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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Yep, that's what it's been like for most people. Good to hear you'll be getting some time soon.
  2. I posted a status, but I guess I'll have to explain further. Everyone is getting that error because we reached our daily limit for downloads. The limit is 200 GB. We're still working to figure out what caused it exactly, but for now, we just have to wait until the 24 hour period is up. Sorry about that.
  3. We apologize for the current state of downloads. Apparently we reached our maximum amount for the day.

    1. Tempust85
    2. MoonDog


      Kids Imma compooter. Stop all teh downlowdin.

  4. Whoa, old modders are popping up everywhere! Of course we remember you. Stick around man, it's good to see you. There are many people that can answer those questions. I am not one of those people.
  5. I guess I'm more poor than I thought then.
  6. Guys. This got way off topic. This is about DT's beta demo of the Dark Forces II mod. Please refrain from posting anything unrelated.
  7. Not without a code edit. It's determined by the line in the sounds.cfg in the model folder. m for male voice, f for female voice.
  8. Every time winter comes around, I HAVE to play Skyrim through. It’s now a seasonal urge.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bacon


      is it me or is jkhub acting up?

    3. MoonDog


      I didn't really mean the price, but that is true. Just pure knowledge you gain from building your own rig. Also there is a sense of pride and accomplishment.

    4. katanamaru


      I'm looking at getting a new pc after christmas so I can finally play Skyrim and Crysis 1. I mean work on animations with more powerful software. Yeah that's it.

  9. It would be great if someone could add more species and also add Jedi robes (like HS Obi-Wan/Anakin) to all species models (default and new).
  10. What's with everyone getting so defensive lately? Chill. Have a civilized conversation.
  11. Really? Interesting. I guess it seems that way because I don't know anyone personally that plans on getting one. Yet.
  12. I have a feeling the next gen consoles are going to take awhile to catch on. The previous gen was prominent for far too long to be swept under the rug in even 2 years. Once the prices drop immensely and more games come out for it, I, and the most of the world, will eventually buy one. The main thing I hate about the Xbox One is the controller. It's huge! I wonder if there is a way to use the 360 controller with it.
  13. Circa

    Site Technician

    Anyone that applies is much appreciated!
  14. Good gravy guys. MoonDog is right, suggestions and hints are better in the long run. LordRevian and Deviance, I can tell you've been learning from suggestions and hints that members have been giving for awhile now. Learn by doing and ask questions as you go. I'm a bit disappointed that I need to lock this topic. You guys know better.
  15. It was more of a question. Is that why you need the "premium package", to host the images?
  16. Couldn't you just link to the images from elsewhere instead of hosting them? I'm assuming that's what you mean by premium package because of the image files.
  17. I have the subdomain set up. Now I just need to go through every page and edit the links... :wacko:
  18. Very nice! I can help out with that stuff as well. It would be awesome if you could do similar stuff with the base models and contribute to the Gold Pack.
  19. I'm gonna have to try this on my Windows partition. I'm quite excited.
  20. No matter where the file is located, we download it, run virus scanner, verify that it works, then upload it to the JKHub Dropbox account and replace the link or file that was given on the page. That way it's all in one place and we can control broken links. If we left them all how they are submitted, there's a good chance those links will eventually break because of deletion, account termination, etc.
  21. We are working on getting it hosted on a sub-domain of jkhub.org.
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