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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. Well theirs nothing wrong with a personal project, to be honest while I will be releasing Titanic, the community is not why I've built it. I've built it simply to have my own mid poly model of it to put through what ever I chose (tastefully) and simulate the sinking etc as a learning and demonstration tool. While it has been fun in the past to play in it with others don't get me wrong, mainly it is for me to witness what happened and to feed the information in to create a simulation of that event. I've been asked why do I even bother with Titanic Honor And Glory being made, well quiet simply put, I was here first, and that's theirs, this is mine, this I can adjust, theirs I wont be able to. This I can script out influences like the pump's that when used right add time to the sinking based on there outtake of water vs the ships intake. It is for me to test theories and see the answers to what if's.
    Long story short, never be ashamed of your work, but I do understand some thing's are better kept for our selves.

    Sincerely AngelModder™

    Asgarath83 likes this
  2. Building with misc models is fun, I considered doing that with Titanic, just modeling it all out and clipping it. However in the end some time's this creates more work for you and more strain on the engine. It can only handle so many models. For a smaller project it's fine but some of them meh.. Any ways good luck!

    Asgarath83 likes this
  3. I believe there was a command that allowed you to see what entities were running at all time's, it combined with Developer 1 of course. Not some thing I've used so, I'm not sure what the command is. Their's a list here on Jkhub that covers all the in game commands. Might look around in that.

  4. Personally I think most folks should stick to GTk 1.4 for one reason, GTK 1.5 is good, but it'll allow you to rotate brushes without (seemingly messing them up), the truth is that 9/10 they do become messed up. This is very apparent when you open a map you've built in 1.5 in 1.4. you'll see allot of thing's 1.5 deceptively let you think you got away with become messed up. This is why I build thing's like Titanic's hull etc in 1.4 and do my main work entities and normal detailing and such in 1.5. Ad you're are right, the Bobtoolz in 1.5 is broke, it will repeatedly every time you use it tell you it has removed 'X" amount of messed up brushes, but without actually doing it, nor does it select them like 1.4 will. Also make sure you try to stay at grid 2 or higher during building and every once in a while, set your grid down to w/e the lowest size brush you built was, (for me its grid 2 quite often), and press "I" then Ctrl + T, what this does, I of course selects every thing, Ctrl + T snap's it to w/e grid you chose (in this example 2). This will not mess up any brushes built on grid 4, 8, 16 and up etc. but if it got messed up (bad normals) or accidentally knocked to grid one etc, it will snap them back. At the very least you'll be able to see what is messed up using this. This is how I do such bug work in 1.5.

    Asgarath83 and Lazarus like this
  5. Func static can not be used  like a door to toggle area portal even though  they're similar entities. The func static rotating door triggers a bogus caulk normal door via the script, that in turn toggles the area portals effect. As for hint portal's, just be sure none of them can see each other, other wise you end up with a dreadful effect.

    Asgarath83 likes this
  6. Just so now thinks I've gotten lazy today. I've been redesigning my hull texture from top to bottom. Finally starting on the portholes! I still haven't decided on the method I'll use for the portholes in game. As theirs a day and night version of the map's it's hard to choose which way to go. the night will undoubtedly use a glow, but for the day it would look better as an alpha with a env behind it.













    Merek likes this
  7. This is a conflict between the pong shading of curved meshes vs the vertex effect of fog. The only way to fix this is to apply a vertex lighting only shader to those curved surfaces, sure they'll look a little less smooth, but it'll take care of the shadow problem. The vertex shader will overwrite the engines normal action vs this type thing (the path mesh).

    See even without a phong shader directly being applied (written by you), the engine will automatically phong these sort of surfaces it's self, it's just how it's programmed. Although normally it doesn't cause this sort of reaction. In case you don't know what a phong is, that's the smoothing shader/effect applied to curved surfaces or even brushes can be phonged manually to create a smoother looking surface such as terrain etc. The question would be is IF this is a base texture/shader being used on those meshes. Normally I've never seen this reaction on patches or brushes unless it has a pong shader on it via a shader file. So check that first before writing a new shader for the said texture. If so then it's simple just put it in a custom directoy (and if you want one) write up a new shader, but if it was a base one, it'll fix this.

    Basically, phong shaders don't mix well with fog.


  8. Yes we have tried several different shaders I'll post the current one in the spoiler. We've tried different texture methods including flat colors to really see what was going on, with and without shaders. We've tried adjusting the lights even. This shadow simply wont go away, it's not even ON the texture or the glow map. I even tried switching to a flat white for the glow map and the texture still showed up. We thought it was bugged faces on the model but even after a little tidying up it made NO difference and the model tests clean and perfect.

        qer_editorimage    textures/titanic/dome
            map textures/titanic/dome
            rgbGen vertex
            map textures/titanic/fx1
            blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
                alphaGen const 0.10
                tcGen environment
            map textures/titanic/dome_glow
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
            rgbGen identity


  9. OK, this is rather odd and we can't seem to find a way to fix it. We've even adjusted the model and so far can not find a way to get these odd shadows to disappear. I've even tried throwing a shader on it with a no lightmap command, switched to flat white's greys all sorts of colors, we've tried allot, and yet they wont go away. we've also tried different lighting/colors, nothing stops them from showing up.










    In gtk it of course seems fine.






  10. Well it wasn't that I was worried about the number of sound effects as much as I just don't like clutter in my map files. So you can make a new sound set but some one else's will replace it? that's odd, I mean if my sound set has a specific name and the sounds have there own unique directory, how would some one else s overwrite it?

  11. Well ladies and gentlemen I wanted to take a moment to thank two people for there hard work. First and foremost is AshuraDx and secondly LizFizz, together they have brought a very special touch to this project. LizFizz has acquired the postione of texture consultant on this project, and AshuraDx is my overall guidance and modeler. He has worked hard over the weekend between school work and life to put together a very special treat I'd like to share an early WIP shot of. The Titanics opulent first class forward grand staircase dome, he did allot of reserch to model it's shape and size correctly and to build it in such a way it would be easy for us to texture. While I piece together the texture Lizfizz fine tunes it, giving it life rather then flat colors and such. I've spent the last two hours piecing it together and while it's not done, I felt I couldn't wait any long to share there hard work on this project!

    I give you a early WIP sneak peak our work, Titanic's Dome.





    Thank you @@Lizfizz @@AshuraDX


    Link and Omicron like this
  12. ...I never understood why they just didn't turn around and try and park on the iceberg once they realized they were going down.  Could have gotten a couple thousand people floating on top of that thing.  ;(


    I can answer this quiet simply. the ship had a 1/4 mile turning radius. that's a 90 degrees in 1/4th of a mile, and could stop in 2/3rds of a mile. This is actually good statistics for a ship of it's size.Even by today's standards. It was nearly 30-40 minutes after the collision before Thomas Andrews one of the men who designed her confirmed she was sinking. By then not only had they initially left the ice berg in the dark, but both the ship and the ice berg had probably been moved by current. It would be like tying to find a needle in a hay stack at that point. Another problem with this is, is tat it's incredibly dangerous to move a wounded and or sinking ship. Moving it forces water in through the openings faster and widens the separations in the damaged plates allowing even more in. It is now confirmed that around 11:50 that night they did try to move again, for what reason is unknown. But in that seven minutes they doubled there intake and when she stopped it only went slowed down by about a 1/3rd. The ship would have had enough time to get the passengers off, had she only not moved. Besides moving a ship with water in it is also a bad idea because it can capsize it, especially by the time Andrews confirmed she was doomed.


    I hope that answer's your question @Futuza.



    Futuza, Xycaleth and Lizfizz like this
  13. Well speaking of mapping techniques, I actually managed to add a crap load of work today and yet drop the brush count yet again! I started today at 4237 did a ton and ended with 3700. This includes this the hull , the general layout (made of blocks) of the accessible decks both forward and stern gsc's nearly complete, and the dinning saloon is also about 1/3rd of the way done. My goal is to build this for 10-12.5k brushes. A major tip I could give people would be texture brush condensing. for area's like the floor of the grand stair case rather then cutting the brush up to create the black trim separating the black and white tile's from the plain ones, I just made a big texture for the 92X50 ft area (as the maps split up as such to curve the ship up at the bow and stern) the texture which is a 4096 X 2048 HD texture houses all the details you need for the floor and or ceiling, walls etc that can be 2D. It's very time consuming but the amount of brushes it cut's out would astonish you. I did this today for both of the gsc's steps, rather than the brass trim being a separate brush I just made appropriate textures and cut the brushes for each section of the steps down by 1/3rd this not only speeds up compile time's but drops the tris a lot as well. Just look at your maps and see where you use a lot of brush to create 2D detail and condense it via a texture. Here is an example of this technique below. This would the the A deck grand stair case floor.



    For those interested I've also included a photo of just ONE section of the ships new hull texture, this has a few more days of work to go, port holes, and all sorts of details. This texture (the full thing) is flipping huge!





    And a look at the new texture work for the gsc.Believe me I will be showing you guy's more than just the gsc soon enough. Each room and thing take's not only a LOT of work, but a ton of research to insure accuracy.





    Any ways I'm off to bed for the night. I should have picture's of her exterior my Wednesday! Once this hull texture is complete as well as a few others the process will speed up. Just these are the steps where one wrong move could ruin not only the accuracy but the maps game play. So far I am managing still perfect FPS all the way through. That may change though depending on the path I take with the environment (the water and such). to pull off a ocean is not exactly easy and in the beta I accidentally released it wit the wrong water/shaders and I nearly threw up when I realized you guys had the ugly one. Szico's water blending I'll say it now before any one throws this out, will not work. that water is clear/too clear for this to work and look realistic, plus it depends on glow to blend with the horizon. not only that, his water to horizon blend only works if you're down low. the boat deck is 60 feet above the water, and that's not even as tall as a player can find there way up to. So it sadly fails there.

    P.S. Not dogging Szico's method, just it doesn't work fittingly for this application.


    Merek likes this
  14. Well ladies and gents it's been a while since I posted up a picture so here ya go, there wip grand stair case as she sits at this moment. Allot has been going on this week, it's none stop research for this project, and constant updating textures, brush work, methods, allot of things really. I am constantly fine tuning every thing. Some of you may have seen my requests in the forums for thing's like the specular and the clock (the clock still isn't working right). So you can imagine how much effort is being put into this. I've been lucky here in the last few days to receive the aid of AshuraDx who has been kind enough to model me a proper dome and cherub to replace the JKA brush built restrictive one's as well he's been gracious enough to lower the poly count of some of the finer details like the pineapple fixtures adorning the posts of the gsc. Believe me not all the time this week has been just the interior, the exterior is going better then planned. Today I started on her new funnels and as soon as I have the hull texture like I want it I will be doing a massive reveal, hopefully about that time the dome and cherub will be complete. I have been going over the brush count, vis, and the full plan for the exterior interior and I think many of you will be pleased with the choices of area's I'll be including in this map. While a few room's are simple for the aesthetic lure of it many of the area's I chose to build are in the mind's of a capture the flag feel.

    The plan is rather simple in truth  Starting at the bow team A can enter the interior or go over the boat deck via stairs or even the first class promenade on A deck. To get to the interior there will be 8 entrance points at the bow, two at forward end of the superstructure on B deck (the white part of the ships body or the upper most decks), as well as the A and Boat Deck entrance's to the grand staircase area, from the GSC or the forward B deck bedroom quarters you can make your way through Titanics long hallways on B and C Deck and access the Aft end via C deck as well.Although the enemy will be coming through there and the A deck level of the stern GSC, so watch out ;). If you feel like taking in the ships opulence or just getting a bite to eat or a stiff drink you can head on down to D Deck to the luxurious first class dining saloon, capable of seating 550 people at a time I'm sure you'll be able to find and empty seat! OR, if your tired and wanna relax you can head on down to F Deck via the via the beautiful GSc or elevators and go for a steam bath in the Turkish baths. After getting all steamed up you can head right over to the swimming pool and go for a dip. It's heated so it wont be too much of a shock jumping in. Or perhaps out of all this you're the scholarly sort? Well you can head on up to A deck and relax in the first class lounge and library and take in the beautiful sites of the ocean as the massive ship cruises through the waves!
    Either way I am sure there will be some thing of interest for every passenger boarding Titanic...

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