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  1. Artemis's post in One-way Field was marked as the answer   
    You could try using a patch, since the backside of it is nonsolid.  It should let you only run through it one way.
  2. Artemis's post in Shader to be visible through anything was marked as the answer   
    snipped to not promote wallhacking   -Art
  3. Artemis's post in Frankensteining with blender. was marked as the answer   
    I can try to explain what I do.  (With no pictures, sorry.  D:)  It's basic head swapping, but hopefully it'll give you an idea.  If I figured it out from a few posts, I think anyone could figure it out.

    I might have left stuff out; I've been typing this for too long now.  xD  So if you run into problems, just ask.
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