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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Frankly, I don't remember how they fought, so I can't tell you anything. Sorry.
  2. Eh, not a point&click, but I think some Indiana Jones games were made by Lucas(something). I could be wrong though.
  3. highly unlikely, but very cool! the saber-blade a bit too long, but it's a matter of taste
  4. But it was already in its appropriate folder, I just copied it to a character folder because I thought it would open them thus (it didn't, nor did it open it without copying ) hmm, let me try extracting the assets to the base folder directly... update: ok, so now there' no errors, but Modview freezes
  5. guess we'll now have to rename the topic to "Jeff's ended WIP's"
  6. kinda looks like something from Unreal Tournament or Overwatch
  7. all due respect (and I don't know what the gun is like in BF), but it doesn't look like a grenade launcher :\
  8. By the way, I remember a long time ago, someone posted somewhere on the forums how you can add lightsabers\ guns to the character in Modview. Can you remind me? Also, is it possible to add the swoop bike\ Tauntaun to the character (as mount) in Modview? Damn it, Modview doesn't want to open character, says despite me extracting the whole assets1.pk3, and copying _humanoid.gla into the character's folder. What gives??!
  9. Bots can be selected for the Blue Team, but the "HUMAN" word is stuck atop their names. While in itself it doesn't affect gameplay in any way, it's a bit annoying because you can't always tell what bot you're selecting. Some of the Red Team's selections in list one (player 1 to 8) also change the names in list two (player 9 to 16). Again, this doesn't affect gameplay, but is annoying. Is there any way to fix this? Oh yeah, and since I'm complaining about a glitch (and since I didn't get a solution in my previous thread), again I ask - how do I get RGB sabers to work? I checked the files, reinstalled them, activated rgb effect in the setup menu, set all the shortcuts and links properly, but nothing seems to solve the issue. What gives?
  10. You realize that with Rogue One, they'll have to either skip the Death Star plans' part from his biography, or remake his story outright, if they do decide to make him canon, right? I wanted them to keep KOTOR, but set it some 200 years before the prequels, that'd make sense in what concerns technology, but then they had to go and make a different Malachor and remake the Mandalorians (though I suppose the latter wasn't such a serious change, Mandalorian society could just as well have become humanocentric at some point )
  11. @@Jeff, can I bother you to make a different Jedi Exile for your Kotor Pack? A canon one, that is? Basically, recreate this one, with single blue saber?
  12. FOR PERSONAL USE!!! Phewh, now that that's out of the way, I really need help with this - there' just so many files, I can't figure out which ones of them I need, and which I don't need. Basically, I want to extract two versions - robed and un-robed (tunic), with appropriate team colors (basically a total of four skin sets). Which ones do I need to extract from where? Thanks for the help!
  13. Leave the goose!

  14. Hah! Agreed, except for the part about the Exile being female - the Exile IS female, get over it, people!
  15. JA+ and JA++ have an option for letting bots keep their original saber color(s) in TFFA, and these mods come available for mac (or linux, there's certainly a difference, I'm just not sure what it is) other than that, I'd suggest digging around the shaders or something
  16. variety? what variety? also, thanks for clearing out the matrix issue
  17. Well, now I know what a dickhead looks like. Thanks for that 2 is good, shows off some emotion. 4 is pretty nice and detailed. 5 and 10 I like, they remind me of something from the 80-90's. 6 and 7 I just don't get. the colors are a nice touch in 11, feels like a comic. the last one is pretty cool. overall, I'd say you should work on details, but I like.
  18. Ah, funny how you began with cyberpunk as I'm going to see a cyberpunk play at my friend's theatre college tomorrow As to books, I'm not sure what to suggest. I remember I once came across one called The Cyberpunk Factbook 2.0, or something along those lines. You might find it interesting, though I'm not sure if it's artistic literature or indeed a fact-book.
  19. I second this. (I always wanted to say that)
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