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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. Alright, i've tried to stay out of this but last year I played through JKO and JKA again just to recapture some inspiration and for the joy of it. While I see allot of people bombing you with tons of questions at once I have only one. It was a concern as soon as I launched JKA the first time and started watching the opening scenes.

    Who the hell was responsible for the creation of Rosh Penin and why were they not slapped and fired on the spot for bringing this evil into the world!

    Stoiss likes this
  2. Todays list is a long one.

    1 - Pull out the maps main courtyard to begin testing and shader creation and final lighting at a faster pace. Creating a testing ground.

    2 - Adjust all the used Bespin texture to a more whitish tone as seen in the movies. This allows better blending into the CC styled area's as well acting as a blending point into the JH side of the complex.
    3 - Adjust, fine tune, and lastly reshoot the skybox images.

    4 - Play around with a sun flare effect idea.

    5 - Remove all entity lighting and illuminate via shader lighting. This will involve creating new textures for the lighting rather then just a glowing white surface, some thing more realistic.

    6 - Create new env's for specific view point's and begin applying them to the new styled textures for the courtyard. The platform would reflect some thing different then the roofs etc etc.

    7 - Run a full NON fast full bounce compile on said test section and prepare for either tragedy or joy.

    8 - If tragedy ensues blame @@Langerd for the whole thing. If Joy ensues claim all responsibility and throw Langerd into on of the Bespin pits...

    swegmaster, Kualan and ZanderNao like this
  3. Holy Shiet with these and these grasses You just made everything life and clean. Amazing work! 


    I suggest maybe some small water sources too :)

    Thanks @@Langerd ! The water will be taken care of, it was a quick idea throw together. The center of the rooms more of a dinning area so I wanted it to have a bit of a tranquil feel despite you're surrounded by games. I see this mixture a lot in the casino's games and food in a classey manner. I want to create some really amazing holo dancer's for some little lounge spots over by the staircases.

  4. Use a model for the Outrider exterior... and model the interior in 3D app and clip it out in Radiant... wouldn't that allow for a more realistic, faithful replication?


    Here's the Outrider:



    Yes but that's doing things the easy cheap way... Any one can make some thing pretty in these newer engines using modeling apps. Not only do I prefer to do things myself but my love for this engine has always been the fact it's difficult to create beautiful things! I appreciate a challenge, not ease. :D

  5. Yeah, nearly all basejka content will work in warzone as I added some basic conversion systems. They are not perfect, but they do the job.


    Warzone is a mod and a modified engine as well, we have also modified the saber system a little, and added a bunch of new weapons (currently mostly a WIP). We are trying to make JKA somewhat 2017 :)


    Where warzone will differ from JKA mostly is we are moving away from small maps, and trying to create worlds, where we can have a mini-mmo/skyrim/etc type open world game (side note: we already have the ability to spawn thousands of NPCs onto a map without lag). But at the moment most of the focus of the project is on the basics like allowing for the big maps, and making the renderer look good.


    The WzMap compiler that you used is based around allowing these large worlds, and more importantly to us, to procedurally add geometry to maps (trees, cliffs, platforms, random misc models, towns, etc) without having to manually place everything. It allows us to generate a lot of maps fairly quickly (or to enhance maps with trees, etc).

    OMG I could take Arrevanous to a whole new level... O_O

  6. Also I recommend ASE for paches bullshit when map have this weird holes in them. Making them into ASE solve the problem. Also ASE is good when we want to make solid to the map but the shape of the clip will be less detail .. it will be much.. but I rly recommend that only for kinda Map - brushes patches stuff. For props better use MD3 models ;)

    Exactly using it for repetitive details to save the engine (clipping math per say) by using ase's and clipping them your self saves quiet a bit of data. As well it's a huge middle finger to decompilers trying to take my precious away from mesa!

    For the hole in this ceiling I just used bevels and capped them but yea if you brush built the hole it would be better to convert it to ase's. But really thats a quick fix to what really should (and I should have) brush built the holes.

    Langerd likes this
  7. Make a new ship... in Radiant.. from scratch... convert to ASE.

    Ase's should honestly be used sparringly. like most models in JKA you need to stay within the normal poly limit allowed by the engine or else it starts to really bog down your compile and may even make it unplayable for some players, causing crashes low fps etc. The trick if you wanted to properly convert a brushed ship to a model is not only a solid design (clean), but to use patches for about 90% of it removing the extra verticies in the process as you build it. Brushes are fine but only if you really know what you're doing and 45 every angle and can visualize it in a triangular poly sense.

    I see most make ase's with thousands of poly's. the second trick is to split it up into multiple ase's JKA doesn't mind generating thousands of poly's so much as long as it's not one item. The difference is visible when a map using this method and  design in the R_speeds and FPS as well as the user's gameplay. Either way Large complex object ase's are honestly not worth the hassle and possible failure of the overall project that may ensue.


    Ase's are quiet good for smaller objects (or objects with the model poly limit kept in mind) such as pillars and other misc objects. Keep in mind however that like any work, just because it's an ase and that your are compensaiting the Q3map2's surface meta compile with your own physics (clip) work having to many or too much of an ase designed structure (even in multiple pieces) can result in q3map2 giving you the middle finger as well as other potential problems mentioned thus far.


    In other words. I would not make such a large object an ase in a max already this complex. No offense intended etc, just stating why it's not that simple.

  8. You Can Always use models for glass ceiling like this :) Also i would change the glass and add some varaitons of textures. It seems like whole place have the same type of glossynes.

    So taking your advice all around I've given the walls and structure a seamed paneled feel. I wanted it to have some detail, but to not distract from the other details and view of the area. However the walls really did need atleast THIS detail as flat seamless metal didn't make much sense. However during its construction it like the glass were really just temporary idea's of what I had in mind.

    Also I did convert the framed structure of the ceiling to an ase and took it into blender and removed some useless verts. Good idea on that one @@Langerd ! I am in the process of creating a better carpet texture however I do seem to like the red tone used in the image below, most of my time this morning was spent creating the Pazaak table however XD. It's interesting to see the effect the red carpet has on the walls and ceiling thanks to the bounce effect during light compile, honestly I don't think I'm going to fight that, it's some thing (a realism) you don't often see due to the color tones used normally in maps being darker. You rarely see this touch of realism. I did make sure the ceiling and floors were a func group and sharpened the lighting on them as much as I dare push it.

    Generally through out the worlspawn I drop my light map scaling down to a blurry 4 in order to give more power to area's like this. Using the filter switch during the lighting compile to pretty up the blurriness created by lightmapscale 4.

    Any ways my rambling aside, here is a wip shot of the pazaak tables.



    Onysfx, Langerd, swegmaster and 1 other like this
  9. So a small update on this situation. I managed to use Normans Q3map2GUI and your WZmap.exe together to compile and get past the missing shaders and textures etc however WzMap.exe crashes when it gets to fix brush faces stage no matter which map I compile. Bassically I'm sure this works swimmingly, just need some help trouble shooting it a bit.

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