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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Had no internet or cell service for 24 hours. I finally have cell service.

    1. Akimoto


      What is this "no internet" you speak of?

    2. Circa


      Exactly. Haha

    3. katanamaru


      Welcome to my after work and weekends.

  2. Thanks man. The next version has been in works since the first. Off and on. Hopefully I can reach a good point to show off some more features.
  3. Nice. If you would like to be a part of the JKHub bar network, let me know.
  4. Can someone else verify that the one in the link stops working (like mini said)? If not, I will have to take that link down. Sorry. Don't want to risk anything.
  5. Somewhat cleaned. For the second time. Keep it together guys.
  6. Whoa. That's sweet. I wonder how long it will take for Google to pull it. Although they are a lot more lenient than Apple with stuff like that so maybe they won't do anything. Especially since it doesn't include the game. That's pretty dang cool though. It's exactly how I envisioned it on a touch device.
  7. That's extremely disturbing... Anyway, the nose looks a little too big (wide) now that I take a second look.
  8. Are you using the .bat that came with it? You said you used the map command.
  9. It comes with everything necessary to run it. You don't need to already have OpenJK. Right @@DT85? I could be wrong. I haven't tried it yet.
  10. While I was restoring RichDiesal's Mapping University website and getting it hosted here on JKHub, I got a bit carried away and made a whole page with useful links and tutorials on mapping and level design. http://mapping.jkhub.org Thanks to all who gave me links and ideas. I'm not even a mapper, but I felt this page could be beneficial since we've had a lot of new mappers around here lately. Enjoy and let me know if I should add anything else! Note: It's also in the Resources section of the JKHub Bar.
  11. Alright, I got it all set up. I also may have gotten a little carried away with it as well. You can find it here: http://mapping.jkhub.org
  12. Couldn't have said it better myself. That whole "feeling it" concept is so true. I'm in that slump right now.
  13. Alright, you guys have convinced me. I'll get it uploaded soon.
  14. That was the goal. It's subtle enough that I wasn't going to release it but I might just for kicks.
  15. Hey there! There have been a couple RP communities that have stopped in to advertise. Check out the Communities section. The top 2 are exactly that actually.
  16. As in Wacom or similar? Photoshop. I don't know of any others. I guess this post is completely useless...sorry.
  17. It's looking really good man. The eyes still look odd. Like he's staring into my soul. They could be too sunken in still too, judging by the side shot, but I'm not sure. The main issue now is that the face is sticking out too far. It looks stretched. Should be more like this: Backup this version though! It's probably the best so far.
  18. Really? Hmm. I tried getting the most average tone from all the references. I could brighten it though.
  19. Well I wasn't really planning on posting this to get feedback because I don't really care about it that much. I started it about 2 months ago out of boredom. I'm not a fan of the model itself, but I especially wasn't a fan of the original skin. I decided to touch it up a bit. I might release it but I guess if I do, I should get some decent feedback first. Thoughts? This is the original. These are some of the references I used.
  20. As you have noticed, the site was down today. There's still some issues being worked out. Sorry about that.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx


      I told you it would come to this!

    3. Futuza


      Looks like jkgalaxies site went down with it. Still hasn't come back up.

    4. Onysfx


      ^ The jedi failed to take Coruscant, so now they're trying to take ovah Tatooine!

  21. Meh. Maybe, but most file hosting services have something similar. It's actually not a big deal because it's extremely rare to reach that amount. We suspect foul play of some sort.
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