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Top lip looks too fat, do tell though... Why would those 3 small adjustments mean scrapping a head? Dont let your personal profectionism hinder the production of the Hub. I have really yet to see you leave a positive comment ever lol. So your advice will be taken with a grain of salt. Good eye on those trouble areas though.

ZanderNao likes this

I don't think I will ever understand how Starkiller is so hard to model. O.i


He's based on a human with incredibly unusual proportions. Brow, nose, chin, head, ears - none of it lines up like most people. Just too unique for his own good, lol.


I don't think I will ever understand how Starkiller is so hard to model. O.i

I'm pretty sure you'd understand if you'd have a go at it...trust me..been there, failed miserably. major props for these guys over here :D

therfiles and ChalklYne like this

Will do asap. I tried to sketchfab it, but couldnt figure it out on this phone. I still have so much to do elsewhere that I really wouldnt mind starting it over if it was really necessary. I like the practice, it seems like each time I start over, I have to adjust and sculpt less. Ill try the sketchfab again or just post a wireframe soon.


still a lot to be done but heres one of the characters i been working on.


















I hate to be mean, so if you do not want bad critique please do not read the rest.


This model is god awful, looks like a model out of Dark Forces 2, it looks like a monkey with a deformity more than sam witwer.


I hate to be mean, so if you do not want bad critique please do not read the rest.


This model is god awful, looks like a model out of Dark Forces 2, it looks like a monkey with a deformity more than sam witwer.


Scroll.. to the top of the last page :P

Bek likes this

I hate to be mean, so if you do not want bad critique please do not read the rest.


This model is god awful, looks like a model out of Dark Forces 2, it looks like a monkey with a deformity more than sam witwer.

Part of this project is making a massive army of ugly people for me to have fun with.

Omicron, negru_tudor and ChalklYne like this

JKG Developer


Part of this project is making a massive army of ugly people for me to have fun with.

JKG could do with some civilians, not everyone has to be good looking in it

Futuza likes this

I hate to be mean, so if you do not want bad critique please do not read the rest.


This model is god awful, looks like a model out of Dark Forces 2, it looks like a monkey with a deformity more than sam witwer.

You're referring his very first version. 39 pages later, he gets much better.


But seriously, why would anyone want to hear that statement anyway? I'm all for opinions but that statement wasn't helpful at all. :P it wasn't even a critique.

therfiles and ZanderNao like this

You're referring his very first version. 39 pages later, he gets much better.


But seriously, why would anyone want to hear that statement anyway? I'm all for opinions but that statement wasn't helpful at all. :P it wasn't even a critique.

Yea, I just saw his later work, definitely get better. My point in that post being it looked terrible and needed much improvement, and improve he did. 

Circa likes this

I hate to be mean, so if you do not want bad critique please do not read the rest.


This model is god awful, looks like a model out of Dark Forces 2, it looks like a monkey with a deformity more than sam witwer.

Noted. And no worries, if I did not want bad critique, I wouldnt even read this thread lol

Barricade24 likes this

Er, you should fix the link a bit, but the head looks absolutely superb with the textures now,
it's a true starkiller finally!
You man did a great progress on it since the beginning, I simply have no words.

ChalklYne likes this

Wow. Love the texturing, man. The face is a little too narrow. Too pushed in from the sides. And I don't know if it's just me who feels this way, but I don't think his nose curves like that. Should be somewhat tougher. The lips are getting there and the forehead should be mostly right. Be wary of his eye sockets, also. They might be a little smaller but I don't know. Maybe not.


You're getting there, Chalk. Closer and closer.

ChalklYne likes this

he looks kinda malnourished. And kinda more like anakin than starkiller. At least in the last picture :P Only my own opinion ofc.

Ears are still bothering me though, they look like discs attached to the head.

ChalklYne likes this

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