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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. Finally getting the hang of mapping after all this time lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smoo
    3. Cerez


      Hahaha! Welcome to the joys of modding for JKA! XD


      Congrats on getting this far, though... seriously!! Don't stop now. ^_^

    4. Smoo


      yeah, i could reskin sorta years ago (not that good but getting better) and could make my own npcs

  2. oops double post
  3. He just fixed the link
  4. you put in a .npc file in it from assets1 or whatever and then rename it to whatever, then edit the file with notepad or any text editor then change the model line to what you want
  5. I prefer Discord over teamspeak tbh lol
  6. Oh snap, just remembered I was working on a Grudge skin/npc atm, I should finish it! It basically has fast walk/run speed and kills u instantly once touched xD
  7. @jragonmaster try build final instead of release
  8. Also it builds as JK2game.dll instead of jampgamex86.dll which is odd lol
  9. Sadly Jeff took his links down
  10. Building isn't the problem, it's an error when you try start a server, you didn't get an error?
  11. I say make it so that people have to message you for a link and they state their intentions of use, such as testing them out
  12. Great my uplay account is blocked lmao
  13. https://github.com/xScooper/Makermod it is failing when we build on our machines
  14. Someone made some changes but it still broken to me I think
  15. Is this still happening?
  16. I'd only use a controller for Single Player though, too hard in Multiplayer lol
  17. Gonna attempt one of these
  18. that's for jedi academy, not jedi outcast There is a jk3files mirror http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Outcast/
  19. Nice, can you also do morigan
  20. Easiest way is to make a new force power in code
  21. That is badass, finally a new badass npc
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