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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. Damn its due and I got assignment due at same time lol
  2. pug is like that tho with all players
  3. Id just keep length, width etc default and just change scale I think
  4. You should try do batman, the current one looks funny
  5. Maybe somewhere here http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/
  6. Badass, plan to release the map after you released the machimas?
  7. You just have to change the scale in the .npc file
  8. i could host 1 if im not busy
  9. I can code, but i'll look thought DF2 commits first b4 i'm certain i know what needs to be added lol
  10. ya need OpenJKDed bro, it fixed the sv_allowDownload and sv_allowVote exploits, 2. Yes. 3. I think so, like npcs? I got some npc mods with minijawa, minidesann, mini rancor, etc
  11. Awesome! P.S: didn't realise you're from Australia also.
  12. Smoo

    Saber side hilt return

    Its under profile the button I think
  13. Smoo

    Saber side hilt return

    you need the ja++ client in japlus folder I believe
  14. How would change dark forces 1 to be canon xD
  15. Well there is sabergun if u use my mod or japro haha I find ship flight better on 1.01 or maybe i just get used to it more
  16. Well ignis and I still play on 1.00 lol but we play both versions Also @@Trunks, my server Phantom Academy EU is just like Random EU, pretty much same mod that i made :>
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