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    Lincoln, NE
  • Interests
    I like modding when I have the time.
  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
    Skeleton Rigging
  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64-bit

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  1. for anyone who thinks hands that are not jka hands will not work on models like ported kotor stuff and tfu shit, remember, its not that they AREN'T compatible, its that people are too lazy to rig them

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheWhitePhoenix


      All that is really needed was rigging. Unfortunately, due to either time restraints, RL, or just plain lack of attention span, they aren't rigged. Don't get me wrong, I like putting the JKA hands on them because it seems more..."legit", but if they're properly rigged to work, then I'm not complaining.

    3. minilogoguy18


      Lol, JA hands look terrible, they're just cubes. I don't ever use them, better to just make your own.

    4. General Howard

      General Howard

      Hey sweg, I PM'ed you.. Don't know if you've seen it yet, but can you send me that Arcann model, please. I've had some issues with extracting the version from the penetekepack (or w/e it's called).


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