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Posts posted by Droidy365

  1. Hey guys, I'm currently working on a mod project called "Sword Art Academy", and I have a Kirito model ported by @@The4thRemnant. However, I know that I'll never be allowed to release it with a ported model. So, perhaps a Frankenstein combined with a bit of extra work for the head and accessories would be better. Could someone take this model, add a few of Kirito's accessories, and make a head that looks like him? (With @@Scerendo's permission, of course) That would be great.


    As for the swords, I wouldn't mind having a port of these models for the sake of a placeholder and referencing, but they will need to be properly made too, of course.


    And now, reference images:









    Dark Repulser:







    Current Ported model:







    In-Anime References:














    Thanks guys :D

    scp_chaos1 and Smoo like this
  2. Also, I wouldn't mind making that first one into a mod - maybe not with the same characters, but make it into some assassin/bounty hunter assassinating a senator.

    IMO that would be cool. Who would the Bounty Hunter be though? The Mercs would be replaced with @@JAWSFreelao's Senate Commandos, if he doesn't mind.

    Perhaps it could be @@Langerd's bounty hunter in the Bespin map - like a sort of spin-off.

    JAWSFreelao likes this
  3. When I was rather young, I used to do this a lot with the LEGO Games; LEGO Star Wars II, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, probably more that I can't think of at the moment.

    Sometimes I used to do this with JA, too - though I used the old KotF. Man, this takes me back. 

    • I remember going around on SJC's EpIII Mustafar as Obi-Wan, fighting Anakin and a bunch of Grans I had spawned in that got in the way - they ruined the cinematic feel of the fight, but they certainly added to the challenge. Then, once Anakin was beaten, there would be a helluva-lotta Grans w/ Thermal Detonators on the way back to the ship.
    • In Base JA, I recently made a challenge on Taspir (mp/ffa5) where there were a bunch of enemy Player NPCs with all sorts of different weapons (mostly repeaters), a decent amount of health and a lot of difficulty. I mostly made this for the sake of testing my Crosshair mod that I probably won't be releasing any time soon.

    Who knows how I remember all that lol.

    Pickles256 likes this
  4. I figured out a way to make the effect play as they die/disappear! Firstly, I added this line underneath every death animation in animevents.cfg:

    	BOTH_DEATH1		 AEV_EFFECT 83 sao/death_sparks.efx *pelvis		0

    Then I made it so that the death animation only had 1 frame in animations.cfg, as the effects were only playing after the death animation was finished.

    Langerd and Noodle like this
  5. Very close to working, except that the glow seems to disappear when over certain textures and surfaces... I have yet to figure out a proper way to fix this.

    The shader is setup like this:

    It seems to be doing that whenever the glow goes over a patch or a model in the map. Patches are mostly used for round surfaces like you showed in your screenshots. It's also used for the water in Yavin.

    RecklessJames likes this
  6. Also, a little fun fact: If you select a weapon other than a saber and use the /saber command, it will change the model of the weapon temporarily. E.g: saber single_1

    If you have a pistol out, and you use /saber single_1 single_1, it will put another saber in your left hand and it'll change your animations to look like the cultist commando :D

    I made a saber with the pistol model, sadly it only shoots from one pistol - the other one's just for show. Maybe there's a way to fix this?

    Smoo and the_raven like this
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