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Title pretty much explains it. We need an official JKHub map. Lots of dueling rooms, a bar, a pool, training areas and of course the JKHub logo. 


So really a clan map only in the JKHub layout. This would be super awesome. We have a Launcher, Chat Icon, why not a map?


This has got to be one of the easiest suggestions ever made.

Futuza likes this

If JKHub ever hosted their own OFFICIAL JKHub server, a custom map is a must. Me thinks the map should have support for CTF (in case we get bored) I have a few concepts I can throw out there...


We also would need a statue of Caelum.


... or rather a "Hall of Fame" of some kind, with the statues of all "hystorical" members and possibly many more ;)


... or rather a "Hall of Fame" of some kind, with the statues of all "hystorical" members and possibly many more ;)

Procedural generated statues based on gray scale mapping forum avatars for each user.  Bwhahaha.  


In all serious that's a bit ridiculous and let's not do that.

Boothand, therfiles and Merek like this

JKG Developer


Procedural generated statues based on gray scale mapping forum avatars for each user.  Bwhahaha.  


In all serious that's a bit ridiculous and let's not do that.


If anything, the only person who deserves immortalization in the jkhub map is @@Caelum, JKHub's founder.


Welcome to the real world folks.

Rooxon likes this

You guys have it all wrong. You should all know that gerbilOFdoom is the l33t pwnz0rz hack3r that made JKA happen. Sure, I was only about 9 years old when the game was released BUT IT IS STILL MY DOING!


All that being said, this shall be the main statue



Title pretty much explains it. We need an official JKHub map. Lots of dueling rooms, a bar, a pool, training areas and of course the JKHub logo. 


So really a clan map only in the JKHub layout. This would be super awesome. We have a Launcher, Chat Icon, why not a map?


This has got to be one of the easiest suggestions ever made.


I'll donate my video poker machines if you want them in the bar.

z3filus likes this

If JKHub ever hosted their own OFFICIAL JKHub server, a custom map is a must. Me thinks the map should have support for CTF (in case we get bored) I have a few concepts I can throw out there...

More like, it has to support FFA if we get bored, CTF is a serious business. 

Grab, Didz, Raz0r and 1 other like this

I'm afraid to even suggest this, but you could attempt to start another pass-around map since the last one died.  ._.


So you mean this suggestion has been made before? And it died?


So you mean this suggestion has been made before? And it died?


Yeah it was sad really.


I'd love to see a real community map get made sometime, but such a thing won't happen without setting some additional groundwork rules from the last time this was tried.



  • Someone is elected map leader and makes all final decisions, all participants MUST abide by their instructions/directions even if they don't like it.  This will prevent certain design philosophy's from conflicting etc...  This person must have a good activity record of being on JKHUB regularly and generally accepted as a guru on JKA mapping.
  • No one is to map without a blue print of the map design being completed first - that all agree upon.  Map Leader will then assign portions of the map to those participating (volunteering to be assigned is good).
  • Determine a pre-order hierarchy of map design principles, that all agree to (at least for the sake of this particular map).  For example is: level layout and no sabers tffa most important, or aesthetics and 'prettiness', are pretty shaders more important then loss of fps, etc...?
  • All participants agree that any work submitted belongs to JKHub and they may not 'take back' or 'repossess' submitted content.  They agree that JKHub and those participating in the contest have the right to do anything they like with the content.  I suggest that all assets/designs/ideas follow an "open source" like licence.  They are of course welcome to use it in their own works if they like.
  • If there are design decisions (eg: scale, color, weapon placement, etc...) refer to Map Leader to make the decision.
  • A backup Map Leader is also elected in the event that life gets too busy/can't take the stress.
  • Other obvious guidelines like gridsize, texture naming conventions, size, theme, etc...
therfiles likes this

JKG Developer



Yeah it was sad really.


I'd love to see a real community map get made sometime, but such a thing won't happen without setting some additional groundwork rules from the last time this was tried.



  • Someone is elected map leader and makes all final decisions, all participants MUST abide by their instructions/directions even if they don't like it.  This will prevent certain design philosophy's from conflicting etc...  This person must have a good activity record of being on JKHUB regularly and generally accepted as a guru on JKA mapping.
  • No one is to map without a blue print of the map design being completed first - that all agree upon.  Map Leader will then assign portions of the map to those participating (volunteering to be assigned is good).
  • Determine a pre-order hierarchy of map design principles, that all agree to (at least for the sake of this particular map).  For example is: level layout and no sabers tffa most important, or aesthetics and 'prettiness', are pretty shaders more important then loss of fps, etc...?
  • All participants agree that any work submitted belongs to JKHub and they may not 'take back' or 'repossess' submitted content.  They agree that JKHub and those participating in the contest have the right to do anything they like with the content.  I suggest that all assets/designs/ideas follow an "open source" like licence.  They are of course welcome to use it in their own works if they like.
  • If there are design decisions (eg: scale, color, weapon placement, etc...) refer to Map Leader to make the decision.
  • A backup Map Leader is also elected in the event that life gets too busy/can't take the stress.
  • Other obvious guidelines like gridsize, texture naming conventions, size, theme, etc...



I agree with the : "make the content in this map open source." If you really want help the community in any way, open source is the way to go, add the map file in it, maybe an explination file explain shaders, and such. As you suggested, agreed work becomes open source, instead of belong to JKhub. When it's open source, it technically belongs to no one and everybody is allowed to twist and warp it as they please.


However, with the suggestion of 

  • No one is to map without a blue print of the map design being completed first - that all agree upon.  Map Leader will then assign portions of the map to those participating (volunteering to be assigned is good).

Somewhere hits me. You technically say you have to wait untill we all agree on something. You know how much arguing this will cause? I'd like the pass-me-arround way better so everybody can do their share, however since this is being shot down above me, I just randomly guess this is not gonna work. I'd be intrested to help, but I do it all in my own time, and I kinda hate if this is project based working with deadlines. I work enough in my line of field with deadlines, and prefer not to take them with me outside of the job!


I agree with the : "make the content in this map open source." If you really want help the community in any way, open source is the way to go, add the map file in it, maybe an explination file explain shaders, and such. As you suggested, agreed work becomes open source, instead of belong to JKhub. When it's open source, it technically belongs to no one and everybody is allowed to twist and warp it as they please.


I am not a lawyer, but here's how I believe copyright works.


Content creators retain copyright on their work even if they release their content as open-source. Creators can use open-source licences to grant others specific privileges on things that they are allowed to do with the work, such as derivation, distribution, reverse-engineering, etc. The work still belongs to the creator (because copyright), but the creator is giving you a licence that grants you extra freedoms to do certain things with the work.


There's basically three options for managing the copyright on work intended for a community project:

  • Every contributor keeps copyright ownership on the work they create, but they release it under an open-source licence so the community project can use it
  • The community project owner must require all contributors to disclaim their copyright on the work and hand it over to the community project owner before the work can be accepted into the project
  • The community project owner must require all contributors to release their work into the public domain, so the work is no longer copyrighted by anyone

For a fun community map project like the one that's being suggested, the 1st option is probably the best one as the work is open-source, but the contributors still own the copyright for the work they've done.


Creative Commons have a great page explaining what copyright licences do and also describe the licences they offer themselves: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/


Sorry for derailing the thread a bit there, I just wanted to explain that open-source doesn't mean copyright is surrendered.

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