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Everything posted by Circa

  1. You quoted the wrong person there. And yes, calming down would be a great thing here. For both of you.
  2. For good reason. My thread. I have the powah to clean it. What did you have in mind? You could download the original model and textures to show if you like.
  3. What's ironic is there already is a @@Mysterious Stranger here.
  4. You guys should just work together on one Starkiller model.
  5. How are the White Elephant gifts coming?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Barricade24


      Mine needs a bit more work. Nothing too major though.

    3. Omicron


      Well, I just need to fix a shader, do some testing, then add some extra skins which I won't be releasing in the final version :P

    4. Futuza


      Re-learning GTK Radiant is hard!

  6. Yeah the ears are too small now.
  7. Very nice! Good to see some new material around here.
  8. That would be sick. But not likely to be made.
  9. Cool thanks guys. I'll keep some of these in mind. Who knows, maybe I'll go with yours Caelum, since I would be supporting you as well.
  10. I used that one for a good while. It's awesome. I made my own that had the Death Star behind the Statue of Liberty. I can't find it though.
  11. Glad to see something original. Hard to come by these days.
  12. His startup is geared towards Euro residents I believe. I considered it but I need something a bit cheaper.
  13. Currently, I use Weebly for my personal website, which hosts the site itself. I've been wanting to switch to WordPress.org for awhile now for more customization and freedom and I think I will soon. I've been looking around for a good hosting company though. JKHub uses PheonixVPS which is pretty good, but a bit more than what I need and the price shows. WP suggests BlueHost, but does anyone have any better ones that they know of? I want the cheapest one, but still has all the bells and whistles. I would also like one that bills me every year instead of every month, but I see that's hard to come by.
  14. Interesting idea. The mandalorian logo doesn't look straight. I think the center red shape would look better twice as big, but that might just be me. It looks like theres a black duplicate behind the top red triangle that's peaking out on the right side of it. Not sure if that was intentional or not. Overall, cool design.
  15. Yeah, use the Jedi model with the "j2" variant. The one that doesn't really look like a real person. Someone should also reskin that model to look better.
  16. He looks pretty evil to me. A younger version with a shaved head.
  17. @@ChalklYne deserves the "Great Sport" award. And the "Most Improved" award. And the "Perseverance" award.
  18. Then you might as well reskin any other model from the game almost. Most of them have that very same body.
  19. @@Syko, do you have Steam or Xfire? There's no need to keep making accounts. I can ban you from logging in and you can ask me when you want access temporarily instead. Just add me on those if you have them or email me at circa@@JKHub.org and tell me you want to login. I will merge this account with your original one soon as well. And yes, I can pin the topic as well.
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