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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. So as many mappers know lighting a map is probably one of the biggest pains in the arse to get just right, and in this engine the rendering of such usually in some way or another lets you down. I personally set the world down to _lightmapscale 2 or 3 and make most of my map in different func groups and controll the light scaling as such. In the end I usually can do pretty decent. however as many of us know some time's you have a bigger map, and you build with a fear in the back of your mind of that dreaded Safe malloc BS... Which some time's theirs just no fix other then to remove sections.
    Not some thing I want my current project to suffer. Though with my experience I doubt I'll have a problem with. Not being cocky, just saying experiance pays off. I have a 2 gig gpu and my gf has an 8 gig gpu so either way I think we'll be fine. However this is Jedi's Home III (3). I want to go above and beyond with this.

    So my query is such, if I remember right from Darth G's lessons the light mapping process creates a file called a .srf. this is usually erased after the compile is finish as it's merged and baked into your map. It seems the actual generation of this is the point where most maps if they're going to have that critical safe malloc issue happens here. I recently some how managed to accedently generate a .srf that didn't erase it's self for my map (going to look into keeping it on purpose). By the way never put a .srf in your pk3 it will crash your game. I was curious as to what would happen. So lesson learned, it is bad very bad...
    So if some how we could get just the .srf could we then open this file (photoshop didn't recognize it again I need to look into alternative plug ins or programs) could we then create a more realistic lightmap by editing/creating the .srf file ourselves. using the export and or import (or perhaps other switches) switches for our compiler?

    Basically can we edit the .srf file if I'm viewing its perpose correctly and ergo save the compiler trouble and help it create a more realistic overall appearance in game. Furthermore, if we can then perhaps through a patch enable the adding of .srf files to a pk3 perhaps allow users to switch the lightmap via ingame?

    Langerd likes this
  2. I don't really get how. They're not rigged for JA so there's no free lunch here. They'd all have to be rigged to the JA skeleton. As for the JK modding community, there's no one left anyway ( www.massassi.net and www.jkhub.net ).



    Ironally thanks to blender you could do about one of these and hour... First you need to spit the mesh up into 1000 vert pieces or decrease there verts. I'd say split em personally and avoid losing details and messing up the texture mapping. Then reassign the textures, next bring them into a already rigged model, assign, weight paint the parts appropriately... Probably a little tweaking around and wallah, yea you could do it. 


    But to be fair I agree, honestly people should learn to scratch make this stuff. If they're clever they'll do as is needed for these higher poly meshes to come into JKA and split it up a bit as they design it better. Ergo allowing a lot more detail. Or ffs maybe the open jk guys can edit this limitation with there god like nerd skillz?

  3. Years and years ago hatrus made a sword for me that was published on jk2files. The Sword of Prometheus. Just curious if any one has my old sword. I lost the pk3 ages ago, and now that I've got a server of my own I would like to use it once again! <3<3<3 I would be most grateful!

  4. Holy F- That makes the original 2 look like utter trash! No offence but this new version looks amazing.

    HAHA LOL to quote Dooku 'This is only the beginning!" Currently working on the Republic Hanger section. Anoek is working on the trials and training area. We really hope to give clans more then just an aesthetic reason to use this map.

    Cerez likes this
  5. Word of caution: don't get clan time get in the way of map time. :D Don't get distracted.


    (This is where you say "sir, yes, sir!" XD)

    HAHA Don't worry, it will get done. I did do some work on it, just nothing exciting. I got the main hanger shaped out and sized, the hanger lobby put back in and working again, then I spent some time on one of it's secrets... ;) Now I'm sadly messing with my websites template. :

    Cerez likes this
  6. Yea he's rigged, he works for the most part. no facial expressions but every thing else seems to work. The file was a mess when I got ahold of it. Had to redirect everything and rewrite his shaders. Still looking for more voice clips to give him more taunts and wounded sounds.

  7. Come soon to a server near you! Keep an eye out, I'll be updating this topic soon with a link to our website where you can find all the answers and more about this project that's been two years in the making!
    This map will be {P} The Pride Clans first public contribution and my first public release in years... I'm back! ;)













    Please  note most of this is early WIP. Much of my prebuilt area's are undergoing a refit. Theirs still a lot of detailing to go, and many other area

    s to add in. Overall I have 75 % of the map built, now it's just time to put it all together, get it up and running, detailing, and fine tuning.

  8. Added WIP modelscale plugin to repo: https://github.com/Razish/japp-assets/blob/master/lua/sv/modelscale/plugin.lua

    Does not yet support reading modelscale.cfg

    Adds modelscale <scale> command for clients

    Adds japp_modelScaleCmd 0-1 cvar for servers to enable/disable model scaling via cmd ^

    Adds japp_modelScaleRange <min> <max> cvar for servers to limit the range of allowed scales

    So here is my simple question... I'm trying to add this to my server, dled the LUA you linked to, do I just put that in my servers Japlus folder? Of do I just add these said cvars and any one with the same LUA can then use the model scaling withing the Cvar perimeters preset in my server config using the Japp_modelScaleRange "Min" "Max"... A bit of a noob question, but this is my first time tweaking with JA++ to this scale... Pun not intended.


    if it belongs in the servers Japlus folder, do I have to add a Cvar to tell it to load said .LUA?


    P.S. Is this correct for the servers .cfg?

    set japp_modelScaleCmd "1" <--- this I understand

    set japp_modelScaleRange "0.5" "1.3" <--- This I wasn't sure about how the "#" should be set up...

  9. Just a simple question about func groups, is there a command for setting them to be non solid? Such as _cs 0 / _rs 0 toggles casting shadows and receiving shadows however is there a command to toggle it to non solid.
    Application. I have some details on my pillar that look like small ribbons (made of patch meshes), however theirs NO need for that extra surface compilation come meta compile. So as a func group can I toggle them non solid?

    I keep thinking darth G's entity definition had some thing on this (though I've not had that for years) Some thing about _ns or some thing along those lines.


  10. Is there a way to install a password or some other form of security on out pk3's so that only the game can use them? One of my recent projects has material that I do not want ANY ONE messing with and or using.
    My feeling's on this are, I made it, it's mine, make it your self. I've recently discovered a group that had entity modded one of my maps, I am NOT happy about that either.

    Any ways, is there a way to lock them? Perhaps set the materials within to read only or some thing?

    Smoo likes this
  11. Point is is that the line is grey, theirs a lot of maps with ported textures even, take arevass as an example of this, those are jacked straight from ut 2k3... Music from other games, this is going to be a highly controversial move on Jkhubs end...

  12. The issue has been dealt with, you can do whatever you want but jkhub will not host ported models, porting for private use is fine.

    In that case you better run through your files cause theirs a ton, that also includes szico's model packs etc... That also therefore would mean blue ice twilight and many other maps would also have to be removed for using ported things from other q3 or other games... bassically the point is, where does the line get drawn? And wtf is even the point? I mean do you really think any one's paying attention to this community? If they were we wouldn't still be stuck with jka we'd have a new game...


    Say goodbye to about 25 % of the good models and such on this site folks...

  13. Oh lord lets not have another inyri Forge which hunt of ported models... It did nothing but turn off people to JK2files and it will do the same here. The game is dead, let people do as they wish...

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