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    Developing a Boba Fett Single player Mod.
    Guitar, modelling scultping and texturing. general art
    3d Printing. All things Star Wars, 2000AD, WH40K, Halo. Sci fi/fantasy in general
    Gothic themed art. Giger.
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
    General Modding
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    Windows 10

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    Mat Gaunt#7106
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    Mathew Gaunt
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    send the pigeons

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  1. Was thinking of trying out JKG sometime. Bit bored of Mb2 and the wiki on it here has sold me.

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    2. Mandalorian


      thats not the reason... it had boba fett in it.

      The fact you can be him with a jetpack and flamethrower was really neat, I prefer jk2 for singleplayer otherwise.

      I loved mb2 but got into it a little late and find it hard to find servers for them now.

      I wouldn't even say i "play" sp more than really just play levels with my own npc's. taspir with boba fett and lot's of new npc's and stuff ive modded into it.

    3. minilogoguy18


      In lugormod you can play as the merc class, gives you jetpack, flamethrower and grapple gun...

    4. Mandalorian


      Basically its easy to mod,I don't think it could of ever been a good sp game when your so OP,for years I have played it every now and again but i don't use the force powers or have a saber and thought it retarded that their suddenly heaps of people strong in the force who can saber fight so soon after rotj, I could critize JASP forever, which is why i like to play around with it, as there are lot's of cool multiplayer mods already and JAMP is the only reason it took off, other tha...

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