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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. How can somebody end this project and just delete it even without posting us source map file? After days of hard work? Braindead decision.

    Uhm excuse me, because its MY work, and NO one touches my work... I designed every texture in that project by hand ergo my property and I can do with my property as I see fit. I will use my legal rights to the fullest extent if I find ANY of my property used and or released without my permission. Which will not be given. Ever!

    Wasa likes this
  2. Project canceled -  I just don't want to work on mapping any more. Too many years spent in fact wasted doing it with little to no pay off. I will be deleting the demo asap. Sorry, I don't belong any where in this community any more so theirs really no need for me to continue working for it. 

    Wish you all the best - AngelModder

  3. Atm the latest alpha is not up and running yet, will probably be about 2 weeks before it is, Atm, the server is running Jh3-Demo 1. (you can find me near the top of the server list "A.m.'s Cantina ") Plan is the next Demo will focus more over towards the Casino part of the map. Allowing the folks checking it out via auto download every week as more and more of the map becomes available to them leading up to Beta XD. There will be "some" area's I don't show till release ofcourse but this will be a fun time to get peoples opinions idea's and trouble shoot any problems as I go through the final stage of development

    I do however require some assistance however, I need some one who can help me with the server CFG etc or atleast help me learn to control it better. For instance I'm having difficulty getting the server to apply the .cfg's changes after a refresh etc, although I may be doing the refresh wrong. <---- See I need help. Wouldn't be a whole lot mostly just some questions I cant really find the right answer to in tuts. Specific shit.

    Any ways stop by the server (it was formerly a clan but I'm converting it over to a community modding server) so never mind all the old clan crap on the bots and MOTD atm. Those are things I'm trying to remember how to change XD! For any one wanting to speak to me directly my discord is Amodder #3768

    ZanderNao likes this
  4. LOL Sorry I've bveen busy asf guys, I'm actually making a small come back full time to JKA. Gonna be reworking the Old pride server into a testing facility with a auto DLed version of this map soon. Or at least that's the plan. A simple unlock would allow folks to connect and Auto dled the most recent version as I'm working and testing. Theirs been a lot of design changes, this time around however and this close to the maps ending I am more then ever set on secrecy. So sadly no photo or video updates. Theirs been a lot of changes and I want to see how big of a splash this will make. Soon coming to a youtube near you XD

  5. LOL So I am considering also releasing the map in sections on release day as well as the "whole map together". So an updated finished council room/cermony hall/roof top hanger as one, maybe for those who just wanna rp in the temple a map of "just" that and cut out the courtyard and other sections of the map. Might help RP'ers for load time's etc.

    And then the other forementioned area's (hotel section and or hanger/senate hall and room) as seperate bsp's. I dnk if that's overkill but it is easilly doable and would help a lot of folks out. As well in those said sections I can really increase the light map scaling since those will be much smaller compiles. 

  6. @@AngelModder - Did you upgrade to Windows 10?

    Nah I've been on windows 10 for a long while, this was a processor and GPU issue I was having. My old GPU and processor were just fried from age and thousands of hours compiling. 

    When we put in the new GPU priocessor and Motherboared some thing didn't quiet agree at first. I was forced to put off the system wipe it really needed in order to wait for the SSD and new HD's. 


    However finally we're there. :D This time around everything seems to work fine. 

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  7. Alright sooo after a huge rediculous delay we're back on track with all 3 projects! I finaly managed to get the computer fixed and up and running correctly. I'll be starting on the projects final steps tomorrow morning. Probably in the Sith base ;)!!! 

    I want to apologize to any who have been wanting this around christmas as I originally had intended. I ran into unexpected problems when upgrading my PC. Bassicaly I could run any game but for some reason both gtk and 3ds maya etc all kept crashing during load. 
    Hopefully I can get my Discord account up and running again!

    ZanderNao, Xanemus, Smoo and 3 others like this
  8. Alright so as you all have noticed I have been afk. Partially due to a new job consuming my life LOL. And secondly my computer is going nuts. I'm trying to limp through till I can afford the correct processor. 
    At that point it's time for a complete system reformat including a new ssd drive. Bassically release is on hold until I can get my pc back up and running and can finish it. :/ 

    Don't worry all files are backed up a dozen times over...

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  9. So I have to say the snate building is turning out pretty awesome. I really didn't think I would like this area as much as I d. Any one who's mapped knows working with circular rooms can some times suck, even just making sense of the layout can be a pain. We had the pleasent suprise that the lighting didn't bleed or mess up as it "sometimes" can when using misc BSP to import it into the main map. We're still playing around with the connection point. 

    The two maps ofcourse both have to be vis sealed for FPS reasons. They meet up and connect in both maps at the door that connects the Senate Hall (not the senate room) to the main exterior courtyard (where every one will spawn). This is a bit of a tricky situation where caulk nonsolid has to be employed along with a few other intentional glitches to create the effect we want. 
    Personally I never liked Teleportation style movement through a map (secret area's aside). So I'm working with this to try and avoid that. 


    Any ways...

    Smoo, TheWhitePhoenix, Mope and 1 other like this
  10. So now the fun shit starts, the finalization process. Senate area is being finished up. In the mean time Anoek (my gf) sits next to me working on your lovely final secret area's. Yes my life is so awesome even my gf is a modder XD LOL. While I begin setting up the Misc BSP loads.

    Essentially since ONE bsp with the full map would not compile correctly or at all, I split the map - Senate area and secret area's end up being there own BSP's (for those unfimiliar with terms this means there own fully compiled maps.) And via a magical sparkling unicorn blood entity called Misc BSP when placed correctly allows me to attach other .bsp's to another bsp. Bassicly what map modder usually do to allow you to go to other maps from the main map. 
    This is not without issue, the sky light comes dominatly through the misc BSP'ed in map. So say for the senate area it had to be desighned in such a way that via a lot of windows etc this lighting makes sense and looks right. 
    Essentially this is a work around for huge maps. Split it up. XD! 

    Any who I AM SO SORRY this has taken longer then I had hoped but I wotn lie, between work, SWTOR, and being a bit burnt out and not even playing JKA any more myself it's been hard to find time or motivation to do this and finish it up. But I promise you this, you WILL have it christmas day!

  11. New Pool Doors -  Need angle reversed -V-

    Doors into Casino are functioning as one portal, set new teams -V-

    Add more plants to casinio -V-

    Scale glass texture in casino to tile less 2 X 2   -V-

    Rotated bevel texture marble pieces in casino per screenshot -V-

    Resolved about 12 old func groups -V-

    Removed tie fighter -V-

    Finish elevator to Casino level -V-

    Place sign for Casino -V-

    Resolve sign textures into multi textures. (Take say  of them all the same size and put them together as one texture then use the 0.25 X 1 scale in the texture editor along with shifting it to get to the sign you need.) Takes 100 textures and makes them 25, which is good in this case as I need to be able to have more textures, also helps to only need 25 shaders rather then 100 XD!

  12. So here is a question, I'm tossing around the theme of the senate hall and senate room. I do want to make the senate hall layout similiar to ep3 (big round spherical room) and the senate hall layout wise similiar to swtor coruscant. However it's there overall archetecture and texture theme I seem to be a bit in the air about. Should it be bespin themed, or styled like the rest of the JH facility. 

    I sort of broke the map down like such...  On the north side of the courtyard where you'll spawn you have the hanger where mofo's arrive senators etc folks from across the galaxy with senate buisness or needs from the Jedi, The south wing is the hotel, casino, swimming pool, swoop track. The west wing off the courtyard is the Jedi Temple and the East wing the senate building. So proximity lore wise and RP wise should be taken into consideration. 
    So far I've made it that any thing outside of the temple has a some what bespin theme to a point... 

    The debate is, I'd like to design the senate section like the Jedi Temple as far as theme, but I feel it may asthetically flow wrong on the lore and RP values, so in that way I lean towards styling it's archetecture and texture work at the very least towards Bespin. So I leave it to YOU as you're the ones who will use it and either love it or complain XD! 

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  13. In regards to the Swoop Hologram, that may be a good way to represent the area, however atm I've just been using hologram text scrolling over doors. 


    15 -  Optimizing the ammount of textures used in the map, apparently theirs a 512 texture limit... >.> Knocked it down to 424. This made me a bit sad to find this limit as I still wanted to do a lot texture wise. However I may find new ways to do shit via texture samples. One texture with several textures on it. 

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  14. Focus list of the day


    01 - Added Stairs to the Hotel lobby. Now as you enter theirs a set of glass stairs on either side allowing access to the second floor (originally just an asthetic) to give access to the Casino tower.


    02 - Casino tower has now been linked to the swoop race track via elevator shaft. 

    03  - The layout of the Hotel bedroom section has been adjusted to be more asthetically pleasing.


    04 - Hotel Swimming pool move to empty center of the Hotel bedroom section with a door way on either side of the pool room giving access to the North and South sides of the Hotels bedrooms s ection as a quicker route of movement through the map as well as just making sense.


    05 - Senate statues removed from Councilroom.


    06 - Senate statues Removed outside of Hotel entrance.


    07 - Senate statues placed outside the senate hall.


    08 - General layout and structure for the senate hall and senate chambers laid out.


    09 - Concept art drawn up for Supreme Chancelors office.


    10 - Chairs in Casino lowered, they were hovering 4 inches off the ground >:/ ???


    11 - Reception Podium in Casino moved to second floor for dinning guests.


    12 - Swoop Racer desk added to lower floor of the Casino for those wishing to particapate in a race.


    13 - Floor texturescaling in Casino fixed.


    14 - SJC face dart board added to Casino. 

  15. Well finally had some time to sit down and prepare the final adjustments in jh3. Removed the Senate Hotel Bar, moved the Casino over and attached it to the senate hotel lobby, also move the hallways and bedrooms from aroundt he core to the and attached them to the Senate hotel lobby as well. 

    Started work on the new version of the tram station, this will now lead to a senate building. 

    Onysfx and TheWhitePhoenix like this
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