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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. The Jedi Temple update - A LOT of work has been done to insure and stabilize vanilla player experience. cleaned up the vis for the veranda, fixed several things for this section in fact.  Got the entire map back together which so far includes...

    *  Sections complete and ready to go, Archives wings 1, 3, 5, & 7 (May do more here), the Great Hall, Veranda, Yoda and the youngling's room, Immenor's Meditation Hall, & lower exterior

    *  Coming Ahsoka's bedroom, Yoda's Bedroom, Anakin & Obi Wan's bedroom, Anakin and Obi Wan's Dueling room's 1 & 2,  Hall of Knighthood, The Back Door, Hanger (A lot of damn research went into this), & Roof Top. 

    *  If nothing else the map will then be nearly finished. There are some personal touches I want to add making use of soo many statues. Around that time I'll be digging into a lot of old jkhub etc record(s) to compile a list of Modder's who've truly made incredible mods. Some may be entire overhauls, while other could be map or player models that set a new bar for people through out the year's. An example would be Rgoer, his sunset on Coruscant set a bat for a lot of us early on, many of his maps did. 

    *  Rend2 Compatible - YES | Vulkan Compatible - YES | Vanilla Eternal/OJK/Tayst - YES | OG Base Vanilla - NO (May change in future or at least options made available | SP - Yes/Accept OG Vanilla.

    *   So far we're sitting @ 36,547 Brushes - 23336 Patches - 154 Active Entities 

    diogocs195 and scp_chaos1 like this
  2. Well today was progressive on flushing things out. Created doors for yellow doors ceiling - Yellow duel is a larger dueling arena built for team gameplays. Created textures to make it clear where the dueling platforms as well as which one is which The roof of the Yellow duel room is the shiny bit in front of the large obelisk/behind the throne.  image.jpeg.2c9000d93291783232b8fb2ed1d01bfa.jpeg

    * These dueling platforms lore wise double as places of meditation in the lower levels so they will be detailed out with cushions, small altars, candle, incense, & few holocrons about. I sort of picture a almost sheer like cloth hanging around them and a few old tattered banners. These towers and platforms while not really anything important, they offer dueling space, rp, strafing space, mountain climbing & add atmosphere to the map. 



    The player will spawn roughly along this center line facing south (as seen in pic) towards the dueling wing of the map as well as the roof of which houses aforementioned platform. (see pics 1  & 2)

    Something important to understand is wherever something was in version 3 it's not only there but it's exactly where it should be comparatively. Take the basement/bunker w/e you call it (where the bar and air vents are) it's exactly as it was in 3 even the rough distance as it was, you turn around north face the academy building (the council room section) go inside go through the hall back outside turn right head about 2-300 yards and voila there will be the new version of the bunker in the new exterior. The new exterior will include many things from versions 1-3. This will all make more sense later in videos I guess and in game play. You will feel right @ home but it'll finally have those touches 2-3 lacked a bit. However I learned from the failure imo that was the jedi's home 3, a map can't just be big and pretty.. 

  3. 9uPsBv2.jpeg Aerial view showing the different dueling platforms outside to act as extras rather than just the same ones from v2/3 interior ones. Would be good for 90 FPS dueling but if you want 125+ go inside, cmn I'm not god I can't make it perfect, good yes, perfect no LOL. DnjanMl.jpeg Still a ways to go but it's coming along nicely! Feels a bit blank here and there when you're pulled back, but it oddly doesn't feel that way when you're there. Still as I said a few more things to be added tonight before I'd consider everything laid out fully. 
    RapBr0E.jpeg HMJlDu8.jpeg 

  4. Opened up the last layer of it all... This layer is massive. This will give the RP lovers a chance to finally have that feeling in JKA that perhaps you're the first to stand right there and see it from this angle..
    Yes you will be able to interact and use that massive layer, I've turned this if you will into sort of the Jedi Variant of the Valley of Kings. This will be shown and explored more in-depth later. 


    dontapi, scp_chaos1, Sared and 3 others like this
  5. Let me pose a question to you all. The V2/3 are well known and loved and while I have my own ideas about what would've made them better I'd like to hear yours.. I'll list below the changes to the concept I've made. Again it should be stated this is not a critique of Virtues work rather a look forward @ what we expect from V4. 

    1 - Rend 2 Compatible as well as at least a vanilla variant.

    2 - Larger. I wanted and have expanded on the original by 8X the scale of what version 3 was. While not upscaling familiar elements. I took the concept that all of what we saw was either on top of the building or some of the interior of a larger Mayan-like structure. I chose one of the Mayan square pyramids for inspiration of the structure. However, I wanted it to go further with large walls around the structure that contained a massive paradise-like garden filled with ancient secrets. 

    3 - Secrets. Something I felt the Academy series always lacked was any secrets. In this map every room, hallway etc have at least 1 secret and one interactable. 

    4 - A story, but less a specific clan-orientated one. While somehow still honoring those the community chose to. This area still is yet to be built, I bet it'll be the last room I build. However, I have considered a set of memorials for some of the most influential modders of all time. The ones who really changed JA

    5 - Last but certainly not least. Training areas up to snuff for even the stingiest base players.. This includes but is not limited to a mountain.

    GamerRedNeck likes this
  6. The project is going fine, I spent some time tonight cleaning up some of the statue meshes. Cut out about 15% of the polys. I managed to remap the texture they are supposed to use back on, however, I went back to the default copper as in the end it just looked better so that was 45 minutes wasted haha...

    To avoid burnout, I am working on some other various maps but mainly The Academy V4 at the moment. I bounce around to avoid getting fed up  So be sure to go over and check that out! It's quiet a different design type then this. However many of the elements of it's build have given me idea's for the JT to go even further than before. What if we go over to the senate building as well???


    scp_chaos1, Aldro Koon, Cor and 2 others like this
  7. On 3/14/2024 at 12:28 AM, RAILBACK said:

    Nice work & architecture. Seems you're maxed out on what can be done with this game. Interesting to see how this performs with a full server of 20. Would you consider a SP story development? I'm a little behind on things as I havn't gamed in years or touched any modding.

    It should honestly run fine for most people. I've improved the fps issues that were going on with the exterior only at celebration; to be fair that was last minute and rushed. I personally would love to create an SP story for/with this. A lot of painstaking research has gone into this. The next update of photos will begin to show the true direction of graphics this project will showcase. However I am taking my time with the development not just to make sure I get it right but there are certain developments with other mods I am hoping will continue and allow me to exploit all of the latest renovations in JKA's graphics. 

    It's good to see you back Railback! ❤️


    scp_chaos1 likes this
  8. No pics tonight, but good news. Thanks to adjustments made we've now finally found a way around the maxmapsurfaces issue. The most recent compile now has all the area's I've built for this back in it which means, the rest is a skys the limit thing as long as I keep it balanced. 

    The next week will be spent sewing all of these areas together and cleaning up the expansion of the great hall. It now runs the entire length it should and lead into the Kashyyyk sort of room and the other end to the hall of a thousand fountains. The fountain will be a closely guarded secret until official alpha release @ the 21rst anniversary. Where official hosting will be is still up for debate.  However you will get glimpses and peaks, but some of this map I want you all to just experience on your own or with your clan and just be floored. Whether you run base or Rend2 I promise this will be a map like you've never seen before! 

    I am considering bringing on someone to help design some pbr textures. SP/SD are just not my thing. 

    Zelanter and scp_chaos1 like this
  9. On 11/22/2023 at 10:48 PM, Aldro Koon said:

    @AngelModder I don't know what you do for a living but you need to stop and go apply to one of the top game developers in the world

    Well I wouldn't go that far, I'm just a nerd with a computer and a love for architecture that never got to be used irl. XD But thank you! ❤️ ^_^ 

    Sorry it's been a minute since ya'll got an update. Some good news finally came and it has finally allowed the map to more than likely reach the full potential I wanted for it! 

    Aldro Koon likes this
  10. Update on the archives, lightings allot more balanced got the chairs and tables coming along, the archive texture replaced. need altered a bit on each shelf to not repeat but it looks good. Still working out some shader issues, trying to get the shade angles right here and there etc. Like the pillars look like blocks and well ill get it lined out eventually. Step by step. 

    AahzorQ.jpg cc9oKA0.jpg VBC7gRy.jpg

  11. Started the work in the lobby tonight, hoping to have it mostly ready in the next 48 hours, at least enough I won't be embarrassed to show you guys in the newest alpha. This room still has quite a ways to go but here's a short video of it so far. I really got to let my imagination for with this one as we only see 3 angles of it live in one episode. Everything outside of those camera angles I based of lore material legends and canon combined along with a bit of madness.


  12. Jedi Temple Update of the day, I'm working like a mad man to get done what I want to be done in the next alpha release Tuesday, got the very finale statues into the great hall, damn this room is filled with statues, even one dedicated to quigon.. O_o that one took a moment to get working just right and looking the way I wanted it to. A note for those seeing the JT atm, later I will go back in probably before finale release a year or so from now, then I will probably add in a lot of false shadowing and bloom to make both vanilla and Rend2 really shine that much further. What I'd really like is to add some atmosphere to the air, a dust look or some thing, think it'd be dope to put some rays from the windows with all the beautiful colors they give off. Lots of idea's for later though. First build. Any ways heres some pic of the greatest Jedi of his era...

    vcOfxRt.jpg  LJ15PGL.jpg  


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