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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. Why are you ruining my memories of mots & DF2 by bringing Anakin's face into the mix?!
  2. As requested by @@Xesh http://comicvine.gamespot.com/xesh/4005-82669/ Design is nothing spectacular but hopefully i can come up with something decent. No plans to add a face to it, at least not for now.
  3. Could we also get a non stiff non girlie non wonky blaster stance? Something like starwars 1313, anything would be better really.
  4. @ I redid the whole thing from scratch, hand painted in photoshop. Break down the texture into 3 stages: First stage: shapes (in this case rectangles and circles), easy, that's the stage where you set proportions and the layout. Second stage: Forms, the most important part. The rectangles are not flat but beveled, so now they have depth, means they cast shadows and will also reflect light at the top. Since the light is coming from above, the top part of the details will be the lightest, starts getting darker as you reach the lower part. Once you have a convincing beveled ridge you can start adding subtle highlights to sharp angles, helps define the material as some type of metal. Third stage: Details, overlay dirt (you could use grime textures or custom grime brushes) where it would most likely accumulate, because of the beveled details it would make little sense to have the splashy dirt fill in the crevices so i simply masked them out so the overlay would not appear in the cracks. Texturing is a buildup process, not a one shot operation. Bonus: never ever use pure black when shading, especially if the object is not black in color. Pure white is ok to use but only at the sharpest highlights, if you start painting every highlights pure white it won't look like specularity anymore. Here's a breakdown similar to how i do it:
  5. -JO models will work in JA without any modifications, the only difference is that some of the JA actions will not behave correctly, this is due to changes to the JA skeleton vs. JO skeleton (Raven removed some useless bones and added some, also renamed some). Those actions are mostly saber taunts if i remember correctly, the additional bones are extensions of the upper leg bone and not mandatory. -To compile an old JO model to JA you will need to make the old skeleton match the new .GLA. What happens is the compiler or exporter needs to find the referenced bones in the .gla from your exported or compiled model, if there's a mismatch you will be notified and the process will stop, telling you what you need to fix...at least when using the compiler. To make a JA only model, you would simply do the frankenstein as usual but you would need to rename and remove some bones from the skin list. Once complete you compile / export using the JA .gla...and keep your fingers crossed.
  6. Sorry if you had already mentioned those "issues" were gonna be fixed down the road, i found it strange that you'd let them slip through. I don't use substance but it looks like its baking a spec map and overlaying it on top of the diffuse, pretty neat feature.
  7. Really like these, a lot of care went into their creation and it shows. -My only gripe for the blaster is the lack of specularity painted in the diffuse. Looks like a cement material instead of shiny plastic, you have to "push" the diffuse in older engines and paint light / cast shadows too, AO alone won't work as good unfortunately. -Is there any reason why the utility belt on the trooper is not fully weighted the pelvis? It seems kind of odd to have those hard shapes deform like rubber.
  8. Apparently more user friendly but not sure it would be compatible with JA? http://kristianduske.com/trenchbroom/index.php
  9. Head over to gmod help forums, you'll have better luck or try contacting this dude: https://jkhub.org/user/3330-akainutamaki/ he ported my EG-5 model to gmod.
  10. Didn't work in max 2010 x64 at first, but installing the x64 C++ Redistributable fixed the issue: https://jkhub.org/topic/6068-autodesk-3ds-max-glm-importerexporter-plugins/
  11. Pick your favorite Fett model, load up the textures and turn them to "black and white" while retaining the original details (desaturate). Setup masks so you can easily select and change the intensity of how white you want the armor pieces, cloth and whatnot.
  12. How many verts / triangles does this model actually have? If carcass is right then there's a boat load of optimization needed XD
  13. Desaturate a regular Boba Fett and you're done, well almost. McQuarrie version would need a proper model.
  14. Open shader file and look for the head texture, remove the portion that applies to the head and save.
  15. Which manual? I can assure you that you do not have to create any splits if you don't want to. It's the old way of creating smoothing groups for an old engine. I guess the plugin requires it? nevermind me then.
  16. -You need all tags -The "off" meshes are called caps, they close the opening of the segmented characters / objects so they look like solid objects when sliced by a saber blade. If they are removed you will see "inside" the hollow sliced limb. They are not mandatory and can be added at a later time.
  17. Check the tutorials section for Blender and you should be good to go.
  18. It's fine, just needs to behave like real chrome...cavities do not have reflections
  19. The problem was possibly the lack of an alpha channel in the diffuse texture...or are you saying you didnt like the look of it? Your shader on C3PO looks a bit odd because everything is chromy, all the cavities should have the effect removed (that's what the alpha channel is used for) for more accuracy.
  20. If the model was compiled for JK3 it will most likely go FUBAR when loaded in JK2, the solution is to reimport the model in blender (because it can also keep weights intact) then rename the hand bones to l_hand and r_hand instead of l_hang and r_hang. Once that is done, you will need to recompile it using the JK2 .gla. Someone that already knows how to work with blender should be able to do this quite easily.
  21. Only if i get 99% of the credits and a few screenshots of the port when it's done. I will also accept paypal donations, they can be sent to psykopat@geocities.com can't blame a guy for trying!
  22. It looks good for what it is / was but the texture on the head could be improved a lot.
  23. You guys are getting too excited over a plastic ass lol XD
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