything is spoiled. If it were my mod, I'd be grateful for what he did, personally.
  19. Ask him to add your name. There's nothing we can really do about it.
  20. You put the pk3 in your base folder, right? You could also try added a few zzzzz's to the beginning of the file name so it would be zzzzzzIngameBlaBLabLa.pk3
  21. Circa

    Bug in JA++?

    .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to JA++ forum. @@Davidino
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