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Posts posted by Droidy365

  1. Hmmm... We could use the scripts from the JK2/JK3 Ladder map for that part. But what about the map? Are there any Jedi Temple maps with source files, or any people willing to make one?


    Also, I'd love to see the reverse as well - playing as a Clone (or possibly Anakin) fighting off the Jedi. Perhaps there could be multiple versions of this map.

    the_raven and Pickles256 like this
  2. @@Droidy365 Does it work in game?


    Could it be a problem with the dimensions? Your QVM window shows, at the bottom leftish, WxH 512x384. Don’t they need to be in the powers of two just like textures? It may have to be 512x512 but I’m not sure.

    I made the video 523 x 384 because that's what the tutorial says to do. I could try making it 512 x 512. That red window to the left is the result after exporting it as an AVI. And no, the exported ROQ doesn't work in-game, either.

    Here's the AVI I attempted to import, if anyone wants to have a go (it's for my Sword Art Academy mod.)


    EDIT: Ah, I see. QVM won't let me have any other size other than 512 x 384.


    EDIT 2: I've worked out how to add soundtrack now, and it sorta shows up in-game, but not really...? It plays the music with a blank grey screen.

  3. When I get back, I can look into that for you. However this particular method skips on sound. It's more useful for a replacement main menu video mod.


    There is a way to get roq videos with sound but it's not a process that I'm familiar with at the moment.

    Okay, thanks mate. The biggest problem with this is that is's just giving me a blank red screen, rather than a movie. It's about a minute something long.

  4. No, don't put that in sounds.cfg, put it in your NPC file. Like this:



    playerModel tavion_new
    rank commander
    saber tavion
    saberColor red
    weapon WP_SABER
    saberStyle 5
    FP_HEAL 0
    FP_SPEED 3
    FP_PUSH 3
    FP_PULL 2
    FP_GRIP 3
    FP_RAGE 2
    FP_DRAIN 2
    FP_SEE 1
    reactions 3
    aim 3
    move 5
    aggression 3
    evasion 4
    intelligence 5
    hfov 160
    vfov 160
    playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY
    enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER
    // race human
    class CLASS_TAVION
    sex female
    snd tavion
    sndcombat tavion
    sndjedi tavion
    yawSpeed 120
    walkSpeed 55
    runSpeed 200
    health 300
    dismemberProbHead 0
    dismemberProbArms 0
    dismemberProbLegs 0
    dismemberProbHands 0
    dismemberProbWaist 0
    Pickles256 likes this
  5. Meh, that's alright. Opinions are opinions. Sword Art Academy is actually going to be a total conversion, so there's that. I've already made a map for this, and a few scripts as well.

    I mostly chose to do this because Jedi Academy is known for its amazing saber combat, and SAO (the game) is supposed to be based around sword combat. However, there is not a single SAO game that has sword combat that's actually good; half-decent, maybe, but nothing good.

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