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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. UPDATE:


    Back to work guys :)


    Ahch-To Training


    What u see is just a test map

    without lights,and i realised that i didnt use the Fit button for the floor xD

    But the map will give the feels :) <3



    Alright Im not gonna kiss ass like others do. this looks horrible. the textures are overly streatched every where,.Lighting is way to bright and lacks a natural feel. The sky box is blurry and only worsens the situation. I cant say any thing to the bush work. And Im not trying to be rude, just real. This needs a LOT of work.

    General Howard likes this
  2. I thought MD3 as misc_model will also be earesed. If You will not put the MD3 in the pk3 file it will still load misc_model - misc_model_static will not. ..I might be wrong 


    EDIT: Because misc_model is baked into the map. Misc_model Static is just loaded model without shading from the map.

    The inherit issue with that would be that I would have to include the MD3, and that's as good as handing them the piece.

    Langerd likes this
  3. Thanks. Well to be honest I think originally Shadow just liked the sky box, most people like sunsets.However after the second one released the community just sort of insisted it was bespin due to the sky box and other texture chosen. I suppose some where along the way even he did as well. During the span of time I knew him it was always just Bespin in his opinion. While not built on The Cloud City Facility we all know and love from ESB it was some thing similiar, hidden and cloaked away during the Jedi purge. 

    The ability to make changing skyboxes already exsist, however map lighting and shadows are baked into the surfaces and are static, so while the sky could change the lighting would not. This would look rather odd. The best choice would be to choose a point of time you like and have one nicely blended theme then try to develop a theme that's not concentrated and would look odd at times. 
    In the Warzone variation of this map It will have the ability to succesfully change from night to do, so that's some thing you'll get to look forward to. 

  4. What happened to the Outrider? I was so happy when it won that contest poll that you were going to include it in the map as fully explorable ship, are you still putting it in the project?

    Outrider will be in it, just not like you expected XD, in a MUCH better way, but I also wanted some thing a bit original. Years ago Ockniel and I both entered into a jk2files mapping contest. The theme was Taris and we took second place. I designed the hanger interior and the Ebon  hawk inside of it. We ran out of time and due to a rush job I never really got to do with it what I had originally wanted. looking back at the old map file I almost used it again in this. However after having learned so much since even then I felt it just sucked. So the Rhino was born. 


    I didn't know you could make things un-compilable, may I ask how do you achieve that? 

    You can't make a map un-compilable, however certain entities erase them selves during decompile. Setting brush work to these specific types of Func's will make them be erased apun decompiling the map, Ergo no one can steal your shit. XD

    Noodle likes this
  5. I suggest to make MD3 mode for some things. Overlall nice concept :)

    Alot of things already are md3. However certain things like the ship etc will not be infact I'm having them written off as an entity. The reason for that is when kids decide to decompile this it will erase it and other area's and details I do not wish reused in other maps. Lets face it people do it. 

    I've always had an issue with people using my materials and such. Even asking me honestly just kind of gets under my skin in a weird way. As for the Rhino, if any one's going to turn it into a vehicle it will be me, no one else. :/ just how I am. 

  6. Is the similitude to the Eban Hawk intentional?  If I could suggest something, it would be to give some asymmetry to the design, like the best star wars ships. 

    The Ebon Hawk was always my favorite ship. So I decided to take the design and play with the concept as if it were being designed in more modern star wars times. Some where between episode 3-4. Folks you've gotto remember this also has to be able to fit an interior while not draining the engine of more computation. 

  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ryvhdiunsiwsa6/openjk%202017-08-18%2019-34-44-42.avi?dl=0 
    Not the greatest quality videos. But this is a short video of one of the secret area's I've been working on recently for jedi's Home III and a small video of a quick run through during some testing of the Demo map, Enjoy!


    Smoo and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  8. All entities count during compile but that HARD limit is 4096, but theirs say a Light entity limit (not applicable to shader lights) That's why most folks use shader driven lighting and just a few entity ones here and there for special circumstance. Asgarath is correct about Misc model, sadly though there is a light entity limit. A lot of folks think theirs not but sadly there really is.. I've ran into it a few times. Then again I had like 4k light entities.
    In game is another issue though, there lights dont count as they're just markers really for illumintion information for the engine to bake into the surfaces. I believe misc model doesn't as asgarath mentioned. Info null and not null dont count either, and I could be wrong but I believe target position doesn't either as again sort of like lights it's just a cord ref. 

    What Im more or less looking for is maybe a Cvar like R_speeds that gives me some information on the entity count atm during game play. So far all reserch has yeilded nothing. Which si weird as it seems like some thign you would want for building SP bs in Q3 games.

    Like you Langerd  I'm a bit confused if it means the map overall or just in said active area's visible to the player(s).

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