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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. So TIL that just because you CAN set /com_maxfps to 500, doesn't mean you SHOULD...

  2. Ping is being tracked by Bing. But when Bing isn't tracking Ping, it is Ping who is browsing Bing. It's a symbiotic relationship. Unless Ping prefers Google. In which case Bing will feel useless and heartbroken... and change its name to Ming.

  3. So TIL that just because you CAN set /com_maxfps to 500, doesn't mean you SHOULD...

  4. Why do so many servers disable weapons and force?

  5. Reached the 5000 post count. New avatar time. Different band this time.

  6. Reached the 5000 post count. New avatar time. Different band this time.

  7. Watching X-Files all the way from the beginning. (Never watched the full series.) Woohoo! ^_^

  8. Getting used to making mods on Windows 8.1.. I still prefer Windows 7.

  9. Watching X-Files all the way from the beginning. (Never watched the full series.) Woohoo! ^_^

  10. So did my Echo/Fives skins make it into MB2? I read through the credits/updates and saw nothing.

  11. So did my Echo/Fives skins make it into MB2? I read through the credits/updates and saw nothing.

  12. Wasted a whole day trying to get MBII to bloody work... and in the end accomplished nothing... :/

  13. Wasted a whole day trying to get MBII to bloody work... and in the end accomplished nothing... :/

  14. Wasted a whole day trying to get MBII to bloody work... and in the end accomplished nothing... :/

  15. Wasted a whole day trying to get MBII to bloody work... and in the end accomplished nothing... :/

  16. Should I use Radiant 1.6.4? I heard unlike 1.4 and 1.5, it shows lighting circumference when playing light sources.

  17. Anyone have Windows 10 yet? From what I've tried of it it's actually pretty good.

  18. Anyone have Windows 10 yet? From what I've tried of it it's actually pretty good.

  19. I'm going to try mapping with GTK Radiant 1.4. There is only so much makermod can do...sadly.

  20. I'm going to try mapping with GTK Radiant 1.4. There is only so much makermod can do...sadly.

  21. I love it when Jkhub cuts off my sentences, before I ca...

  22. Woah, only now I find out that travelling past 2'147'483'648 units (I think that's the number, theoretically equivalent to 60'397.9776 kilometers) from the origin gets you into completely void parallel worlds, much larger than any map ever created. Mind = blown. Wonder if there's an infnite number of them...

  23. Woah, only now I find out that travelling past 2'147'483'648 units (I think that's the number, theoretically equivalent to 60'397.9776 kilometers) from the origin gets you into completely void parallel worlds, much larger than any map ever created. Mind = blown. Wonder if there's an infnite number of them...

  24. I love the Stormtrooper armor in episode VII, but I think it's too good for the average Stormtrooper. I feel like it should be reserved for some kind of special class or elite ST.

  25. Woah, only now I find out that travelling past 2'147'483'648 units (I think that's the number, theoretically equivalent to 60'397.9776 kilometers) from the origin gets you into completely void parallel worlds, much larger than any map ever created. Mind = blown. Wonder if there's an infnite number of them...

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