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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. I guess it's some sort of problem with exporting JK2 models. I tried to fix it for my friend, but just couldn't do it, especially with no knowledge on Blender and just testing it randomly, lol.


    It's specific to the horns surface of the Saesee Tiin model. I've been able to import/export other JK2 models like Eeth Koth and Jabba the Hutt with no trouble (just involves a workaround).

  2. Out of curiosity, wouldn't you try to rework Saesee Tiin (Iktotchi) in Jedi robes? As you might probably see, there is a small bug within the model.


    It works fine everywhere, but if you open your .glm in Blender, and try to do anything, it seems like head_horns UV mapping is bugged and it's impossible to export the model back after some changes.


    Yeah, seen this as well. No idea what is causing the bug but it would be great if someone was able to explain/fix it.


    @Śăļvõö can you let us know how you overcame this error? It seems specific to the Saesee Tiin model, but I see you successfully used Blender to make this: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2191-saesee-tiin-in-jedi-robes/

  3. not sure what this means (with the flatten of the hair, i mean not able to do it in blender)


    Don't worry, it's pretty easy to do! Let me talk you through it.


    1. Select the hair mesh.

    2. In the bottom left of the screen, change the mode from 'Object Mode' to 'Edit Mode'.

    3. This will cause the whole hair mesh to be selected as vertices. Press 'A' to deselect it all.

    4. Further along the bottom are three options - Vertex Select, Edge Select, Face Select. I recommend using face select.

    5.With Shift+Right Click, select all faces (that's the triangles that make up the mesh) until you have selected all the parts of the mesh you want to reshape.

    6. Once selected, just edit like normal with the scaling and deforming tools on the left handside menu.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  4. Yeah this is an error from Jolly's Sith Assassin model. We are trying another model but we are waiting for an update on the skin file from @@Kualan . Once we have that we can continue working on it/testing it.


    As I said before, I have a long list of planned skins/kitbashes I intend to do, and Kylo Ren is at the bottom of it. If time is of the essence you're better off imploring someone else. I know you don't plan to learn this yourself, but I would appreciate not receiving multiple PMs and tag notifications regarding this. It doesn't make me want to work on it any faster - quite the opposite in fact.


    Sorry if that seems snappy, but it gets a little tiresome every time I log in to the Hub to have another notification or two regarding this. I will get to it at some point (but we're talking a couple of weeks rather than days).

  5. Just seen your Tango, ARC and Kamino uploads, JAWS. They're faithful recreations of what we see in the show, but upon getting a closer inspection I've got some feedback for you:


    First of all - which software do you use for texturing? Is it Photoshop or GIMP? All I can say you to is - scratch brushes. With scratch brushes you can apply a layer over the armor paintwork that gives it a lived in, three dimensional quality. Even the 'clean' version of clone armor can benefit from this. Look at @@Barricade24 's Clone Shiny for example, and how it isn't just plain white all over.


    Scratch brushes also help to make things like logos and such 'blend' into the armour better. A good example of the change this can make is this early picture of my 501st troopers, way back when I was just starting out:






    See that horrible medical logo on Kix's shoulder? Compare it to the one on the current version and you can see that the scratch brushes make a huge difference in blending the symbol into the armour.


    If you're using Photoshop, this is a good source: http://naldzgraphics.net/freebies/free-scratch-brushes-photoshop/


    Second; the Kamino Security clones. Since they're just grey versions of the Coruscant Guard (even their commander is just a desaturated Fox) I'm guessing you created them by draining the colour from the current Coruscant Guard skins? It works to a point, but there's a curious lack of continuity between the clones and their commander, since the former are using the battleworn clone armour and the latter is sparkling and clean. I'd suggest either making a new 'clean' version of the standard trooper or creating a commander with the battleworn armour (my own Fox skin is based on the battleworn skin so you're welcome to use that if you like). This would create a bit more continuity between the officer and his troops.


    Finally - I love the ARC Troopers. Although the above advice about scratch brushes applies still, other than they're a very faithful recreation of some cool clones from the show and it's great to see you're bringing these guys to JKA. Good work! You're coming on leaps and bounds with these skins and know with a little more tweaking you can become as good as @@Barricade24 .

    JAWSFreelao likes this
  6. Republic at War seems to have some good sounds for Plo Koon, from TCW.


    Aw man, I have that mod sitting on my computer and you're right. These are perfect! Once he's been approved I'll upload an update containing some new sounds. Thanks for the advice!




    Going to PM @@Barricade24 with an updated file for the submission. Hopefully he'll see it before the file is approved. Thanks Ramikad!

    Cerez likes this
  7. I don't quite see the problem with the article myself. It was a teaser announcement, not a profile piece on the mod itself. 


    Teasers are supposed to be short, snappy, inciting the reader to want to know more. Just because most of the information is already available on the moddb page doesn't mean it doesn't have a place in the News section of a website that aims to be a keystone of the JKA community.


    If all of the Hub's output was like this, I could understand the criticism. But it isn't. There's a place for brief teasers amongst the interviews and lengthy features. In fact, I'd say including some shorter, easier-to-publish material helps with the frequency of updates on the front page, which in turn shows newcomers to the site how active this community still is.

    Circa likes this
  8. Got on a bit of a roll and uploaded the updated Shaak Ti model too. It kitbashes the old JK2 Shaak Ti head by Aaron Smith with a few more modern torso/robe meshes.


    Next on the list is the 'Clone Wars' Plo Koon model. I managed to resolve the deforming facemask issues and he works pretty well in-game. Just need to source some custom sounds for the guy.

    Cerez likes this
  9. True. But weren't Senate Commandoes non-clones anyway?


    Aye, I wasn't using the clone head though. I was using the Spanki head, due to the wide range of customisations available for it. However to shape the helmet to fit that face you end up with the helmet looking too chunky.


    I might revisit it at some point, but for now I think these guys are ready for a 1.0 release.

  10. I had an idea- if you made an alpha channel over the visor and turned on the face texture underneath, would it not be showing his face? Like with Captain Argyus.


    I actually tried that! Unfortunately there was no way to make the helmet 'fit' a face (I was using Spanki's head as a standard, since it has so many customisations) without resizing it into the same sort of chunky bucket-head that the original Neomarz models had. Either that or reshape the face to fit the helmet, which just causes a derpy lack of visual continuity between it and other models.

  11. I think the main work that needs doing on the helmet at the moment is a little more reshaping - on the image @@NumberWan posted we can see it is wider at the bottom and than it is at the top. The current model is the opposite.


    @@JAWSFreelao The shoulderpad currently is slightly larger in the image I posted, but I plan to make it bigger still - it's just a case of slowly increasing it and testing it out to make sure it isn't going to cause a lot of clipping issues.

    JAWSFreelao likes this
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