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Posts posted by AngelModder

  1. I found some thing about this finally, theirs no other mentions of it I could find other then this...


    // set areas, even from clusters that don't fit in the entity array

    for (i=0 ; i<num_leafs ; i++) {
    area = CM_LeafArea (leafs);
    if (area != -1) {
    // doors may legally straggle two areas,
    // but nothing should evern need more than that
    if (ent->areanum != -1 && ent->areanum != area) {
    if (ent->areanum2 != -1 && ent->areanum2 != area && sv.state == SS_LOADING) {
    Com_DPrintf ("Object %i touching 3 areas at %f %f %f\n",
    gEnt->r.absmin[0], gEnt->r.absmin[1], gEnt->r.absmin[2]);
    ent->areanum2 = area;
    } else {
    ent->areanum = area;
    No clue wth it means though. I supsect some thing with my area portals or maybe my cluster portals?
  2. So we're trying to test a map on our server and when ever we switch to the said map the entire server crashes, like Cal has to restart it every time. The only thing we can find in the server crash logs is this.... 


    Object 680 touching 3 areas at 958.000000 -423.000000 -763.000000 Object 681 touching 3 areas at 958.000000 345.000000 -763.000000


    Now I searched for those cords in the .map, theirs nothing there. Gtk, theirs nothing there, I looked up brush's 681 and 680, just 2 normal looking brushes nothing wrong with them at all, entities 680 and 680, not even near those said brushes are just two normal light entities...

    So, wtf? 


  3. available for testing yet? Can we use force and move things around? M/P S/P combo ftw.

    Not just yet, I'm working as fast as possible atm between life and that sleep thing we humans have to do for atleast a few hours here and there. 


    Went through last night doing a clean sweep bug check using my Steam version of the game as a clean base. making adjustments and fine tuning's to whats there so far before moving on. I am debaiting have a few people do some early early pre alpha testing with me on my server here in about a week. However I need to pick individuals who also map. As atm that's the POV I need for spotting problems and suggestions. 


    After that Alpha testing with a selected group from here will begin. That map overall is about 75-80% complete. Theirs still a room here and there that needs its detailing and such, but nothing too drastic. Once that is complete and the secret area's are in theirs one more area I am considering adding. 

    Some time tonight I'll begin working on fitting the Council chambers and Ceremony Hall in as well, however those will not be seen untill full release aside from the pre alpha and alpha testers. 


    I have also considered once Pre alpha testing is complete, pulling out the main lobby and maybe on other area and releasing it as a Demo. Around about the time Alpha testing is done I'll be having another JkHub member record some video trailers etc. However like all great teasers, the best will eb saved for game play :P

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  4. btw did u notced (of course u did) but in the picture when we can see Kyle too the JK Logo has no texture :)

    Noticed, Ive got like 100 screenshots of different little tweaks and such I need to make XD... It gets quiet annoying. Been messing with the map atmospherically today. Decided rather then just one lame ass music track playing through the entire building. I'd use different songs for different area's themed to fit ofcourse. Most coming from kotor.

  5. Alright so I made a few adjustments today. first off got ride of a pretty useless area. Originally I wanted you to go into a station that would remind those familir with SWG of the space station on any planet and then that leads intop a train like station that would take you through a massive pit like area similiar to Episode 5 where luks said fuck you to vader and dropped after getting his hand cut off. Any ways I cut out the pit area which was pretty big. While it didn't really effect VIS or Lighting compile, it slowed Meta comple for such a useless area. 
    Now it's just a tunnel that leads you through to the area where the casino and swimming poool (plus a bonus area).  
    I've added onto the second floor of the main lobby and placed hallways on the opposite side of the Padawan cantina where you can find classrooms, and given a new access to the second floor of the archives. 

    ZanderNao likes this
  6. The performance FPS wise in this map was a concern from day one. I really wanted to have more detail but not kill your CPU or GPU... It sits @ perfect in 90% of places. ofcourse theirs always a little bit of dip in some area's "IF" you're using the reflective floor plug in. But generally for most modern PC's expect 80FPS or higher

    P.S. After a small break I am back to working on JH, this is the final push. Theirs really only 3 area's that really need built, and then the final addition of secret area's. After that will simply be final detailing. Maximizing on detailing where I can and small adjustments. I'd say you'rem 6-9 week s from expecting a ALPHA.
    A note about alpha phase (which will take 14 days) I will be selecting 6 of you who have been the most interested in the project. I've been watching! ;) they will give me feed back on performance and final adjustments. Ofcourse aside from recieving an erly sneak peak there names will be included in the readme, but they also will get to choose an easter eggs to be placed in the map as well as where it will be!

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  7. Oh my god, those trees are casting their shadows, Warzone can't come soon enough!

    Yes, it's capable of real time HD shadowing and a lot more! Real time normal mapping, cube mapping. Theirs a lot of thing's we hope to accomplish but we do understand the desire & the necessity of this to come asap! The true thing we will really need in the coming months is your support. The more people we get to see this, the more people that are ready to switch over, the more people who volunteer there skills to the project the sooner we can save a game we all love!

    JK has been a home for me in many ways as I am sure it has been a home and an escape for many of us, even for just a casual couple of hours to kill. We really hope the direction we're going with this will recapture that new feeling we all have been wanting while not sacrificing JK's charm and core qualities. So please give the project some love, visit our section on the Jkhub forum, give us your thoughts or lend a hand! Even just a like and a comment keeps us moving motivated and inspired!


    May the Force be with you all!



    J19, Cor, Smoo and 1 other like this
  8. Well folks it's monday so here it is! Over the last couple of year's we've all been seeing a lot of bluster about Rend2 etc, but we'd yet to see it applied in a way that gives us any hope of feasibility. The other half the time it's being applied to maps that are unfamiliar locations and at times may not seem practical to what we really need.
    As some of you may know I recently joined the Warzone group, let me just say right now, aesthetically it's a dream, the game play is intense and incredible! I felt like I was in exactly what I had always wanted A NEW JK! So if you like what you see here, be sure to follow our progress on the Warzone project as well! https://jkhub.org/forum/134-star-wars-warzone/
    Just to be clear I will be releasing a vanila jka version of Jedi Home 3 - Temple Edition as well as a Warzone Variation when the mod drops. 






    Onysfx, Smoo, J19 and 10 others like this
  9. Wowowwo/... Wait... 


    Now You will blast full lighting compile??? Your Map is HUGE . I Hope it will work!


    8 - If tragedy ensues blame @@Langerd for the whole thing. If Joy ensues claim all responsibility and throw Langerd into on of the Bespin pits...


    Wait... that is not good... emm... well... 'e.e

    Oh no it's been through full light compiles many time's. part of it's design from moment one was to design it in such a way and effecient enough to run a full light compile with full bounce 100 letting it run untill it runs out of radiosity bounces. Most of the time it stops around 50-60 bounces, but the result is very much worth it, cleaner lighting, no need for ambient command, proper light + surface color blending etc.

    So no need to worry, it takes time (usually while I sleep I run the full one's) but the map thus far does it fine. While I have a 2 gig GPU and 12 gigs of ram, the very very finale compile when the map is done will remove the fast switches again and run on Anoek's 8 gig gpu.


    You also hjave to remember from day one this map's used a _lightmapscale of 4 (very blurry) with up to 0.125 in area's where direct crisp shadows on the brushes only effected by direct shadows/light such as light coming through a window onto the floor. In 90% of the real world ambient shadows etc are very blurry and you can't make heads or tales of them. So I simulated that and used it to my advantage! With 90% of the map running such a simple light mapping it allows a lot more focus and power to be given to the specific area's where you really see detailed shadowing going on.

    Ontop of this method, I also created many of the maps shadows for it, only once running a compile with the said pieces projecting shadows to see where the shadows needed to lay and reach too. After that I tell the said item (pillars book shelves chairs & light fixtures to not cast any shadow but to only receive shadows. Then using a thing mesh on the floor/walls that the object originally casted shadows on I place my fake shadow for that said item on it.

    In this sense not only do I get VERY clear crisp realistic shadows, but I can also simulate a bloom/d glow appearance all while in really making not only my compile go faster and better, but also YOUR game play not only looks better but RUNS better.



    Smoo, J19, Langerd and 1 other like this
  10. That's a good question. Although without Rosh Penin we probably wouldn't have had the epic Christmas Episode of Jedi Academy Re-edited :P

    This is soo true... EagleStriker was the shit! I think I got his name right. But on a serious design note I'm just going to paint a clear picture true fans of a  generally dark story do no appreciate a Jar Jar binks like character. Which essentially is what Rosh was; a humor touch to it all, the problem was the because of the lack of interaction with Kyle and again a lack of interaction with Rosh you didn't care about either when it came to the choice of light and dark, all you knew was Rosh was an annoyingly over competitive pos and a cowardly traitor. Kyle you sadly only had two missions where he actually was there. Seriously who sends a Jedi Padawan out on like 9 deadly missions by themselves. It was simnply poor story and plot driving writing that screwed JKA and ultimately lead to there not being another due to sales and opinion reflecting negatively.


    On the outside of it all, the designers took the easier road by avoiding using Kyle as the main character and went with the easier road of making some thing new. NOW some thing new isn't always bad but in the situation of a legacy driven by a particular character you (if your not going to make them the playable toon) need a LOT of interaction with them. Finding this balance is hard for those who despite affording to say so were severely rushed in making JKA. This rushed concept is not only apparent in the game it's self but also very much the opinion of several of this games designers not simply the one being questioned here.

    While I wont go so far as to drive up old convo's or topics. many of them acknowledged this game was released ahead of schedule by pressure from the as we'll call them overseers. It's this drive for quick money of a stable name that has killed many things. 

    The JK series is just one of many that deserved more credit then it was given, and despite the embarrassment the JKA brought to the titles prestige, it deserved a second chance. It still in many ways does even now after all these years. How many old games like this do you still see so many people working there ass off to preserve and restore?


    This also ties into the short sighted nature of most companies these days. MODDING keeps games alive as much as a great story and an awesome multiplayer. The secret? DONT FRIGGIN RUSH YOUR PROJECTS...

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