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Everything posted by Droidy365

  1. Huh, that's interesting. Did you spawn it in, or was it the one in T3_Stamp? That one's scripted to never die. With the Vanilla Mutant Rancor, I've been able to kill it using dual sabers in SP whenever I spawned it.
  2. I feel like I've seen that in one of the Tatooine maps. Perhaps in the old KotF? Idk, maybe I'm remembering wrong. I'm not sure if it's in KotF 2.1 or not.
  3. These look great! I hope to see more great things in the future
  4. *cough* Porkins *cough*
  5. Also, I feel like it's worth mentioning that the sab2 soundset actually works really well for the Bespin Cops. Perhaps that can be used for some variation. Another thing, please remove the "Don't shoot - where on your side!", I feel like it really takes away from the experience. When they are on your side, it makes sense; it's there to let you know that you're shooting your allies (friendly fire). None of the base/vanilla enemies have ffwarn or ffturn sounds because of this reason.
  6. R.I.P Escape Yavin IV REVAMPED May 19 2017 - 16 June 2017
  7. Funny thing is, someone on the forum said the opposite - Jedi should have more health than Clones. I think that's because Heroes would be weak as hell if they had the same amount of health as Troopers. Control Points are pretty much exactly the same as Command Posts, minus the holographic projector on the floor. There are still a few differences, of course, but they are very similar. I think it's a shame they haven't used them as Command Posts across the map.
  8. Ok, that's good
  9. https://jkhub.org/topic/9990-fix-hapslashs-anakin-model-no-lightsaber-blade EDIT: Oh wait, I think you tried that already...
  10. I typed this up yesterday, have a look if you're interested https://battlefront-forums.ea.com/discussion/107446/order-66-game-type-suggestion-updated
  11. MBII is Movie Battles II. It's a pretty big mod, and I'm not entirely sure which model it is. I might have a look later.
  12. Could you please also post your textures too? I'm thinking of using something like this
  13. That's what Starkiller Base does. I don't particularly feel like doing that at the moment. I might look into the one @@Rooxon suggested, that one looks quite promising EDIT: For some reason, the shaders only work on that map. I'd imagine that the shader is a duplicate of the one from Alzoc III that's designed to work with or without the shiny stuff. And I'm guessing that no-one's done anything with it because of the mod license it has.
  14. Also, I might add to the request: Could someone make a photon sword (AKA lightsaber knockoff)?
  15. Also, another thing - what's the file path for the sounds? It should be sound/chars/character/misc/sound.filename Sometimes I also forget the misc folder and wonder why my sounds don't work
  16. Hmmm...... Well, you should probably start a new thread in Modding Assistance, I think more people will find it then. (We don't want to hijack this WIP thread, either )
  17. Are you exporting to MP3 or Wav? I tend to have a fair bit of trouble with exporting to Wav, so I have to use this: https://online-audio-converter.com/
  18. What specifically do you need help with?
  19. That sounds great!...... Though I think I'll be sticking with my PC
  20. I think I might know what's going on - I think that it's still got the camera enabled from the previous cutscene - try doing that again; when the glitch happens, type cam_disable into the console. If it goes back to normal, then it confirms that's what the problem is.
  21. When I said that, it was still fairly new - some people don't like to go to the cinemas (usually because of the price tag, sometimes they just don't have the time to watch a 2 hour movie on that particular day)
  22. Droidy365


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