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Posts posted by Droidy365

  1. I haven't played this in Garry's mod (never even understood how people played it online). Is what you want to make similar to CTF, but with only one flag, and 'props' instead of flags?

    No, it's more of a Hide 'n' Seek game, as the title and the original post would suggest.


    Enter Edit Mode, select all vertexes of that mesh, go to Object Data, then Add a new vertex group to the active object, name the newly created Group after the bone you want to link the object to (since it's a prop, I'm assuming it doesn't have to be anything aside from moving around) and click Assign. Repeat for all meshes.

    Ok, I did that, and I got this mess:






  2. Hey guys, I'm looking for the best possible shiny floor shader. I've encountered several that I thought were shiny, when they were just transparent with the map mirrored. Besides, I don't want it to be that shiny, I sorta want it to be like this, if it's possible:






    Tompa9 likes this
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