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Posts posted by Droidy365

  1. What are you on about, dude?

    Well, here he's asking about whether he's Asian or not, and in the Chinese New Year thread, he's asking if he'd be allowed to enter Jonny Gat because he's kinda from Asia. I'm just telling him that he can't do that if he's planning on using that ported model for those two reasons. I'm not against porting, I use ported models and I'm still waiting for some to be ported. I'm just trying to get him out of trouble before that trouble starts.

  2. If you spawn an NPC with a nickname, you'll be able to control that NPC.


    /npc spawn stormtrooper bob
    /control bob

    And to regain control of yourself:


    If you use this mod, you can change some things about Bob's behaviour, too.


    A useful way to get a camera: Put this in a *.cfg file

    cg_draw2d !
    weapon 0
    cg_thirdperson 0
    wait 3

    When dealing with NPCs, it's useful to use these commands, too:

    g_npcfreeze !

    "g_npcfreeze !" will toggle frozen NPCs


    I hope this helped :)

    Smoo and TheWhitePhoenix like this
  3. Actually, I turned off the Slow-Mo Camera Spin, and now it's a lot quicker - not instant, but quicker. But the question still remains - how will we get the effect to play as they die? Are either of you two good at coding? Thanks, again btw :D



    EDIT: Also, on a side note: How would you make a Team Icon appear like in MP and a custom health-bar that works like cg_debughealthbars and Force Sense?

    These are also for my Sword Art Academy mod lol. I have 3 Icons for 3 teams:

    gfx/misc/cursor_g (TEAM_PLAYER)

    gfx/misc/cursor_o (TEAM_NEUTRAL/FREE)

    gfx/misc/cursor_r (TEAM_ENEMY)

  4. If it's a singleplayer map, make sure the player triggers a target_scriptrunner when he starts the map.




    As far as I know it can't be done without coding. However, you can achieve this in a custom map if you give every NPC a custom deathscript that removes them when they die. 


    The script should be like this:

    remove ( $get( STRING, "SET_PARM1" )$ );

    And every single NPC in your map should have a parm1 command whose value is the same as the NPCs targetname. To activate the script, the NPC should have a deathscript command with a value that links it to the script above. 


    I think that should work!

    Ok, I have a few questions. For starters: How do you set up the parm1 command stuff? lol

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