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Posts posted by Droidy365

  1. Hi, for some reason whenever I try to play Multiplayer with my mod, it randomly crashes to the desktop when I try to load a map. It doesn't pop up with an error or anything, it just crashes. I was originally using jamp.exe when it started crashing, so I switched to OpenJK. That fixed it for a while, but now it's back again. Single Player works fine, it's just Multiplayer. Base JK3 Multiplayer works fine, too, but I can't play it with the Conversion mod that I'm making :(


    Please help...

  2. @@Langerd Except it looks kinda weird when blocking with a Staff Saber..... Is there a way to change the one that the Staff Sabers use, without changing the Single Sabers' animation?

    Also, what's the animation used for the Dual Sabers?


    Edit: I've also made a change to the *.cfg file:


    set style1 "g_saberAutoBlocking 1 ; set previousstyle vstr style2 ; set nextstyle vstr style1 ; echo Lightsaber Fight Style"
    set style2 "g_saberAutoBlocking 0 ; set previousstyle vstr style1 ; set nextstyle vstr style1 ; echo Blaster Deflect Style"
    set previousstyle "vstr style2"
    set nextstyle "vstr style2"
    vstr style1
    bind z "vstr previousstyle"
    bind shift "+block ; +speed"


    This makes it so that shift will make you either walk or block + walk. Depending on what Blocking Style or weapon you're using.

    I also discovered that with the animation changed, it actually can be used quite effectively in 1 v 1 duels if they're using the Fast-Style.

  3. @@Langerd Nice lol. Do you mind if I use your version?

    Also, you could try using a different key to make it less "annoying" That is, if you have any more keys you can use lol.

    Like, for example, if you aren't going to use any other weapons, you could try using the mouse-wheel to toggle it. Also, I'll be using it for my "Rebel Conversion Mod" - a mod I probably won't be releasing. At least, not for a while. I might change the animations, too. What animations would I change, though? I'll look around in ModView for a bit, see what I can find :)

    Langerd likes this
  4. Holy Shiet... Can i use this for my mod??


    THIS WORKS PERFECTLY!!! The only thing is the Stance is player model holds saber up which looks weird .. but i can change animations ^^

    Sure, go right ahead! You can give credit if you want, but you don't have to. Also, on a side note, I really enjoyed your Cloud City mission, looking forward to the full version :)

    Langerd likes this
  5. Well, I made two *.cfg files that toggles manual blocking.




    g_saberAutoBlocking 1
    bind    MOUSE3      +force_lightning

    This one disables it, but I have MOUSE3 set to lightning, usually.




    g_saberAutoBlocking 0
    bind    MOUSE3      +block

    This one enables it, but it also makes me unable to use lightning the way I usually do.


    Obviously, you can change the different keys to suit you better :)

    AnonMC, Smoo, Langerd and 1 other like this
  6. On line 64, it says seta g_dismemberprobabilities "40"

    You could try changing it to "75" or, if you want someone to always get dismembered, you could try "100"

    Also, there's one that says seta g_dismember "1000" and another one that says seta g_dismemberment "3"

    Could these be conflicting with each other? I hope this helped :)


    Edit: I just found out those two commands do different things lol.

    But I think that g_dismember "1000" actually disables it. Try "2"

    I found this on the Model Dismemberment Tutorial.



    Type the following into the console:


    seta g_dismember 100


    Press Enter. This command enables the slicing off of body parts due to lightsaber blade damage in the game, but in itself it does not really amount to anything. We need to apply the following next:


    seta cg_dismember 2


    This command sets the value responsible for the dismemberment of characters to allow for the slicing off of hands, feet, arms, legs, head, and torso with a lightsaber. If you prefer it to be only arms and legs, you can swap the value 2 with 1 in the command.


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