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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. Alright so I just want to make sure I play it safe with JH3, i know maps can only have 1024 active entities in a map at a time, and 256 entities active in say one portaled off area at a time.. I believe that doesn't count Misc Model's and Misc model statics, but other shit. They really need a more precise list of this some where on the tutorial section, what counts and doesn't count and how certain situations may change this. 
    Any ways back to my main question is there a Cvar to show me how many entities are running in my map actively?

    On the note of portalling (areportal doors etc) if entities are areaportaled off and not even running atm (no ones in the room) whilst on a server do they still count against the active entity check list?

  2. Alright so im officially schedualing the first alpha test for 2 weeks from today. The first 12 folks to PM me will be involved with that. After that I will be releasing a small section of the map as a DEMO and a trailer probably about that time curtesy of Iffo Atm I am predicting a October release. I know thats a bit further then originally planned but I just got my Visa to stay in Holand for the next 5 years, so it's back to work for me. So less time to dedicate to JH3 to make a long story short. XD

    ZanderNao and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  3. Alright so as I mentioned earlier the glass was temproary till i could get what I wanted to put in the windows set up. A note about these windows, the stained glass is a func_door and via a button in an administrative office you can open and shut them based on your needs. 
    This was a bit of a trick to do actually. I wanted to create the illusionof depth, as if they were transparent. However as these windows were put here as yet another FPS protection measure they couldn't be set to actually be semi transparent. So I used an old simple trick, using the textures glow map to  transpose the area's on the opposite sides of the glass. The illusion for the most part works as long as you dnt go over thinking perspective as you move side to side or up and down. Hmm some times even I have to take the easy way out. 


    The courtyard is still a bit of a wip.

    DarthStiv, Onysfx, Smoo and 7 others like this
  4. LOL I compile daily, this is v2 of this project, this version is about 10 months old. plus there was a little break between the two versions. The original cut was developed for the jawa clan, but screw them. 
    Any ways TBH I've poured through this map and theirs just no one thing or even a series of things that seem to be causing it, this may simply be that at 16k brushes and god knows how many patches it truely just has too many edges in it for a T Junction compile. 
    Any ways Add me on discord @@IrocJeff_Jeff im in the Jkhub community channel. I'm sure you're there as well. 

    The problem is not terrain related as this map doesn't really have any terrain aside from small raised gardens 

  5. Favorite moments hmm... 

    * My days with The Order {O}, the original users of council GCX. Honestly the best years of my JKA experiance were spent there. The training, the roleplay, the structure was amazing.

    * Mapping, honestly for many years now I've enjoyed mapping and or modding in general for this community. Got to meet a lot of amazing individuals over the last 15 years. 

    * My Girlfriend. We actually met while I was still living in the states through JKA, about 5 years ago, decided this last year to make it official and I moved to holand to be with her. Honestly it's the best thing  I've achieved through JKA. 

    Stoiss, SomaZ, Noodle and 2 others like this
  6. I don't think it would hurt to compile in chunks and see if the error occurs in that section. If you don't mind send me the .map file and I'll take a look at it. 

    I've found the issue to a point. I copied the map over to a new file and just started erasing a ton of shit. Eventually about 3000 patches later it went away. I thought for a moment I had a Eureka moment when I erased my swoop track and it finally did the T junction np problem. So I went to my main map thinking Ok maybe it was the Swoop track, not a big deal I could redesign that or find the issue. 

    Erased the swoop track but to no avail T junction still failed, so essentailly it is exactly whjat the error is telling me bassicaly the map has just too many edges. Converting to ASE or MD3 still doesn't fix the problem as it still runs the T junction on those as well. Essentailly thjis comes down to a failure on my end, while my brush work by most maps standards is very clean. I apparently still have much to learn about quads.


    Compiling with no t junctions is probably not a good idea in the long run.

    At this point I am just working to hide the effects of T JUnction, theirs really no fix for it unless I rebuild the entire map. So as the maps 80% done and already 3 years in and several folks contributions in, it wouldn't be fair to the public nor myself to restart. 

    What I have been doing instead is to try and little by little fix the problem. Going back removing any extra verts from patches I may have forgotten, combinding textures to make some things on surface rather then chopped up, try to fix several of the t junctions in the maps brush work as well. I spent a couple of days re reading the old q3 documentation. O_O...

  7. So during T Junction phase of my compile I get that cursed "MAX_EDGE_LINES" error, Caused by brushes going into brushes bassicly and causing bad triangle splits. Alright so normally 90% of the time I do pretty good 45'ing my corners and brush work so this had me a little baffled as to why I've currently been having to continuisly use the "No T Junction" switch during meta. Is there any way I can narrow down my search for the offending brush(s). 

    Example being if I say grab chunks of the map an compile them untill I get that error in one of the sections or is this an accumlitive error from just too many brushes going into other brushes through the entire map? 
    I want to fix this error, while the "No T Junction" switch does work around this error you can see seams here and there in the map, nothing most players would really notice. however "I" notice them and I want to fix these asap. XD So I figured I would ask here to see if any one knows of a more refined manor of method for finding the cause(s).

    May the Force be with you!


  8. Alright I'll keep this pretty simple. I need some one(s) capable of taking 2048 X 2048 and or 4096 X 4096 screenshots for Jedi's Home III's sky box. It's a pretty simple job for you. all you have to do is is load the maps in SP I would send you , take screenshots when you hear r2 beep and then send me said screenshots.

    I need them in 2048 X 2048 and 4096 X 4096 if possible. I can only do 1024 atm which sucks for a skybox with this much detail. Any one can set the resolution to the forementioned the problem is that any of the game that goes past your screens edge when taking the screenshot turns out black in the screenshots. 
    Any who if you can help you'll ofcourse get the usuals, my gratitude firstly, a mentioned in Jh's credits, your name on the thank you boards in game, an easter egg of your choice to hide in the map, and ofcourse you'll get early access to the map! 

    Thank you all for reading, replying, etc May the Force Be with you! 

    Angel MOFO Modder

  9. Well I cant take all the credit.  The statues Rooxon made for the project, and he took the walls once I converted them to ase' and smoothed out the faces so the room would apear more rounded. He's been a big help taking all my ase's and cleaning up and converting to MD3's. Today he's UV mapping the walls, while texture wise they'll look generally the same it will allow me to go to the next level with the shader and shadow work on the walls. 

    TheWhitePhoenix, Onysfx and Langerd like this
  10. Alright so I made some changes today, some big changes. I added an apartment district, imagine kotor taris apartment sector, now mix the bespin/Jh style together and that's there theme, 14 simple apartment's. This section was important to implement the casino and swimming pool. I removed the S curve typical Bespin hallways and the tram station. 
    The Tram station "MAY" be reimplemented as part of a secret later on before final release. However it atm is just a streatch goal. I'd love to script a tram ride around the map but as it was, it was just a waste of time for the player to get to the casino, plus remopving it allowed me to add to the game mechanics and RP ability a bit better with the apartments.

    At this point the map is at filling out mode. All the rooms and final structural detailing are starting to come in. Consider this the final steps in her fitting out, just before the furniture however in nautical terms. me and a few friends are running a early early pre alpha test on my server tonight to start taking notes on enviromental blending. 
    Over the coming weeks I'll be very busy transofrming the map from a bland looking vanilla pile of BS into some thing some what decent. Theirs dozens of textures to make, not even including shadow maps to create, shaders to write, elevators to set up, dozens and dozens of little things to fill the map out. XD

    Any who once that's complete actual alpha testing will commence. 
    Any who early wip shot of the apartments. I kept them simple and sweet, similiarly structure wise to kotor. PEJnEi3.jpgpRzf56s.jpgKfj5FA6.jpg

    Smoo, DarthStiv, ZanderNao and 4 others like this
  11. I found out that was completely irrelevant.  Tried it in a patch and on a normal brush, and the problem is in both compiles. Even in the simplest room (4 walls, one floor, one roof and a light square brush with the texture) would have this warning. I'm 100% the issue is in the way the shaders are written and completely unrelated to brushes. 

    Cool, atleast now I know which direction to look. Hmmm started about the time I started using some 'Cairn' textures. :D Thanks Noodle!

    Noodle likes this
  12. So I've got this problem in my most recent map and I've been trying to dig the reason behind it without much success, until now. 


    I was using the yavin/light texture in my map and realized the problem was related to the shader. The following line seems to create this issue:


    q3map_flare gfx/misc/flare


    When I removed this line, the warning was gone. The sad thing is that it gives a nice flare effect, so I wonder if anyone else has any idea why the flare effect creates this warning.

    Yes was it on a patch, silly enough I've had this flooding by compile output for a while now but couldn't really track it's source. Atleast if it's a shader and patch combination that narrows my search...

  13. Hmmm a little different then the story I had created for it. Lando Calrision dedicates a section of his cloud city for the Jedi Rebirth after the fall of the Empire, but rather then Luke leading it, Luke sends his two most promisng students to run the Academy, A man and a woman (lovers) who started with just a small clutch of about 6 Padawans, Now it's a training ground for some of the most gifted Jedi specilizing in saber combat. Capable of housing 60 boy padawans and 60 girl padawans, extra accomedations for 14 teachers including the head master and mistress. 
    A vast Archive of all Old Republic and New Republic information was recently installed along with a Relic Vault for higher learning.

    ZelZel and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  14. Happy you found the error. Has anyone or here ever encountered 'Radiant ghosts'? Or is it just me? Like errors that just can't be fixed no matter what you do.

    Good news is the error was fixed. It had to do with a command I had dropped into the Infor player Death matches (the spawn points). Originally I had wanted all the players to start outside in the main couryard just like the original JH's and the bots would spawn inside the lobby. However servers seem to have an issue with the nobots and nohumans command in the spawn points. It may just be a JA++ and JA+ problem. However again as most servers run on or the other, I cant allow for some thing to remain if it Jeoporizes its use on a server. Then you just end up with another SJC pack XD...


    Any who I've started on a special pack for this map that I really hope you all will enjoy. Remember how I spoke about the reflective floors only turn on via a plug in file? Well now that plug in file will also include HD textures for several of the maps commonly seen textures. Nice 4k textures for those of us with high end machines. The main file will simply be shiney floors and 2k or lower textures. Now the Plug in file will be kind of big due to the file size nature of 4k textures but believe me when i say visually they make a great impression. 

    I'm not certain yet if I will make the reflective floors and HD textures two seperate plugins or one, for the time being it's just one. 

    Noodle and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  15. Alright so after pulling apart the entire map and wasting yesterday turned out the reason it wasn't loading was the "nobots & nohuman" switches in the spawn points. Apparently JKA doesn't like those >.>... Any ways maps back on track and full functional on my server again. Plus side was that I found a bunch of little bugs and cleaned them up while pulling the map apart. 

    One interesting thing it showed me however is section 1 and section 3 light compile rather easily and fast, for some reason in the 1000 or so lights the illiminate section 2, some thing is pulling allot, good news is with the map in sections for testing perposes Ill be able to slowly weed out what the issues are. Then just apply those fixes to the actual map file.

    TheWhitePhoenix, Langerd and Noodle like this
  16. Ehhh Ok so first Ill address the designer notes you've all commented on. I'll work out the glass shadow (usually depending on the type of glass it may cast like a 30-50% opacity shadow, but at the very least the legs should be casting shadows. I'll probably place some fake shadows here myself. Looks better,saves GPU power to comnpile and draw in game, overall better. Theirs quiet a few spots towards the end I'll be adding my own shadows. About 50% of the map will be using my own shadow work and the rest will just be w/e. 
    As for models, hmmm well Im not really into modeling any more these days. Not since UT3 really. 
    A lot of this map is already ASE's however that ofcourse is simply to save power for physics calculations. Honestly I hate ASE's they for some odd reason crank up you T Junction compilation insanely the more you use them, atm I cant even compile with T Junction, which is causing me some other sadness's that I need to address. 
    To be fair about 50% of my issues could be fixed with a modeler, however I only know one and he's already been nice enough to make me some statues for the map, Im not about to send him all my ase's and be like here bitch clean these up and make em MD3's.. ;) CHOP CHOP NINJA!!!

    Any ways for any of you who pay attention to this topic we've ran into an odd bug with the map that I'm sure has a simple fix, but first we've gotto solve this scoobey doo Mystery of wtf it even is. 

    What happens is this. it had been oh I dnk atleast a month since I'd ran a test of the map on a server, normally I always test it on my server, never just devmap, servers show you true gamer performance as well as making sure it will actually fucking function on a server as this story will point out. This all took place due to a hard drive crash and I just hadn't had time with rebuilding our back yard and mapping to resetup Filezilla and shit. 
    Any who, we put the map on the server, Ammap it and server just dies... Just dead, Rcon cant bring it on, nothing... Ok so we got Calium to restart it, he did some digging around and the last thing the server had said was this... 

    Object 680 touching 3 areas at 958.000000 -423.000000 -763.000000 Object 681 touching 3 areas at 958.000000 345.000000 -763.000000


    so the first thing I do besides cursing outloud and getting pissed was to grab my .map, open it with Notepad ++ and search for those cord... Theirs nothing with any branch or bit of those cords. Ok next I look for that said # of brush(s), just a normal brush nothing wrong with that, even checked in gtk, it's normal. Ok lets check entity said #'s... Again just two normal lights. All of these were no where near said mentioned cordinates.
    So the only thing I could think of was my old friend Google. 

    It had ONLY this to say about it I found this some some GIT BS talking about Q3's code. |

    // set areas, even from clusters that don't fit in the entity array

    for (i=0 ; i<num_leafs ; i++) {
    area = CM_LeafArea (leafs);
    if (area != -1) {
    // doors may legally straggle two areas,
    // but nothing should evern need more than that
    if (ent->areanum != -1 && ent->areanum != area) {
    if (ent->areanum2 != -1 && ent->areanum2 != area && sv.state == SS_LOADING) {
    Com_DPrintf ("Object %i touching 3 areas at %f %f %f\n",
    gEnt->r.absmin[0], gEnt->r.absmin[1], gEnt->r.absmin[2]);
    ent->areanum2 = area;
    } else {
    ent->areanum = area;

    Still no idea wtf any of it means, I suspected maybe cluster portals, erased them,tested still nothing but death. The only thing that makes sense to me is possibly an areaportal problem...
    GPChannel and Langerd like this
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