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  1. Good job dude, this is cool!
  2. Oh man, this is a blast from the past.
  3. This is absolutely stunning, awesome work!
  4. mjt

    Heeey! Still around I see - how's it going? 🙂 Have you considered a port to JKA for your shoot / dodge mod?



    1. tinny


      Hey Mjt!  It's deprioritized right now since we just had a new born and I have a new job.

  5. This is pretty funny.
  6. Very cool, also you might enjoy this shoot dodge mod since you're an MP fan:
  7. This is pretty creative!
  8. Wow, these are astoundingly high quality!
  9. Hey everyone, our family’s had some setbacks so it’s hard to actively port it over but I haven’t forgotten about it and I will slowly make progress.
  10. Thanks so much dude!
  11. @KyleRendar, yep, actively working on porting this over to JA for version 2.
  12. Will be streaming the mod later today at 3 pm EST at: http://twitch.tv/themoddinggamer
  13. Most of this stuff should easily be wrapped up in cvars to toggle things that one person might fun and another distracting.
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