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File Comments posted by Circa

  1. This looks epic (good job Noodle) but updating it every 12 hours is too much. We have an approval process we have to go through every time a new file is submitted. Can I recommend you get everything polished up real nice for one final release and then submit that when it is ready? Four “final” versions in 2 days is just unnecessary.

    AxelBlade95 likes this
  2. On 2/4/2024 at 6:46 AM, Kyle said:

    I have downloaded this file several times.

    Whenever I try to use Windows to open it I get a "Compressed (zip) folders error" message.

    It can be decompressed with 7zip, but that generates an error statement as well, and the files to replace JA's default Luke with one of the Grandmaster variants are not inside.    

    This corrupted file consistently downloads at a size of 10.4 MB.

    Could someone please upload an uncorrupted version with all of the files intact?  I'm thinking that if it's alright with the author, that I'll do a slight modification of the skins to age Luke but not make him as old as in Ep. 7 & 8.  

    In any case, it'd be great to get this file fixed.  Thanks in advance!

    I have reuploaded the file, download again and let me know if it works.

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    12 hours ago, DeadMauz said:

    Hello. not sure what im doing wrong for the install but i dont see jaenhanced.exe in order to launch. I copied the files into the game data folder but no option to launch.


    Screenshot (58).png

    Screenshot (59).png

    Is it possible you have an antivirus that is quarantining it by mistake? You can open the .zip file and see the jaenhanced.x86.exe in there. It must be getting removed by an AV when you extract or copy and paste it. 

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    11 hours ago, AtlasPrime66 said:

    Thanks. Btw, is this mod compatible with Galatic Legacy/Movie Duels? Are there certain files from you mod I shouldn't be using when using one of those two mods?



    UPDATE: Actually, are you sure the code is in the ext_data/sabers/? I just checked the name from the starkiller mod I linked, which was "w_starkiller_bh", but using that only gave me the reborn saber. Also, I checked your zZz_saberPack.pk3 to see if the saber code are there, but could not find "saber_cal", just the two saber_plasma files.

    No, it is not compatible with those mods.

    You need to open the saber file with Notepad and use the first line before the brackets.

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    19 minutes ago, AtlasPrime66 said:

    If I download the full version of that hilt mod, do I place that file in your ehnanced folder or the base folder?

    Either would work but enhanced would be best. You may need to rename the included one to not have the zZz_ in the name but that may not matter.

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    21 hours ago, AtlasPrime66 said:

    Well, I'm at the Lightsaber Hilt Collection page, which is where you mostly ported the new hilt over. I tested some of them, and some works, but others just use the red sith npc lightsaber, so I'm assuming you didn't use the all the hilts from that mod. One problem I found is that when keybinding these lightsabers, they only come in red light. Is there a way to specify the color when keybinding the lightsaber at the same time so I don't have to use lightsaber color command every time I switch saber type?

    Also, I'm looking for the saber codes for these backhand lightsabers in this mod i'm using, is there a way of figuring out besides asking the mod author (pretty sure he won't respond): https://jkhub.org/files/file/2953-galen-marek-starkiller-pack-with-backhand-animations-ja/


    UPDATE: ALright, for the saber color issue, I found that the best way to keybind with the color is through these commands:

    Single blade: bind [insert key] "saber [insert saber code]; [insert saber color]"

    Staff blade: bind [insert key] "saber [insert saber code]; [insert saber colors]" (*NOTE: Add two color to the saber color command, otherwise only one side of the blade will have the desired color)

    Dual blade: bind [insert key] "saber [insert saber code] [insert same saber code again or a different one]; [insert saber color]; [insert saber color #2]" (*NOTE: The saber color #2 is basically the command "sabercolor 2 [color]", while the first one is "sabercolor 1 [color]". It can't be done similarly as the Staff blade, because that lightsaber is one entity with two blade, whereas Dual is two entities with one blade each.)

    The best way to find the name of the saber is to open the pk3 file up either in Pakscape or rename it to .zip and open like a zip. The code is in ext_data/sabers/ and then whatever the saber file is. If you want to venture deeper into learning the basics of how mods are made, start here.

    If you are referring to the lightsabers we inlcude with JAEnhanced, you are correct, we don't include them all because the menu only supports the number of hilts we included. You can download the full version here if you want them all.

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    5 minutes ago, AtlasPrime66 said:

    playertint R G B

    Yes, it works! I have never heard of this command before, no one in forums or reddit talks about it.

    Btw, do you have the entire saber code? I'm trying to bind the single, dual, and staff lightsabers, but they only have the vanilla code and I wanted to bind some of your sabers into them.

    Most mods would have the command needed in their readme file or page description. Without knowing which ones you are referring to I can't really say much more than that. Let me know which ones and I can help you out.

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    1 hour ago, AtlasPrime66 said:

    I'm confuse about the character RGB slider. I understand that it works at the initial start of a new game, but it will no longer work afterwards. However, from what I read here...

    • Extra Player Tints • (Unused) Playermodels are able to have multiple tints. If you enter “newPlayerTint 0 <R> <G> <B>”, any shader stages for the player with “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” will be tinted to this color rather than the usual.

    ...it made it sound like we can still change the tint of our character's clothes without the RGB slider. I want to use Anakin's robes, but he doesn't use the dark brown color, only the avaliable preset colors we have, so I want to use the RGB slider to make the dark brown color. I used the code as mentioned above as "newPlayerTint 0 27 25 19", but it did nothing. I thought I have to use the “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” first, but that wouldn't work because the game didn't reconize the "rgbGen" command. Any advice on what to do? I really like this mod, but the fact that Anakin's robe doesn't come with his color just made it pointless (unless you just want the leather vest, but still, the other color preset do not work well with it).

    I assume by Anakin robes you mean the ones included with JAEnhanced for the default Jaden heads. In that case you would just use the default player tint commands that were already in the game. The extra commands were to be used for certain shader stages made for it, from what I understand.

    Try the command playertint R G B

  3. 1 hour ago, JKAccount said:

    Yea except it doesn't say what command to input to use this. The "/model redja"  stuff doesn't do anything


    If you're trying to use it in single player, you'll need to use commands like in this tutorial, since the creator of this skin didn't include SP support:


    So it would be playermodel redja model_default model_default model_default


    12 hours ago, Smoo said:

    can't open the zip file, is it just me?


    11 hours ago, Slash said:

    It's not just you. I can't open it either if I download it from here.

    I can see that the downloaded ZIP file is a bit smaller (by about 2%) than the original ZIP file, which means that it got corrupted somehow.

    I've just re-uploaded it, as version 0.1.1 (currently pending approval), hoping it will fix the issue.

    Thanks for reporting the problem.


    1 hour ago, Neffie said:

    I seem to have the same problem, corrupted archive?

    Great idea though, can't wait to get it to work!

    Sorry for the corrupt file, it seems we have an issue with our CDN right now. Tested the updated version and it should be good now.

    Slash and Smoo like this

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    11 hours ago, Loral said:


    First of all I´m loving the mod and all the pasion that it shows.

    Sadly it´s not working correctly for me. I just installed it and it seems fine but I can´t save my game progress. I can´t save through the regular saving method, nor can I ¨quick save¨. Plus the game auto save doesn´t work either.


    I´ll attach a screenshot showing the issue.


    Does someone know how to fix this???

    This looks like a permissions issue. Are you signed into OneDrive and is it taking place of your Documents folder? The game by default saves in the Users/user/Documents/My Games/ folder for configs and saves. Check this tutorial, or if you aren't using OneDrive at all, try setting your fs_homepath to save to the JKA folder with this tutorial.

    OpenJK for Jedi Academy

       11,557    9
    12 hours ago, MrDonut said:

    I've downloaded this version on my mac m1 - and it plays fine up until I complete the very first level. After that, it locks up when Luke is addressing the new recruits for the first time. Do you happen to know why this might be happening? Also, is there a way to make this full-screen? 

    Yes, it seems to be a strange problem with the M1 Macs loading so fast that the game doesn't have time to load the cutscene properly. We noticed if you add some large mods to slightly increase the load time, it usually solves it. A big one to try is the 4K texture pack. You can look through more of the "better visuals" section of our recommended mods to add some more. The bug has been reported, just not sure when it will be fixed by the OpenJK devs.

    For fullscreen, there should be a setting in the setup menu to go into full screen. To use widescreen resolutions, you will probably need to use commands like this.

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    10 minutes ago, Woopdidu said:

    good to know... what only surprised me is, i use the same mods for OpenJK as for OpenJk: Enhanced and when i open the game with openjk.exe i can change the combat style, so i thought it had something to do with OpneJk:enhanced.

    JAEnhanced has its own menu so it’s possible you’re using a mod that adds the styles to the menu that isn’t getting priority in the load order. If you know which pk3 it is you can add a few Z’s to the file name and it should get priority, just keep in mind the JaEnhanced one will then be replaced which may break things, I’m not sure. 

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    1 hour ago, Woopdidu said:

    Hi, when creating a new character I noticed that I can not change the combat style, is this intended? because it works with openJK.

    Thanksb and have a good day

    A new game would only give you medium stance to start with, even in OpenJK. You can still give yourself more stances with the setsaberall 3 or addsaberstyle SS_FAST/SS_MEDIUM/SS_STRONG

    Woopdidu likes this

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced

       45,549    137
    15 hours ago, Omega1 said:

    Love this mod, great job guys. Any chance you could add an option to holster the lightsaber on the left side of the player model as opposed to how it is now on the right side. Lightsabers were almost always holstered on the left side of the user's belt, not the right.

    That was one of my first bug reports with @redsaurus, it was a function but was broken along the way and didn’t get fixed before this release. He may fix it eventually if he gets back to working on the mod. I agree it should be left by default for sure. 

    OpenJK for Jedi Academy

       11,557    9
    On 7/18/2023 at 5:11 AM, Foxbite said:

    I've installed 2023-07-17 version of OpenJK, but when I launch SP mode and chose new game, an error message shows up after fininshing creating character says SV_SetUserinfo Bad index 970.

    What does that mean and how can I solve this?

    Make sure you aren't mixing different versions of OpenJK or other mods together, this usually means your DLL files aren't the right ones for the EXE.

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