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Big mess of ideas here

First, little things. After Starkiller was betrayed by Vader and thrown out into space, he was given Kota's lightsaber to use, not his own signature crystal one. Also, the new costume on every level thing was only because of an issue with mattel and the action figures. Basically they predicted they would have more use for more costumes in game, so they told mattel to make the figures. Then they found they didn't need all the costumes, but mattel had already made the toys so they had to do it. Certain outfits really are skippable and out of place in game (cloud city, second felucia level for example). After being rebuilt his costume is probably some kind of imperial outfit they found or basic jacket, and the robes from the lab place. Other detail, Juno was actually kept in captivity for months, and was on the brink of death before Starkiller came back. During the evacuation she was chained up by the arms in her cell, and her wrists were terribly bloodied. Not the odd thing that was going on in game with the holographic cell behind a wall of incinerator shield thing. Kazdan Paratus still made the jedi temple out of trash, but he also made the garbage versions of the jedi council awaken as force ghosts and attack starkiller with the fighting styles of each master. I also think it would be better for the story if it started with galen learning from darth vader a few years before the events of TFU. We could make more interesting training modules and set up battles with proxy. The darth vader part at the beginning on kashyyyk in the book was seen as a vision by galen when he entered his families former hut. I think it would be better to do that part then, instead of at the beginning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh ill dropbox u the obj right now. Last night, I wantrd to start a new head... and i was always pissed I couldnt get his lips right, so i just imported the SK model and traced around his lip lines with far fewer polys. After that... I was liking the results and kept going. Granted his head is very lumpy and the shadows dont fold perfect... but the topo is good and I know its proportions are correct because I stuck as close to the model as I could. Ears modeled cheaply, nose as well... but I wanted to save tris and didnt think those areas needed that much anyway.


Ill send u a link.


Ill be finishing the militia sabateur most likely today... But Id like to transfer Sk's eyes_mouth over to his first.

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in progress waiting for my kids to get off school





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Right now hes still screwy...but bare with me

He looks so sad.  :(

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Ill leave this for a while and see if anyone thinks it needs major changes. Besides the fact that I have to remodel his beautiful rack of chin breasts. I screwed something up and now his chin has nipples in the sculpt.



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in progress waiting for my kids to get off school





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Right now hes still screwy...but bare with me

Looks like Daniel Craig  :P

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No, I dont need head proportions, as I mentioned earlier his proportions are spot on. No, I still dont need any Frankenstein stuff and Id appreciate it if you burned that ported head.

That escalated

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Do you now? How many polys in that ther head? Maybe 7000 tris or so? And the polyflow is horrendously translated from 3dripper or whatever. Couldnt deform without little triangles poking everywhere. Dont even get me started on the triangles. Even if you cleaned that mesh up, youd be left with something way different than what you started with and the uv map and normals would all be screwed and hed have to be repainted.


Head is shit my freind. Its a bizarro version of a very beautiful model

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