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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. uuuh, all limits of JKA code are related to bit maths... i fought for years with the bit maths of weapons and only recently i raise the limit to the max that can really support the engine (256 weapon slots.) mmm...,so is necessary to change to another value, like 32, the value of the max indexes of shader and vertexes, and also to fix the q_algin value for match with this edit? (for example, they shoould be both on 32, i guess)... sorry if i am shooting silly things, but i confess that i not understand much the bit math code related things. consider that i never finished high schools, so i lack of a lot of match knowledge. i have just the basic algebra knowledges of polinomes expressions.
  2. Thanks for the better explanation. honestly i had not a minimal idea or how to solve this trouble so i warned artemis that i was not sure that is the correct solution. i am fighting from years with the memory buffer allocations trouble. cause it is a pain in the ass for me, expecially the weapons number and force power limit to 32 bit slots and the menu limitations. i raised up NPC, SAB, visual FX and Menu buffer memory... but only 3 days ago i see how to replace the STAT_WEAPONS for raise the weapon limit and now i am testing how may weapons can effectly store the engine. i never gone deep on the issue of HD models, probabliy cause i'm loving vintage games so for me is not a big deal not have HD photorealistic modles into JKA. mmm so struct shaderCommands_s { glIndex_t indexes[SHADER_MAX_INDEXES] QALIGN(32); vec4_t xyz[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES] QALIGN(32); vec4_t normal[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES] QALIGN(32); vec2_t texCoords[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][NUM_TEX_COORDS] QALIGN(32); // ... } this edit can solve the problem of artemis? it should allow to models to double the numbers of vertex and shader indexes... not sure of that, honestly i not understand much of bit math.
  3. if openjk developer not changed it, you can find into tr_shade.cpp of the vanilla renderers code void RB_EndSurface( void ) { shaderCommands_t *input; input = &tess; if (input->numIndexes == 0) { return; } if (input->indexes[SHADER_MAX_INDEXES-1] != 0) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "RB_EndSurface() - SHADER_MAX_INDEXES hit"); } if (input->xyz[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES-1][0] != 0) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "RB_EndSurface() - SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES hit"); } for deactivate set as commented out the strings of error, like in that way: /* if (input->indexes[sHADER_MAX_INDEXES-1] != 0) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "RB_EndSurface() - SHADER_MAX_INDEXES hit"); } */ here is the source of the trouble: q_files.h #define SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES 1000 #define SHADER_MAX_INDEXES (6*SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES) as you can see, here is set the infamous limit of mesh complexity. a mesh cannot have more of 1000 vertexes, and this is valid on default JKA, for MD3 models and for GLM too. the shader indexes on my code is about 6000 as max value, but for what i know into the new versions of openjk, the limit should be doubled, at least for Multiplayer, not sure about single player. CAREFUL: comment out only the comment that cause the crash Com_Error. this code affect the game rendering. Edit that without know exactly what are you doing can have unpredictable effects on the game! i reccomand you to make a back up of all game executables and dll before override with the edited code. this not solve the issue cause HD models can cause annoying lags, but at least you shut down this boring error message.
  4. Happy birthday JK! nice news ! these porting can actract a lot of new players
  5. LOl, cutie, but should be add also a jango fett - no helmet head (stormies should reseanoable have his appereance cause are his clones )
  6. for reduce damage and or disable moves, you can clone they sabers, and into the new sabers created, you can put damagescale 0.5 (damage of saber is half of default) and change thre kata (combo attack) with katamove command. you customize a ton of combat stuff of a NPC customizing the SAB files they are using.
  7. @@spacegnome26 @@DLT-19 hello guys, i have not again had success to do that working, cause i get an infinite load maps looping issue, but this is the code that do the magic for Fuck out the 32 bit limit. maybe we can work on that together on that,
  8. i never used the breakable until now. let me know if it work!
  9. That require a skeleton rerig with JO outcast skeleton. i am a ja modder so i cannot do that, sorry.
  10. Not for sure, but is basically a scripting of icarus. for what i understood, is not possible to script directly a misc_model or a misc_model static. BUT,if a model is linked to abrushes with control + k, and the brush is set as func_usable, that can solve your problem. you need to make an invisible noclipbrush basically or something like that, into the same place of your model when you have the colliders, place the misc_models, one the generator okay, the other the broken generator. make two copies of the collider brushes, group the first copies asfunc_usable and put a targetname e and a script_targetname. same with the other brush group for broken model. now, link with control + k the generator model to the usables func clips 1, and the broken to the usable funcclips 2 (that is set as start_off) now is all question of use a script that you need to run when you want to broke the model. mmm i am not sure about how to make that part... :\ but however when you run the script, activate from the event that broke the generator the script "use"the 2 clippers, switching off the intact model, and on the broken and at the same time play also a fx_runner with targetname. that is all i know... for have more answers the unique is decompile scripts of jedi outcast, and the map of the generator too. for have a pratical example about model replacing... i remember a level on JKA with the same situation: the t1_danger map. when you start the level, you see the place when put the pieces of ship for repair the transport with a red aura. these glows are MD3 models and are replaced by the misc_model of the model of the piece when you return after u get the piece avoid the sand worms. that is the kind of stuff you need . extract t1_danger, decompile the map and study his structure and their script. remember however that the misc_model_static and misc_model entities not survive to decompiling
  11. sorry but i was on hospital. where there are two way for doing that, one is coding, but is little tricky, the other... have you tryed with ammo force powers crystals dropped from CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER foes?maybe you can recharge with items and some kind of elemental magic cloacking creatures. you should archivie that for the most powerful weapon maybe. we well talk on discord of that, if you want. bye.
  12. One of the best mod of ever! Thanks from the deep of heart for did that man!
  13. i know only 3 way for fix it. 1 - remove the SHADER file of the mud trooper 2 - use openjk , should have raise the limit of buffer of shader fuck crash 3 - edit the source code of JKA for uncheck the line of command that cause the crash and fire the error. (i did that on my edited code)
  14. for what i know the witcher allow porting. you should get geralt directly from original game and rig for JKA. OR you should use the old model of legolas that i see on filefront years ago and reskin for make gerard.
  15. @@RecklessJames. impressive. i coded for ECM a dark black saber but not works much, keep it up!!
  16. thanks for summon me, @@Lancelot. Mmm, i am not a c++ expert, and i am using VS2010 so i am a lot up-to-dated with coding. But for what i know, that mean that this function is already coded in some other part of the code, so when try to build make an override or an overload. that on VS is allowed only if 2 functions are same names, but different structure. for example Void WP_Shootmonster (gentity_t *ent, number 1, number 2, int altfire) Qboolean WP_Shootmonster ( int altfire, bool chargeshoot) that is okay, despite of name, are 2 different functions. instead, if 2 functions are 100% matching, as naming and as contain, have the same body, so basically you are recoding the same thing 2 times, that create troubles. You need to find the duplicate function that use the same stuff and edit, or uncheck it so is not readed. uncheaking including the function between /* */ stack unactivate command lines. However, i'm not an expert. maybe @@eezstreet or @@ensiform can help you better. good lock for your project, but is realy ambitious to make a shop with zombie waves... many things can be done just with menu system, i am working with noodle on some kind of rpg menu system like kotor. for moment i have multiple choice dialogues working. i need again to add bounty system, music, shop etc... that require not much code hack effectliley. if you wanna a nice code system for RPG with Menu properly coded you canj check JKG source code. but i warn you: i tryed to reply on May on this years his functionality for SP but it was too big and complex and i failed to recrate his weapon system library... but JKG have also a trading a loot system and shop vendors for weapons and other stuff. you however, are a c++ beginner, so i doubt yo0u can do something so big. maybe you should just make something more easy, like cloning the T2_RANCOR objective of game ghat count number of prisoner saved and converting for count credits or ammo or any other kind of variable that you want to add into the gameplay for unlock something. but that is mostlyarchivable with icarus scripting, simply vendor need a icarus cvar that reach a certain value, before give you the desired weapon something like on icarus: declair float value credits set credits 0 use new game objective for track credit number on datapad) when credit are on same value and reach something like if (credit = 100 ) affect player SET_WEAPON WP_CONCUSSION and you "purchase" a concussion. t1_danger and t1_rancor levels of default game offer you the scripting you need.
  17. I'm pretty sorry and very apologies for the late of the answer. i passed the last weeks on hospital for cure a bad infection. i turn home only now. On my SP weapon tutorial and eez MP weap tutorial there are info about adding new weapons but you right. there is a restriction caused by the fact that JKA is a game designed with a 32 architecture and use a BIT FIELD for store information of weapons selectable and switchabel from player \ npc. the 33 weapon simply is not readed and fire "could'nt load item for weapon " ERROR crash. on MB the weapons are customized by characters and NPC. on Movie Duels SP the limit is raise up to 64 weapons, also if i had not again success to reply i was studying the problem but i never solved. maybe you can use the source code of this mod as base for your own project you have 3 possiblity for go up the trouble - rise the limit allocating weapon loading in something of different of STATS_WEAPONS.(that is the fucked incriminated function!) maybe using std::vector s. you need advanced C++ skill for do that. - create like a SAB file, an external weapon library for allocate that. as work the code of JEDI KNIGHT GALAXIES. i tryed with 1 month of code job but i failed is really too complex to reply on SP for a lonely person @-@ - on my code at moment i used a different strategy: i assume that weapon and force powers are not more WEAP or FP, but Categories. A weapon become a slot of weapon like GTA so one for gun one for rifle one for saber, one for grenade . i added new strings to NPC data files that allow to to customize a weapon for example playermodel gran weapon WP_BLASTER_PISTOL guntype revolver well, the model of WP_BLASTER_PISTOL of this npc, the visual effects, the weapon icon and descript9ion and the balistic are r4eplace with a revolver into the code. in that way there is not any limit to weapon or force power addable. a NPC can have 32 different weapons and playertoo if use NPC with playermodel commnand. that allow infinirte combintations. rememeber to increased also the effect buffers on FXSCHEDULER.cpp and the MAX_NPC Data size and max saber data size on your code. Remember also to deactivate the weapons dropping of other NPCs and replacing with ammo generical dropping (like mark droids and shadowtroopers that drops metallic bolts and force crystals) or you will have trouble with weapons world models. also, that affect the gameplay. weapons on that way should be gained as reward of quests etc, not simply take weapons dropped by foes. (more strategical i guess and more nice)
  18. Download openjk and visual studio, create a solution, open the solution, edit the code exactly as i told on the post of this tutorial, but for a Black saber instead of white and add into gfx/effects/sabers a black line shader and a black glow shader.
  19. Download openjk and visual studio, create a solution, open the solution, edit the code exactly as i told on the post of this tutorial, but for a Black saber instead of white and add into gfx/effects/sabers a black line shader and a black glow shader.
  20. Sure, sorry for late, i am a lot sick
  21. this require Quake 3 MAP exporter for blender 2.64 (i guess is on mr wonko suite here on jkhub) but honestly for me worked only the oldest blender 2.48 with his specific Quake3 map exporter. is not a good way however, if you notice, tons of brushes are stretched out into the conversion on map format. i know a way to port on 3d studio max 2010-2013 every kind of 3d stuff and convert into a map file, but is not again official released.
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