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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. So today was the first time I got to compile the majority of the map together. Took about 90 minutes from start to finish with 26 light bounces. Theirs only one major section thus far missing, the public training center. As discussed before the main core of the map is JH; however outside of that from the courtyard on you expand into what is more of a public access Bespin Cloud City like facility.
    The idea was to keep the core familiar as far as layout and what you're use to having and seeing in the original JH(s) and then from there expand out. Allowing more skill orientated training facilities and Rp sections to grow from the original core map but not taking away from what you're all wanting to see and 90% of the time will use. Most importantly they wouldn't hurt the map's FPS or Lore.

    Any who here is a Z Axis overhead grid view of the map thus far and a in GTK Radiant 1.5 shot of the map from that same point. I filtered out entities so that it's a bit more discernible. 



    The only other area's missing from the map aside from the Public Training sector are the secret area's. ;) Did you think I'd make it that easy for you... XD You will find I'm a bit of a prick when it come's to secret area's. Noclip wont help you as the area's wont be visible even until they've been turned on, the area they normally are in is filled with a kill trigger, so even noclipping around will do nothing for you. As the area's are entities decompiling will just erase them. ;)

    Smoo, yeyo JK, J19 and 1 other like this
  2. If it is a bar for Obi ... Where is High Ground? 


    Awesome stuff ^^ I dont like maps with many glossy reflective textures but You use them perfectly :)

    At one point in this topic I posted a tut I found online about the science of color; the emotions the attractions and even the detraction of colors and light. In another document I came across by the same authors they spoke about scale and the effect of shine. Shine tends to make things look smaller, and this vs color vs scale is highly important.

    As silly as it sounds I really have been using almost a science behind this maps construction. For instances, theirs the main academy its self and then theirs everything beyond the additions. In this map I wanted JH to finally feel more in an element rather then being guess work as to where this random floating palace was. Example "A" when I look out a window, I know that via layout of the map (after i've ran around it or decompiled and looked at it's construction) that theirs really a room 50 feet infront of me. But thanks to good old vis etc allowing the said authors to hide this fact I see nothing, I see no explanation of how this whole place is floating among the clouds, no explanation of where the other sections of this facility is at all.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but these sort of thing's bother me. Maybe it comes from an offhand RP POV or just from a Titanician but I want and expect a bit of realism in layout. These new sections are based around not only Shadows original design choices but many and or most RP'ers ideal's of it's location. A cloud city facility. Maybe and probably not the same one we saw in the movies. Some thing like that however. So while the main Jedi Enclave like area will remind you in design and layout of the original JH(S) the rest will expand and move into a theme more closely related to Bespin Cloud City. Each part of it's layout playing visually into the next area's if visible. This will be even furthered later by the use of about 5 different slightly adjusted skyboxes. Different area's should see or showcase distance and location of the facility.


    Believe me when I say at this point and time you're all just seeing the basic general construction of JH, no where NEAR the final product on lighting and atmosphere.

    Langerd likes this
  3. Something that has an expansive interior. 

    Well we do have to keep in mind SOME limits. the map thus far is just under 14000 brushes according to GTk 1.5's reading so that's not including patches. >.> Which theirs a lot of. Oddly enough the meta compile and vis compile both only take about 30-60 seconds. However we must always keep in mind that old 32k brush limit. Annoying p.o.s.!


    So while I personally vote an imperial star destroyer... XD no can do in a map like this....

  4. how will this all relate to the new modernized rend2/GL2 renderer?

    Well to be fair even there maps are compiled using q3map2 etc, However any thing to make it's work easier and or more precise allows more abilities for the mod developers. For instance you normal map a surface, now you can make the effect via that surfaces lightmap more precise and REALLY bump it up a notch POWWWWWWWWWW!

  5. I did manage to get the most recent version of q3map2 I could find finally running right. I am currently using the one that comes with gtk 1.6 Not a hundred percent if thats the most recent in the whole world but it did finally allow me to use my full cpu and ram without safe mallocing out like a lil B.

    Also took some more time and reread some of the old hinting etc tutorials. I dnk if I'm just an idiot or what but it still doesn't work right for me. However just general decent layout and -V + Areaportals etc seems to be keeping the FPS happily at 90+ Minus when you turn on D glow for some area's of course. I did finally managed to figure out anti portal, must say that's incredibly useful!

    I guess my biggest question is what am I doing wrong via Hinting. I understand the concept, I understand how to lay my brushes out etc. However a compile before and after renders no difference under any circumstances when using tris view. :/ MEH!!!!!!!!!

  6. So as many of you're aware I'm working on "Jedi Home III - Retirement Center Temple Edition, in the map is a nice large hanger I've been for a long time wanting to put a nice ship with a full interior in for a while. Problem is I can't decide which ship to place in it! So I'm leaving it to you!

    Over the course of a week (which is seven days for you Martians unfamiliar with human time) I am conducting a poll, simply cast a vote and at the end of a week first place will get placed in the map, and second place will be placed in another map I am working on.

    Thanks again guys, remember this map is for you!

    AngelModder - May the Force be with you!

  7. Archives are finished aside from a few texture update's I'll make near the end of the project. They wont really be changes, but more of better variations of the same idea. For example the glass of the domes should not be one constant color but rather brightest where the bulbs are with soft fades etc. The floor is reflective only if you install the optional patch that will come with the map.





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