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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. I wonder- did you create this by using the clone pilot texture? Or did you recolor the visor, change the opacity of it to where there was a slight alpha, and turned the head underneath on?


    Nope, no clone pilot textures or meshes were used.Took the Neomarz Commando head, reshaped it, then went into Photoshop and edited the visor to be the right shape. I then deleted the whole visor section and filled it in with an orange-and-reflective hue at 50% opacity. This was saved in .png format (which preserves the empty space as 'empty' rather than just filling it with white as a .jpeg would). Alpha blend takes care of the rest.

  2. AFAIK the only way is to rotate the model.


    I think this might be the case too. Best bet is to take an existing backhand saber and try to 'reverse-engineer' the process for your own custom saber.See how their models, .sab files, etc are set up and try to recreate it.

  3. I continue to work on this model today :)


    Awesome! Can't wait to see what you come up with, man.



    I like the idea. However what the Falleen look like exactly is unknown. SOTE has some shots of Prince Xizor, revealing an alien appearance, but the promo materials for SOTE show quite a human face.


    I think @@Mark Lubbers has captured the essence of the Falleen features so far, but there's plenty of room for creative license when it comes to the details given that some sources display varying degrees of 'human' features as you say. 

    Mark Lubbers and JAWSFreelao like this
  4. As I understand it;


    - If the original work has been uploaded by the user to the Hub, you can look up that file and see what the modder has put under the "License" option. This can be anything from "Anyone can edit this file" to "Anyone can edit this file with permission" to "Nobody can edit this file".


    - If you're using work from a non-Hub file, or if the file hasn't been uploaded by the creator, then all reasonable effort needs to be made to contact the original creator for permission.


    - If contact can not be made (they're not registered here, nobody has an email for them, etc), then you are free to upload your modified file so long as full credit is given to the original creators for their work and you do so under the knowledge that should they ever re-emerge and say they don't want your file hosted anymore, it will be removed by the admins.


    Hope that helps.

    Zamzar and Cerez like this
  5. I wouldn't suggest tampering with the length just adding onto it a few centimeters. Like adding onto the GLM model itself. But either way that's fine man.


    I take your point, I might do something like that in a future v2, probably closer to the film's release when we have more reference material to work with. I'll adjust both the sleeves and other details once we know more.


    For now, the model as-is has been uploaded to the Hub.

    therfiles and Daedra like this
  6. May I suggest just one tiiinyyyy thing..


    To make the sleeves slightly longer:




    See how the sleeve ends just as the thumb bone starts :P


    Tampering with the length of limbs in JKA models tends to have a butterfly effect when it comes to how effective animations look. I'm going to leave it as it is as I know the arms and hands work perfectly with animations at the moment, and would rather not jeopardise that for the sake of moving the sleeve two centimeters closer to the thumb.

  7. I dont want to be rude but.. what the heck is going on with this Clonefest?? Clones everywhere lately O_o

    I know they are cool but and these skins are great but why there are so many versions here ??


    By JKA texturing standards, the Neomarz clones are generally set up in a way that makes it very easy to add new patterns, etc to them. They're also a good choice of model for new texture artists to cut their teeth on. Plus that and the vast range of different clones out there anyway.


    Maybe the Hub is just experiencing its own Order 66 and we don't even know it.

    JAWSFreelao, therfiles and Langerd like this
  8. Interesting. You had the same problem when trying to frankenstein Saesee from the scratch? 


    Oh, just seen the post above. @@Jeff, any hope for a miracle? :P


    Yep, I've tried it from both the original JK2 model and the edited JK3 one. Same problem with both. I mean, the error itself explains the problem - there is a "vertex without UV coordinates". But I can't for the life of me figure out which vertex it is referring to.


    Even doing a Google search for that exact error quote only gives two (two!!!) results. One of which is a topic on this very website about that model!!!

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