great model ! Would you be able to do a model for The Stranger from the Acolyte? ive been wanting to use him in duels but nobody has made a skin or model yet
So surprisingly I wasn't using the ultimate weapon pack, only the saber pack. I deleted the saber pack and still have the issue. As long as I know it is a known bug, I won't worry too much about it. New to the scene and messing around with the different ports. Worst comes to worst, there is always vanilla.
Sadly that's a problem with the Ultimate Weapons mod that I assume you are using from the optional PK3's folder. It has so many effects and particles that the engine runs out of space to create more. It's an issue the original coder is aware of I believe but he's on hiatus right now, so I'm not sure if it will be fixed. The workaround is to remove that pk3. It usually is only an issue on that mission, or if you use every single weapon.
So I've started to get spawning issues, the two that stuck out the most were Vjun_3 where the part of the floor that breaks in the cutscene was pre-broken. Also, on Tanaab (Rancor Chase), none of the destructible boxes spawn and the doors have no model or texture to them (pictured). What did I break? (64 bit version)
There's two cvars that need to be enabled for proper lighting on that map. r_hdr and r_floatLightmap. In the linked ui mod its the HDR and the HDR Lighting support options. The HDR setting does not refer to HDR monitor output, but calculating all colors in a bigger colorspace.
Suggested cvars would be r_cubemapping 1; r_deluxemapping 1; r_parallaxMapping 1; r_tonemapping 1; r_autoexposure 1; r_hdr 1; r_floatLightmap 1
followed by a vid_restart
I installed rend2 with the default settings and while the map looks really good, it doesn't look like the screenshots here. Mainly, it's a lot darker.
Are there any settings you suggest using for rend2 instead of the default ones, or specifically for this map? Or is this a HDR thing and it's tone mapping (my monitor isn't HDR)?
P.S. I am correctly running rd-rend2 renderer, not vanilla (see screenshots).