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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. Thanks @ Can you tell me what the shader errors are exactly? It was not targeted at single player and multi player didn't report any such errors when using JA+. Due to the high polygon count some issues are expected, although LODs are available.
  2. Looks sweet, shouldn't Disney or whatever have created that game by now? It seems Visceral Games is working on something similar without Jedis involved so there's hope we'll get a decent product.
  3. I never gave permission to use Malgus' head on that Vulture model, find another one. This whole kitbashing /porting thing is getting ridiculous...just my opinion of course.
  4. I use a Graphire 4 6x8 it's quite outdated by today's (or back then) standards but it still works flawlessly. I was looking at the huion brand for a potential replacement, if not i'd probably take the intuos pro "medium" around 250-300$ Honest review here:
  5. @@hleV That's why it can be turned off on mine! @@Noodle Very considerate of you, seems like character modelers are becoming useless with all these ports / kit bashing. Understandable tho, gamers are like coke addicts when it comes to content, they always need more and right now, so porting is a lot quicker.
  6. How come i took screenshots with it then? Please elaborate.
  7. The textures need shadows casting and highlights, what you have now is pure diffuse color, which is bad.
  8. Thanks for the support guys, i would've loved to do more work for this mod.
  9. That's why carcass is still the best troubleshooting tool, it will freak out on the most basic errors and tell you what is wrong. A missing mesh in a LOD level would halt the compiling process right away. Not sure blender workflow can use it tho. As much as i like this new hybrid, the textures are killing it for me, need more polishing but i'm very picky
  10. The head texture could be improved in the "shadows" it looks like a 100% diffuse pass and clashes with the shading on the cloth for example. The eyes are quite odd, give the poor guy some eyelids!
  11. Finally started on textures.
  12. @, your hierarchy is incorrect, you linked everything to the head. You can't do that, you have to follow the universal hierarchy. There might be a script or a reference for this step in blender, all that stuff is done via script in max so i never bothered to write it down. You'll have to open a working model and look under "stupidtriangle_off" to see how the linking works. Or checkout minilogo's XSI tutorials, there's most likely a diagram for it. Another major problem is you have no tags in the hierarchy either, that's also really bad. All those little triangles that you imported along with the original models are mandatory (well one set of tags needs to be there, no duplicates). If this model attempted to be compiled the old fashioned way, there's no chance it would have been turned into a .glm Also the .gla in your .pk3 is useless you can take it out. EDIT: Checkout the hierarchy section in Tim's tutorial.
  13. If you haven't already, you should fudge around with the pivot point itself and not touch the tag geometry.
  14. Model wise it's quite easy to do, duplicate model and add something like a push modifier set to 0.01, it just offsets the model enough to get rid of the z-fighting. If you're asking shader wise...i'm not sure that's even possible.
  15. I'm guessing you're working with blender so i can only offer general tips: -If the armor covers the whole body you have to break it into separate pieces and link to corresponding body part (the UV mapping should be final before you do this). -Name each armor part with a straight forward name (prefix the same as its parent mesh) i.e.: torso_armor, l_arm_armor, l_leg_armor etc. -Add skin weights to the new meshes. -Export / compile and keep fingers crossed. -If previous step succeeded, check / edit the .skin files to have the new armor chunks added and pointing to the correct path and textures.
  16. This might be what you're looking for: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/210-splitting-up-a-model-with-noesis-fast/
  17. 140 downloads

    It's a green screen that also comes in black, gray, blue, orange and red. Re-using AshuraDX's clever turntable setup, this will help you create...special effects and whatnot, just like George Lucas! Command line options: Default green color npc spawn greenscreen (no floor) npc spawn greenscreen2 (with floor) Additional colors: npc spawn greenscreen_black npc spawn greenscreen_blue npc spawn greenscreen_gray npc spawn greenscreen_orange npc spawn greenscreen_red Additional colors with the floor, add "2" at the end like so: npc spawn greenscreen_black2 npc spawn greenscreen_blue2 npc spawn greenscreen_gray2 npc spawn greenscreen_orange2 npc spawn greenscreen_red2
  18. You need to blend the photo source with hand painting on the model itself or else it looks very odd, still a good attempt, just needs more artistic work.
  19. Because it took me exactly 5 seconds to make it and i wasn't aware the game had flat colors If there's a way to fix the floor issue i'm all ears (i could move it up but then that would clip through the players feet even more...) Archive updated: Default green color npc spawn greenscreen (no floor) npc spawn greenscreen2 (with floor) Additional colors: npc spawn greenscreen_black npc spawn greenscreen_blue npc spawn greenscreen_gray npc spawn greenscreen_orange npc spawn greenscreen_red Additional colors with the floor, add "2" at the end like so: npc spawn greenscreen_black2 npc spawn greenscreen_blue2 npc spawn greenscreen_gray2 npc spawn greenscreen_orange2 npc spawn greenscreen_red2
  20. @ Hit this DOWNLOAD link for the final version. Type npc spawn greenscreen for the version without a floor and greenscreen2 for the floor model. There's a glitch with the floor version, it can't be used in far away shots (the game's floor seems to z-fight with it) but as long as the player stands relatively close to the back wall it will work. Big thanks to @@AshuraDX for providing a better alternative.
  21. If you want a floor added it's no problem (can be turned off via .skin files anyway). Hell you could even use an inverted box or cylinder so you get a better coverage no matter where the camera shoots. Yes, the shader means the lights won't affect the color, it will always be the same, so no fussing around when you "alpha" it out of the picture. @@AshuraDX good idea, that would get rid of the crooked screen completely. One major problem tho is that i'm still on max 2010 and can't load the original scene, i'll see if i can re-import the .glm instead.
  22. Try this un-tested version the screen is weighted to the pelvis but if that doesn't work well i can change it. It will need a shader to make it a pure color. I will do fixes later if needed.
  23. @@AshuraDX Almost done, except windows 7 and the xsi plugin don't cooperate for now.
  24. Sure. It's strange but has a purpose and quite easy to do.
  25. Looks like you forgot that most of the modeled parts come from Darth Shiftee's work not Lizfizz...how about you give him credit instead?
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