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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Currently, I use Weebly for my personal website, which hosts the site itself. I've been wanting to switch to WordPress.org for awhile now for more customization and freedom and I think I will soon. I've been looking around for a good hosting company though. JKHub uses PheonixVPS which is pretty good, but a bit more than what I need and the price shows. WP suggests BlueHost, but does anyone have any better ones that they know of? I want the cheapest one, but still has all the bells and whistles. I would also like one that bills me every year instead of every month, but I see that's hard to come by.
  2. Interesting idea. The mandalorian logo doesn't look straight. I think the center red shape would look better twice as big, but that might just be me. It looks like theres a black duplicate behind the top red triangle that's peaking out on the right side of it. Not sure if that was intentional or not. Overall, cool design.
  3. Yeah, use the Jedi model with the "j2" variant. The one that doesn't really look like a real person. Someone should also reskin that model to look better.
  4. He looks pretty evil to me. A younger version with a shaved head.
  5. @@ChalklYne deserves the "Great Sport" award. And the "Most Improved" award. And the "Perseverance" award.
  6. No way. That's Grand Moff Tarken.
  7. Then you might as well reskin any other model from the game almost. Most of them have that very same body.
  8. @@Syko, do you have Steam or Xfire? There's no need to keep making accounts. I can ban you from logging in and you can ask me when you want access temporarily instead. Just add me on those if you have them or email me at circa@@JKHub.org and tell me you want to login. I will merge this account with your original one soon as well. And yes, I can pin the topic as well.
  9. Yep, I used google translate on it as well. They work better than some people think. EDIT: I apologize for implying such things, @@mrwonko.
  10. I suggest using a translator.
  11. Circa

    Hello All!

    Welcome to JKHub!
  12. Really? Strange. I searched "kotor 2 windows 7" and it was the first result.
  13. I'm not sure what all you've tried but I can continue to post links to possible solutions. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=194296 http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-gaming/cannot-play-star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic/5037891a-40fb-4a43-8d71-fe5f4a4417b1 When I tried getting Widescreen to work with my KOTOR 2, the same thing happened to me because I had to replace .dll with something else. But since you've tried reinstalling it completely, I'm not sure what to do about it. Hmm.
  14. That's strange. Have you tried XP compatibility mode?
  15. Yes! Much better. I like it.
  16. From reading the rest of the thread, yes, people using the map command also saw the Twi'lek as their character.
  17. That looks better. The nose looks funky. Perhaps a tad bit too big. Try just scaling it down, don't change the actual shape, and see how that looks.
  18. I had many issues with first getting this game to work on XP many years ago. I'm assuming you patched it with this and this? The second one is for Vista but I think it might work with 7 as well.
  19. That looks great man. Keep it up!
  20. Nice work Ashura!
  21. Circa


    I think you mean coger. How disturbing.
  22. What he said. I'm no modeler, but I don't think it looks terrible. But it doesn't look like him at all. Sometimes it feels as though you stray away from the reference pictures and try to go by memory or just go by what we say. Scrutinize those suckers and try your best to replicate it.
  23. Thanks Futuza. It's also in the Resources tab of the JKHub bar, part of the new Mapping page.
  24. Circa


    Welcome! We hope you continue to enjoy your stay here!
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