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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. Under all that snow lurks my car. Some where.

  2. Taco Cat spelled backwards is...Taco Cat

  3. I love ladies =) All of them.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day guys/gals. Go kiss a stranger right on their mouth hole.

  5. I don't even play these games anymore, why am I still creating custom maps???!!!

  6. It's like when you are sitting in front of a fire, eating a half-microwaved slice of pizza on a cold winter night. Stroking your pet Ligers fur in the moonlight. Contemplating Nicholas Cage.

  7. I am looking for a new username. Let the search begin! (Suggestions are welcome)

  8. Went in a server that had 5 people with a friend, within 10min everyone else quit ;_;

  9. I had the weirdest dream that I worked at RavenSoft, and we were using some really crazy/weird tools. and there was a dentist there, for some reason

  10. How are you supposed to see a thing on JK2 gamecube?

  11. I hate to think how terrible the world would be without DT's Stormtrooper model.

  12. In about a week im going to lose internet until i get settled in in Washington. I will try and wrap up Blackbeard and the T3 first though. I will get to Washington and still be working on my mod, just wont post updates until I get interwebs established there

  13. In about a week im going to lose internet until i get settled in in Washington. I will try and wrap up Blackbeard and the T3 first though. I will get to Washington and still be working on my mod, just wont post updates until I get interwebs established there

  14. Dangit, Caelum! You got me hooked on xkcd! http://xkcd.com/285/

  15. Been busy with gmod. Geez, the way Valve organizes their files...

  16. Woot had my first 3 visitors play on my Makermod server ^.^

  17. Woot had my first 3 visitors play on my Makermod server ^.^

  18. In your opinion, what is the definition of a "loser"?

  19. Classes cancelled! -30 degrees (windchill)!

  20. Playing Resident Evil on the Dolphin emulator.

  21. Classes cancelled! -30 degrees (windchill)!

  22. Idea: Series of Storm Troopers Broadcasting News....hmm

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